159 research outputs found

    The Mental Health of Black Men: Stabilizing Trauma with Emotional Intelligence

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the impact of historical trauma and barriers on African-American males and the effects of emotional intelligence in reducing traumatic experiences. This research study is based on previous research and studies that explores the historical review of African- American oppression, trauma in black males, and mental health in the African American community. This study will utilize the historical trauma and emotional intelligence theories to explore barriers that African Americans have experienced over time and the role emotional intelligence can play to reduce trauma. It also explores the relevance of historical trauma and addresses opportunities for the implementation of emotional intelligence to improve mental health for African American males. This study will address the questions: How does historical trauma impact mental health in African American males? What are the barriers that African American males are exposed to that leads to traumatic experiences? What are the ways that emotional intelligence can improve mental health for African American males? The design of the correlative study is to explore the systematic barriers from the views of the African American community. The research reveals that although there have been several systematic barriers identified that impact mental health in the African American community, there has not been a sufficient amount of empirical research on emotional intelligence in African American males or on emotional intelligence to reduce trauma. Finally, for future analysis, this study recommends further research on emotional intelligence in the African American community


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    The purpose of this dissertation was to examine depression, experiences of work-related racism, and occupational stress among black nurses. Nursing is a highly stressful and demanding profession that can negatively affect health. Underscoring this is the high rate of depression experienced by nurses. In fact, nurses experience depression at a rate twice that of individuals in other occupations. Examining depression in nurses can provide insights that can inform measures addressing the psychological health of this group. This may be particularly important in black nurses who, in addition to the already high occupational stress associated with nursing, may experience additional stress due to experiences of racism in the work environment. To better understand these factors, the specific aims of this dissertation were to: (1) evaluate the current state of the science of depression in registered nurses; (2) examine the psychometric properties of the two racism on the job subscales of the Perceived Racism Scale in black registered nurses; and (3) evaluate whether past-year or lifetime experiences of work-related racism and occupational stress predicted depressive symptoms and whether, controlling for depressive symptoms, past-year and lifetime experiences of work-related racism predicted occupational stress in a cohort of black registered nurses. For specific aim one a systematic review of the literature on depression in nurses was conducted. This review highlighted factors that underlie the high rates of depression among nurses, and the individual as well as work-related variables that contribute to nurses’ susceptibility to depression. For specific aim two the psychometric properties of two subscales of the Perceived Racism Scale in a sample of black registered nurses were evaluated. The two subscales were past year experiences of racism on the job (ROTJ-Y) and lifetime experiences of racism on the job (ROTJ-L). Reliability for each of the subscales was assessed by examining internal consistency. Construct validity was examined using principal components analysis to evaluate the factor structure of each subscale and by testing the hypothesis that job-related racism is predictive of workplace stress. These analyses demonstrated that the ROTJ-Y and ROTJ-L are valid and reliable instruments for the measurement of yearly and lifetime experiences of racism on the job in black registered nurses. Specific aim three was addressed by examining whether past-year or lifetime experiences of racism on the job and occupational stress were predictive of depression and whether work-related racism predicted occupational stress in a sample of black nurses. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to examine if (1) either past-year or lifetime experiences of work-related racism, and occupational stress predicted depression and (2) either past-year or lifetime experiences of racism predicted occupational stress, with control variables depressive symptoms, years of experience as a registered nurse, primary nursing practice position, work setting, work shift, and work status. Results indicated that experiences of work-related racism and occupational stress were not significant predictors of depression but that both past-year and lifetime experiences of racism were significant predictors of occupational stress. The results of the research conducted for this dissertation highlight the effects of depression on nurses as well as the relationship between race-based discrimination at work and occupational stress among black registered nurses. This evidence can inform the development of future strategies to improve the well-being of nurses in the workplace in general and especially of black nurses


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    Este número contiene 5 artículos, uno sobre recursos naturales y medio ambiente, tres sobre educación y uno sobre salud intercultural

