8 research outputs found

    A agropecuária do sul do Matopiba em perspectiva: Circuito solos arenosos da região Cocos-Jaborandi.

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    No mês de novembro de 2017, foi iniciado um projeto de pesquisa entre a Embrapa Milho e Sorgo e a Fazenda Trijunção, com previsão de trabalho em parceria por cinco anos de duração. Dentre as ações do projeto, com foco em ?intensificação agrícola visando a sustentabilidade do uso de solos arenosos?, foi realizado o Circuito Solos Arenosos da Região Cocos-Jaborandi, com a finalidade de realizar um levantamento dos sistemas de produção das lavouras e da pecuária com foco nas práticas de manejo que vêm sendo utilizadas nas propriedades agrícolas da região do Oeste baiano, notadamente envolvendo os municípios de Cocos, Jaborandi, Mambaí e Sítio da Abadia. Esse diagnóstico permitiu identificar as principais tendências tecnológicas do agronegócio, as demandas em pesquisa local ligadas às limitações e aos desafios para ganhos de produtividade com sustentabilidade e o panorama socioeconômico da região. Para realização do Circuito foram formadas três equipes que percorreram entre os dias 6 e 8 de março de 2018 as propriedades no entorno da Fazenda Trijunção, local onde serão realizadas as pesquisas com solos arenosos do Projeto. As equipes foram compostas por empregados da Embrapa, da Fazenda Trijunção e um funcionário da WWF (World Wildlife Fund). As propriedades rurais visitadas, num total de 18, foram selecionadas pelos empregados da Fazenda Trijunção com apoio da Embrapa, e com foco nos produtores formadores de opinião na região, em propriedades representativas dos sistemas de produção locais, seja de sequeiro, seja irrigado (Figura 1). A soma da área total das propriedades visitadas foi de 242.000 ha, com área cultivada total de cerca de 67.000 ha, distribuídos entre regime de sequeiro e irrigado, contemplando as culturas citadas na Figura 2. O tamanho médio das áreas irrigadas equivale a 1.501 ha, com as áreas variando de 197 a 9.350 ha. Foram relatadas produtividades médias de 52 sc ha-1 de soja, 153 sc ha-1 de milho e 310 arrobas ha-1 de algodão em caroço. Durante as visitas, foram aplicados questionários ao produtor, ou gerente das fazendas, envolvendo basicamente os temas sistemas de produção, pecuária, manejo da fertilidade do solo, manejo fitossanitário (pragas, doenças e plantas daninhas), armazenamento de grãos e transferência de tecnologias, e foi feito levantamento de demandas locais de pesquisa. Em algumas propriedades, foram realizadas também avaliações de talhões cultivados in loco registradas por meio de boletas de campo. Essas informações foram processadas para apresentação e discussão neste documento.bitstream/item/178333/1/doc-222.pd

    Ocular inflammatory events following COVID-19 vaccination: a multinational case series

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    Background: Inflammatory adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination are being reported amidst the growing concerns regarding vaccine’s immunogenicity and safety, especially in patients with pre-existing inflammatory conditions. Methods: Multinational case series of patients diagnosed with an ocular inflammatory event within 14 days following COVID-19 vaccination collected from 40 centres over a 3 month period in 2021. Results: Seventy patients presented with ocular inflammatory events within 14 days following COVID-19 vaccination. The mean age was 51 years (range, 19–84 years). The most common events were anterior uveitis (n = 41, 58.6%), followed by posterior uveitis (n = 9, 12.9%) and scleritis (n = 7, 10.0%). The mean time to event was 5 days and 6 days (range, 1–14 days) after the first and second dose of vaccine, respectively. Among all patients, 36 (54.1%) had a previous history of ocular inflammatory event. Most patients (n = 48, 68.6%) were managed with topical corticosteroids. Final vision was not affected in 65 (92.9%), whereas 2 (2.9%) and 3 (4.3%) had reduction in visual acuity reduced by ≤3 lines and > 3 lines, respectively. Reported complications included nummular corneal lesions (n = 1, 1.4%), cystoid macular oedema (n = 2, 2.9%) and macular scarring (n = 2, 2.9%). Conclusion: Ocular inflammatory events may occur after COVID-19 vaccination. The findings are based on a temporal association that does not prove causality. Even in the possibility of a causal association, most of the events were mild and had a good visual outcome

    Estudo de caso 3 - estratégias de adubação no sistema soja/milho segunda safra, com ou sem braquiária como planta de cobertura em consórcio com o milho, na Fazenda Decisão, Unaí, MG.

