1,009 research outputs found

    Holistic Classification of Wind Turbine Performance

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    The purpose of this project is to generate a holistic turbine health score in an effort to better understand long-term wind turbine performance and health. In the preliminary stages of the project, research was done to benchmark existing solutions and discover which signals should be included in the analysis. Signals were then discussed with Invenergy, the sponsor of this project, to determine which were of the highest priority. These signals include active power, reactive power, blade pitch angles, digital states, and tip speed ratio, which is calculated from wind speed and rotor speed measurements. The specific requirements for the health score were also fleshed out, with the score needing to be at both the site- and turbine-level and span multiple different time periods (monthly, annual). The score should also be dynamic, with the ability for subsystem performance metrics to be added or removed in future iterations. In analyzing data signals, various performance metrics were calculated using Python and compared to one another to discern trends. These metrics include the ratio of measured active power to rated power (active power ratio), the ratio of measured reactive power to the average reactive power across the site (reactive power ratio), the standard deviation in blade pitch angles, the tip speed ratio, and the time spent in each digital state. To compare these metrics, they were each plotted as a function of time, turbine number, and wind speed. It was determined that there was a correlation between active power ratio and tip speed ratio, which makes intuitive sense as they are both measures of turbine efficiency. However, the data did not indicate a correlation between the other metrics. With this lack of correlation, too much understanding and information would be lost in synthesizing these metrics into a single health score. Therefore, the proposed solution to this project is a turbine health dashboard that displays the percent downtime, active power ratio, and standard deviation in blade pitch angles. This dashboard satisfies all of the project requirements, with each metric being displayed at the turbine-level and averaged across the site. Each metric is displayed at the annual-level for direct comparison and the monthly-level to view trends over time. Metrics can also be easily added or removed from the dashboard in future iterations.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169550/1/Honors_Capstone_Wind_Turbine_Performance_Classification.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169550/2/Honors_Capstone_Wind_Turbine_Performance_Presentation.pd

    Ringer’s Lactate vs. Normal Saline in the pre-hospital protocols. Isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic fluids, when, why, and where are they primarily used?

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    Normal Saline (NS) (0.9% Sodium Chloride Solution) and Ringer’s Lactate (RL) also known as lactated Ringers (LR) (Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, calcium potassium sodium salt, hydrochloride (1:1:1:2:4)) (ChemSpider, 2015) are the two primary fluids used in resuscitation in the pre-hospital environment. In generally established protocols, these two rarely exist together in the same protocol for use by EMS personnel. In theory, NS is the primary fluid used in much of the Eastern United States (US), while Ringer’s Lactate is generally relied upon in the Western United States. The primary goal of this study is to examine resuscitative fluids as well as the others discussed in our course textbook. Three questions are to be addressed: When are these fluids used, why is one Isotonic Crystalloid Solution better than another for a given resuscitative purpose? Why is there a difference not only in our text, but also in the common usage for these fluids? Where are these fluids commonly used within the US, (i.e. where based on prehospital protocol guidance are these used)? Other Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic, Colloidal, and Electrolytic fluids will be examined under similar context. Peer Reviewed Authoritative Studies, if possible, interview with Medical Directors and EMS Council representatives setting locality based Protocols, and cursory web survey/review of available online EMS protocols will be used to answer these questions. Due to uncontrollable circumstances, interviews were not possible. Electrolyte administration discussed in Guy is a special condition of hypertonic solutions. Electrolytes will not be specifically discussed in this paper. This study found many study authors acknowledge the long time debate along the same lines, which is best, NS or RL. Based on the research, this author would lean toward use of Ringer’s Lactate except in the case of pediatric patients where Ringer’s Acetate might be a better fluid. Which ever the fluid, the paramedic is advised based on this study to become educated in the various types of fluids, when and where they are to be used, their protocols, and most importantly study the acid-base balance impact of the various types of fluid

    Legislating Surrogacy: A Partial Answer to Feminist Criticism

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    Strategies to increase HPV vaccine uptake in primary care.

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    Purpose: The purpose of this project was to increase HPV vaccination initiation rates in a primary care setting. This was accomplished through evidence-based provider and parental education using presumptive language and distribution of a customized toolkit. Design: The project protocol was designed using a theoretical approach about chosen health behaviors from the Health Belief Model. Outcomes included initiation rates, efficacy of a toolkit intervention, efficacy of a recall system, and provider satisfaction. Methods: A two-sided Fisher’s Exact Test was performed. Primary outcome results indicated a non-significant increase in vaccination rates. Of the 24 patients who received the toolkit, 25% chose to vaccinate while 75% never returned (p = .159). Of those who chose to vaccinate, all had previously declined. Overall, the recall system was ineffective for recruiting patients to return for vaccination. Providers were highly satisfied with the protocol and felt it was both feasible and sustainable. A major barrier was the simultaneous intervention implementation timeline and novel coronavirus pandemic. Findings: This project demonstrated that while an intervention protocol for all patients did not yield a significant increase in vaccinations, there was an impact on patients who previously declined the vaccine. Providers expressed increased confidence and satisfaction with their communication and education skills regarding HPV and the vaccine. Conclusions: While there were cases where patients who received the intervention chose to vaccinate, the results were not statistically significant. Providers expressed satisfaction with an education protocol emphasizing the use of a customized toolkit and presumptive language. There is substantial room for further investigation and quality improvement projects in the future