    Distance Education Tutors’ Acceptance Of Learning Management System For Blended Learning In Ghana

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    This study proposed a conceptual framework based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Social Cognitive Theory of Information System (SCT-IS) to investigate tutors’ acceptance of Learning Management System (LMS)-enabled blended learning in distance education (DE). Anchored on embedded mixed method (Quantitative + qualitative) design, the questionnaire and interview guide were utilized for data collection. Consequently, quantitative data was drawn from a sample of 267 tutors from DE study centres across Ghana who responded to the questionnaire, while 15 of them were interviewed for the qualitative component. Analysis of the quantitative data utilized the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique while thematic analysis was used for the qualitative data. Findings from the research revealed key factors of tutors’ LMS-enabled blended learning uptake intention as attitude, self-efficacy, previous technology experience and effort expectancy. However, the Importance Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) results proved that attitude towards LMS-enabled blended learning was the most important and performing factor shapening the intentions of tutors towards blended learning acceptance in DE. Furthermore, the study established non-linear relationships among both personality factors (attitude, self-efficacy, previous technology experience and anxiety) and UTAUT exogeneous factors (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions) towards behavioural intention

    A Simulation Model For Use In Testing A Fast-time Predictor Instrument For Benson Boiler Steam Temperature Control

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    The work reported in this dissertation is aimed at determining a sufficiently accurate model for a section of a power station boiler plant so that at a later time, a fast-time predictor instrument may be designed and tested without interfering with the operation of an on-line boiler unit. The mode 1 required for the predictor instrument is a simplification of the simulation model. The instrument enables the o p e r a t o r to predict, in a short time, how an action taken now will affect the boiler unit in the future. It is suggested that such an instrument would enhance the operator's ability to control the boiler thus providing faster response times to system and grid disturbances. The dissertation includes a review of possible boiler control strategies. A motivation for a fast-time predictor instrument is provided. An analysis of mechanical engineering aspects of the boiler and of simulation techniques enabled a model satisfying the simulation objectives to be developed and Justified. A technique is suggested for determining the parameters for these models. An attempt was made to identify the- model parameters b u t , due to the limited data available and a suspected violation of the Nyquist sampling theorem, the attempt was not successful. Some recommendations are made for improving the quality of the data logged. It is concluded that a simulation model for the boiler processes can be obtained and that the parameter estimation technique is feasible, but that the complex task of system identification will require a considerable effort


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    La revista Ciencia e Interculturalidad de la Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense (URACCAN), tiene como objetivo la publicación de artículos inéditos y de revisión crítica, que contribuyan en diversas áreas temáticas vinculadas a la interculturalidad. Está dirigida a investigadores, docentes, estudiantes y profesionales vinculados a las temáticas: educación y salud intercultural, territorialidad, género e identidad, recursos naturales y medio ambiente, derechos humanos en especial los vinculantes a los tratados y convenios internacionales de los pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes y mestizos. Para fines de organización, la revista está dividida en seis secciones, estas son: Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades, Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente, Agropecuario, Salud, Comunicación e Informática. En este volumen se presenta una compilación de diez artículos organizados en tres secciones temáticas, surgidas en el marco de la praxis educativa en los procesos de fortalecimiento de la Autonomía de la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua. La sección: Humanidades, contiene un artículo de índole histórico denominado: La invasión a bahía de Cochinos, Cuba, desde la mirada de la población de Bilwi, Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. Esta investigación fue realizada por los máster Albert St ́Clair H y Mercedes Tinoco E., funcionarios de URACCAN; en ella se presentan los principales resultados de la revisión bibliográfica y entrevistas realizadas a los pobladores de Bilwi que de alguna forma conocieron y vivieron los acontecimientos ocurridos en el año 1961, de cara a los preparativos que se realizaron en la ciudad de Bilwi para la invasión a bahía de Cochinos, Cuba; además se presenta el contexto histórico-político, el involucramiento de los Somoza en la invasión a bahía de Cochinos y la cronología de la invasión que abarca los principales acontecimientos ocurridos a partir del año 1959 al 17 de abril del año 1961 en que finaliza la invasión. La sección: Ciencias Sociales, comprende siete artículos, el primero de los cuales es denominado: Interacciones interculturales en las aulas de la URACCAN Recinto Bilwi, realizado por la máster Marbel Baltodano Baltodano. El objetivo fue caracterizar las interacciones educativas que se desarrollan en aulas universitarias para tratar de responder por qué y cómo se dan las actitude