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    Apresenta-se, a seguir, uma estratégia de experimentação estabelecida buscando avanços na pesquisa em condições realistas, em um sistema de produção comercial soja/milho segunda safra, com ou sem a inclusão da braquiária ruziziensis (Urochloa ruziziensis) como planta de cobertura em consórcio com o milho

    Usability of an artificially intelligence-powered triage platform for adult ophthalmic emergencies: a mixed methods study

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    Abstract There is growing demand for emergency-based eyecare services where the majority of those attending do not require urgent ophthalmic management. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists have recommended upskilling and supporting of allied health professionals to support eyecare delivery, where machine learning algorithms could help. A mixed methods study was conducted to evaluate the usability of an artificial intelligence (AI) powered online triage platform for ophthalmology. The interface, usability, safety and acceptability were investigated using a Think Aloud interview and usability questionnaires. Twenty participants who actively examine patients in ophthalmic triage within a tertiary eye centre or primary care setting completed the interview and questionnaires. 90% or more of participants found the platform easy to use, reflected their triage process and were able to interpret the triage outcome, 85% found it safe to use and 95% felt the processing time was fast. A quarter of clinicians reported that they have experienced some uncertainty when triaging in their career and were unsure of using AI, after this study 95% of clinicians were willing to use the platform in their clinical workflow. This study showed the platform interface was acceptable and usable for clinicians actively working in ophthalmic emergency triage

    A machine learning system to optimise triage in an adult ophthalmic emergency department: a model development and validation studyResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: A substantial proportion of attendances to ophthalmic emergency departments are for non-urgent presentations. We developed and evaluated a machine learning system (DemDx Ophthalmology Triage System: DOTS) to optimise triage, with the aim of reducing inappropriate emergency attendances and streamlining case referral when necessary. Methods: DOTS was built using retrospective tabular data from 11,315 attendances between July 1st, 2021, to June 15th, 2022 at Moorfields Eye Hospital Emergency Department (MEH) in London, UK. Demographic and clinical features were used as inputs and a triage recommendation was given (“see immediately”, “see within a week”, or “see electively”). DOTS was validated temporally and compared with triage nurses’ performance (1269 attendances at MEH) and validated externally (761 attendances at the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, Brazil). It was also tested for biases and robustness to variations in disease incidences. All attendances from patients aged at least 18 years with at least one confirmed diagnosis were included in the study. Findings: For identifying ophthalmic emergency attendances, on temporal validation, DOTS had a sensitivity of 94.5% [95% CI 92.3–96.1] and a specificity of 42.4% [38.8–46.1]. For comparison within the same dataset, triage nurses had a sensitivity of 96.4% [94.5–97.7] and a specificity of 25.1% [22.0–28.5]. On external validation at UFMG, DOTS had a sensitivity of 95.2% [92.5–97.0] and a specificity of 32.2% [27.4–37.0]. In simulated scenarios with varying disease incidences, the sensitivity was ≥92.2% and the specificity was ≥36.8%. No differences in sensitivity were found in subgroups of index of multiple deprivation, but the specificity was higher for Q2 when compared to Q4 (Q4 is less deprived than Q2). Interpretation: At MEH, DOTS had similar sensitivity to triage nurses in determining attendance priority; however, with a specificity of 17.3% higher, DOTS resulted in lower rates of patients triaged to be seen immediately at emergency. DOTS showed consistent performance in temporal and external validation, in social-demographic subgroups and was robust to varying relative disease incidences. Further trials are necessary to validate these findings. This system will be prospectively evaluated, considering human-computer interaction, in a clinical trial. Funding: The Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award (AI_AWARD01671) of the NHS AI Lab under National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC)


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    A total of 57 captive neotropical felids (one Leopardus geoffroyi, 14 Leopardus pardalis, 17 Leopardus wiedii, 22 Leopardus tigrinus, and three Puma yagouaroundi) from the Itaipu Binacional Wildlife Research Center (Refugio Bela Vista, Southern Brazil) were anesthetized for blood collection. Feces samples were available for 44 animals, including one L. geoffroyi, eight L. pardalis, 14 L. wiedii, 20 L. tigrinus, and one P. yagouaroundi. Total DNA and RNA were extracted from blood and feces, respectively, using commercial kits. Blood DNA samples were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) proviral DNA, whereas reverse transcriptase-PCR was run on fecal samples for detection of coronavirus RNA. None of the samples were positive for coronaviruses. A male L. pardalis and a female L. tigrinus were positive for FeLV proviral DNA, and identities of PCR products were confirmed by sequencing. This is the first evidence of FeLV proviral DNA in these species in Southern Brazil