2,549 research outputs found

    Truncation method for Green's functions in time-dependent fields

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    We investigate the influence of a time dependent, homogeneous electric field on scattering properties of non-interacting electrons in an arbitrary static potential. We develop a method to calculate the (Keldysh) Green's function in two complementary approaches. Starting from a plane wave basis, a formally exact solution is given in terms of the inverse of a matrix containing infinitely many 'photoblocks' which can be evaluated approximately by truncation. In the exact eigenstate basis of the scattering potential, we obtain a version of the Floquet state theory in the Green's functions language. The formalism is checked for cases such as a simple model of a double barrier in a strong electric field. Furthermore, an exact relation between the inelastic scattering rate due to the microwave and the AC conductivity of the system is derived which in particular holds near or at a metal-insulator transition in disordered systems.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B., 21 pages, 3 figures (ps-files

    Entanglement and the Phase Transition in Single Mode Superradiance

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    We consider the entanglement properties of the quantum phase transition in the single-mode superradiance model, involving the interaction of a boson mode and an ensemble of atoms. For infinite system size, the atom-field entanglement of formation diverges logarithmically with the correlation length exponent. Using a continuous variable representation, we compare this to the divergence of the entropy in conformal field theories, and derive an exact expression for the scaled concurrence and the cusp-like non-analyticity of the momentum squeezing.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figue

    Finite-Size Scaling Exponents in the Dicke Model

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    We consider the finite-size corrections in the Dicke model and determine the scaling exponents at the critical point for several quantities such as the ground state energy or the gap. Therefore, we use the Holstein-Primakoff representation of the angular momentum and introduce a nonlinear transformation to diagonalize the Hamiltonian in the normal phase. As already observed in several systems, these corrections turn out to be singular at the transition point and thus lead to nontrivial exponents. We show that for the atomic observables, these exponents are the same as in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, in agreement with numerical results. We also investigate the behavior of the order parameter related to the radiation mode and show that it is driven by the same scaling variable as the atomic one.Comment: 4 pages, published versio

    Transdifferentiation of blood-derived human adult endothelial progenitor cells into functionally active cardiomyocytes

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    Background - Further to promoting angiogenesis, cell therapy may be an approach for cardiac regeneration. Recent studies suggest that progenitor cells can transdifferentiate into other lineages. However, the transdifferentiation potential of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) is unknown

    Centrality scaling in large networks

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    Betweenness centrality lies at the core of both transport and structural vulnerability properties of complex networks, however, it is computationally costly, and its measurement for networks with millions of nodes is near impossible. By introducing a multiscale decomposition of shortest paths, we show that the contributions to betweenness coming from geodesics not longer than L obey a characteristic scaling vs L, which can be used to predict the distribution of the full centralities. The method is also illustrated on a real-world social network of 5.5*10^6 nodes and 2.7*10^7 links

    Dicke Effect in the Tunnel Current through two Double Quantum Dots

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    We calculate the stationary current through two double quantum dots which are interacting via a common phonon environment. Numerical and analytical solutions of a master equation in the stationary limit show that the current can be increased as well as decreased due to a dissipation mediated interaction. This effect is closely related to collective, spontaneous emission of phonons (Dicke super- and subradiance effect), and the generation of a `cross-coherence' with entanglement of charges in singlet or triplet states between the dots. Furthermore, we discuss an inelastic `current switch' mechanism by which one double dot controls the current of the other.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Adiabatic steering and determination of dephasing rates in double dot qubits

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    We propose a scheme to prepare arbitrary superpositions of quantum states in double quantum--dots irradiated by coherent microwave pulses. Solving the equations of motion for the dot density matrix, we find that dephasing rates for such superpositions can be quantitatively infered from additional electron current pulses that appear due to a controllable breakdown of coherent population trapping in the dots.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Sparse Stress Model

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    Force-directed layout methods constitute the most common approach to draw general graphs. Among them, stress minimization produces layouts of comparatively high quality but also imposes comparatively high computational demands. We propose a speed-up method based on the aggregation of terms in the objective function. It is akin to aggregate repulsion from far-away nodes during spring embedding but transfers the idea from the layout space into a preprocessing phase. An initial experimental study informs a method to select representatives, and subsequent more extensive experiments indicate that our method yields better approximations of minimum-stress layouts in less time than related methods.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2016

    Current-Induced Entanglement of Nuclear Spins in Quantum Dots

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    We propose an entanglement mechanism of nuclear spins in quantum dots driven by the electric current accompanied by the spin flip. This situation is relevant to a leakage current in spin-blocked regions where electrons cannot be transported unless their spins are flipped. The current gradually increases the components of larger total spin of nuclei. This correlation among the nuclear spins markedly enhances the spin-flip rate of electrons and hence the leakage current. The enhancement of the current is observable when the residence time of electrons in the quantum dots is shorter than the dephasing time T*_2 of nuclear spins.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Preservation of Positivity by Dynamical Coarse-Graining

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    We compare different quantum Master equations for the time evolution of the reduced density matrix. The widely applied secular approximation (rotating wave approximation) applied in combination with the Born-Markov approximation generates a Lindblad type master equation ensuring for completely positive and stable evolution and is typically well applicable for optical baths. For phonon baths however, the secular approximation is expected to be invalid. The usual Markovian master equation does not generally preserve positivity of the density matrix. As a solution we propose a coarse-graining approach with a dynamically adapted coarse graining time scale. For some simple examples we demonstrate that this preserves the accuracy of the integro-differential Born equation. For large times we analytically show that the secular approximation master equation is recovered. The method can in principle be extended to systems with a dynamically changing system Hamiltonian, which is of special interest for adiabatic quantum computation. We give some numerical examples for the spin-boson model of cases where a spin system thermalizes rapidly, and other examples where thermalization is not reached.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, reviewers suggestions included and tightened presentation; accepted for publication in PR
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