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    En este volumen se presenta una compilación de artículos organizados en tres ejes temáticos, surgidos en el marco de la praxis educativa en los procesos de fortalecimiento de la Autonomía de la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua

    Evaluation of Insecticides for the Management of Insect Pests of Tomato, Solanum Lycopersicon L.

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    Field studies were undertaken in Kumasi, Ghana in 2012 and 2013 to evaluate the efficacy of two insecticides i.e. Lambda Super 2.5 EC (a.i- lambda cyhalothrion) and Cymethoate Super EC (a. i.-cypermethrin and cymethoate) for the management of insect pests on tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. Lambda Super was applied at 1.5 ml/0.5 L of water whilst Cymethoate Super was applied at 0.25 ml/0.5 L of water. A control plot (water application only) was also maintained. Whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, aphids, Aphis gossypii (Glover), leaf miners, Liriomyza sp. and the tomato fruit worm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) were the most important insect pests collected on tomato in the area. In 2012, there were no significant differences among the insecticide-treated plots and the control with respect to the densities of B. tabaci, A. gossypii, Liriomyza sp. and H. armigera. Cymethoate Super treated plots recorded significantly lower number of T. tabaci than the control plots. However, in 2013, the control plots recorded significantly more aggregations of B. tabaci, H. armigera and A. gossypii than the Lambda Super and Cymethoate Super treated plots. No significant differences were obtained in the numbers of Liriomyza sp. and T. tabaci among the treatments. In 2012, the insecticide-treated plots recorded significantly higher fruit yield than the control but there were no significant differences among the treatments with respect to percent damaged fruits and mean shoot dry weight in 2013. Lambda Super and Cymethoate Super can be used to manage insect pests on tomato for increased yield. Keywords: Insecticides, efficacy, tomato pests, population densities, yiel

    Management of Insect Pests using Chlorpyrifos Applications at Different Growth Stages of Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L.

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    Field studies were conducted in Kumasi, Ghana in the major and minor planting seasons of 2013 to evaluate the effect of chlorpyrifos applications at different growth stages of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) for the management of insect pests. The treatments were: Chlorpyrifos at 1.5 ml / 0.5 litre of water applied (i) at the vegetative growth stage only (sprayed vegetative), (ii) at the reproductive growth stage only (starting at 50 % flowering (sprayed reproductive) and (iii) throughout the crop’s growth period (sprayed throughout). A control plot that received only water was also maintained. In both seasons, significantly (P < 0.05) less number of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius and Thrips tabaci Linderman were collected from the insecticide-treated tomato plots than the untreated, control plots, but no significant differences were observed among the treatments in the aggregations of Aphis gossypii Glover and Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Chlorpyrifos application in the sprayed throughout plots significantly (P < 0.05) reduced damage to tomato fruits in the major season but not in the minor season. Tomato fruits from the sprayed vegetative and sprayed reproductive plots had comparable damage as the fruits from untreated control plots. Chlorpyrifos application also significantly (P < 0.05) increased yield of tomato from the sprayed throughout plots in both seasons. The best protection to the crop against the insect pests was obtained from weekly applications of chlorpyrifos throughout the growth period of the crop (sprayed throughout plots). Key words: Tomato, Chlorpyrifos, insect pests, management, population dynamic