    EMS Safety, Stretchers, and Stretcher Handling

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    What has the greatest impact on EMS crew safety in the area of patient handling? In this study, EMS safety – crew safety for loading and unloading the stretcher either with or without a patient, and the stretcher – primarily powered lift stretchers, and their interface to the ambulance – either the traditional hook and antlers or the powered stretcher lift will be examined. The author, serving in agencies purchasing new ambulances and refurbishing a number of older ambulances and having precepted in agencies with both power lifts and rail mounting systems, became curious as to why new ambulances or refurbishments would be purchased specifically avoiding the newer powered lift even with its incipient cost? What are both national and state level standards and design requirements for ambulances? This study will use current standards at both national and state levels for ambulances, current manufacturer documentation, and authoritative peer reviewed documents on EMS safety. This study finds there are few available studies in the area of EMS lifting safety and injury, and those areas supported by studies have found a large savings over a short period converting their equipment to power stretchers with power lift systems. The costs have generally been recouped within one to two years vice the potential lifetime impact of knee or lower back injury

    A Voice for the Voiceless: The UNPO and the Dalai Lama

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    International organizations and international law have suffered from structural issues such as Westphalian sovereignty and submission to state interests. These inherent problems have contributed to the ongoing religious violence and occupation of Tibet since 1951, as Tibet does not qualify as a state under international law. While Tibet is not the only group of peoples who do not have access to international fora because of their stateless status, the Dalai Lama is unique in his platform and authority. The Dalai Lama has been able to take Buddhist values and intertwine them with the more familiar Western human rights concepts, promoting nonviolence and compassion throughout the world. As Tibet and other indigenous peoples have not been able to find their position within the current world order, the UNPO and the Dalai Lama have come together to create an international NGO to fight for indigenous issues. The prominence of the Dalai Lama and Tibet has given the UNPO an international platform for indigenous peoples to speak from. With this global platform, issues that are intrinsic to the indigenous struggle, such as population transfer and self-determination, have begun to take hold in the international community and in international law

    Business Associations

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    Because the law governing business associations is in large part codified and subject to administrative regulation, this article will emphasize new legislation and changes in policies of agencies charged with the enforcement of that law. The most sweeping changes were accomplished by regulations issued by the commissioner of corporations, but there were also several noteworthy amendments and additions to statutes affecting corporations. Additionally, major changes to the Corporate Securities Law are now before the legislature and passage of a bill is expected during 1968. Neither space nor time permits a definitive analysis of the multitude of recent cases involving aspects of the law relating to business associations. Where a case has caused some change in the prior law, however, an attempt has been made to signal that change and to provide some appraisal of the rules of law it promulgates

    Business Associations

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    Because the law governing business associations is in large part codified and subject to administrative regulation, this article will emphasize new legislation and changes in policies of agencies charged with the enforcement of that law. The most sweeping changes were accomplished by regulations issued by the commissioner of corporations, but there were also several noteworthy amendments and additions to statutes affecting corporations. Additionally, major changes to the Corporate Securities Law are now before the legislature and passage of a bill is expected during 1968. Neither space nor time permits a definitive analysis of the multitude of recent cases involving aspects of the law relating to business associations. Where a case has caused some change in the prior law, however, an attempt has been made to signal that change and to provide some appraisal of the rules of law it promulgates

    A Public Administration Study of Ohio\u27s Declining Abortion Rate

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    OBJECTIVES: More than 8,000 fewer abortions were reported to the Ohio Department of Health in 2019 than in 2009. And yet, little research has been conducted to indicate what factors most influence this drop. Due to these shortcomings within the literature on abortion, the researcher used a mixed methods approach to discover answers to the following two questions: Have abortion rates changed in Ohio from 2009-2019, if so, how? As well as, what major factors have influenced the decline in the number of abortions within the state of Ohio from 2009 to 2019? STUDY DESIGN: The researcher utilized a mixed methods approach by comparing quantitative Ohio Department of Health abortion rate data to qualitative interview data. Upon reaching out to approximately 200 potential participants, the selected qualitative sample size was 15 total participants made up of 5 Ohio Public Administrators, 5 Ohio Pro-Choice advocates, and 5 Ohio Pro-Life advocates. To obtain triangulation within results, the quantitative and qualitative data were compared to each other as well as to secondary literature research. RESULTS: Consecutively, the literature, quantitative, and qualitative data granted a majority view that the abortion rate in Ohio has generally decreased over the past decade. Based namely on literature and qualitative data, the factors that are said to most contribute to this decline includes access to birth control, family planning, restrictive legislation in the State which includes funding policy, and education and awareness of the topic. CONCLUSIONS: An evaluation of abortion policy enacted and proposed in Ohio since 2009 indicates support that the State is highly restrictive when it comes to pro-choice initiatives. The literature as well as quantitative and qualitative analysis support this indication as well. All factors within indicate successfully that public policy is a leading factor affecting access to abortion which thereby impacts the State’s abortion rate. Further research on the topic as data reflecting Ohio’s recently enacted heartbeat bill is encouraged. IMPLICATIONS: The study findings may be used by the Ohio State government to articulate and implement policies of regulating abortion to enhance the desired reduction or increase of the abortion rate in the State. Both public and private abortion clinics may also use these findings to enhance the education and awareness companies against unlawful abortions and its subsequent risks to the victim

    An Evaluation of the Factors that Influence the Amount of Time and Place of Service Provision in the Schools

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    The purpose of this study was to examine factors impacting the amount of time and place school-based Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) provided speech and language intervention. A national survey completed by 1,897 school SLPs indicated that students with severe and moderate disabilities participated in intervention 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes in groups outside the classroom. Students with the least severe disability were provided therapy once a week for 20-30 minutes in groups outside the classroom. Analysis using multinomial logistic regression indicated the amount of time was impacted by the SLP's caseload size, their year of graduation and the number of years worked in the schools. For place, the SLP's caseload size and clinical training experiences influenced their selection. These findings suggest that workplace and SLP characteristics impact SLP decisions; whereas, child characteristics did not differentiate time and place of services. Implications for training programs and future research are discussed
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