80 research outputs found

    Photoallergic Contact Dermatitis to Brosimum Wood

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    Avaliação e tratamento do doente com acne – Parte I: Epidemiologia, etiopatogenia, clínica, classificação, impacto psicossocial, mitos e realidades, diagnóstico diferencial e estudos complementares

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    O Portuguese Acne Advisory Board (PAAB), grupo de dermatologistas portugueses que, à semelhança de grupos congéneres internacionais, tem dedicado particular atenção à definição de linhas de orientação para o tratamento da acne, pretende que o presente documento constitua uma ferramenta útil na abordagem dos doentes com esta patologia. Elaborou-se um dossier, para educação médica contínua, subdividido em 2 partes: Parte I – etiopatogenia e clínica; Parte II – abordagem terapêutica. Nesta Parte I, revêem-se os principais aspectos da clínica e da fisiopatogenia da acne à luz dos conhecimentos actuais. Discute-se a importância do impacto psicológico e social desta entidade e analisam-se os principais mitos e realidades com ela relacionados. Descrevem-se, sucintamente, as patologias mais relevantes no diagnóstico diferencial das lesões de acne. Enumeram-se as indicações para estudo hormonal, bem como os exames a efectuar nos doentes com esta patologia. The Portuguese Acne Advisory Board (PAAB), a group of Portuguese dermatologists with a special interest in acne, develop, as other international groups in this field, consensus recommendations for the treatment of acne. Overall, the goal is to provide a practice guideline to all physicians dealing with this entity. The continuing medical education dossier was divided in two parts: Part I – etiopathogeny and clinical features; Part II – therapy. This Part I reviews acne pathophysiology, clinical aspects, psychological and social impact and several myths surrounding this disease. Some other entities relevant for the differential diagnosis are described. The need of hormonal evaluation is also discusse

    Avaliação e tratamento do doente com acne - Parte II: tratamento tópico, sistémico e cirúrgico, tratamento da acne na grávida, algoritmo terapêutico

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    O Portuguese Acne Advisory Board (PAAB), grupo de dermatologistas portugueses que, à semelhança de grupos congéneres internacionais, tem dedicado particular atenção à definição de linhas de orientação para o tratamento da acne, pretende que o presente documento constitua uma ferramenta útil na abordagem dos doentes com esta patologia. Elaborou-se um dossier, para educação médica contínua, subdividido em 2 partes: Parte I – etiopatogenia e clínica; Parte II – abordagem terapêutica. Nesta Parte II discute-se a abordagem terapêutica – tópica e sistémica – em cada forma clínica de acne, dando particular ênfase aos retinóides e aos antimicrobianos, e salientam-se as estratégias a adoptar para limitar a crescente resistência bacteriana aos antibióticos. Referem-se as indicações específicas para terapêutica hormonal e analisam-se as particularidades do tratamento da acne na grávida e lactante. Descrevem-se algumas técnicas para correcção das cicatrizes da acne. Por último, publica-se um algoritmo que pretende ilustrar a classificação da acne e definir, para cada tipo clínico, a abordagem terapêutica consensualmente recomendada

    Mercaptobenzothiazole or the mercapto-mix: which should be in the standard series?

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    Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) compounds are well known contact allergens. To detect rubber allergic patients we use both MBT (2% in petrolatum) and a mercapto-mix with 4 constituents of 0.5% each in our standard series. In this article the EECDRG presents data of in total 32,475 consecutive tested patients attending the respective contact dermatitis clinics from 11 centres in Europe to determine if the mix and MBT detected the same allergic patients. We found 327 patients positive to the mix or MBT, or to both. 261 were positive to the mix and 254 to MBT. MBT was negative in 73 patients who were positive to the mix. If the mix had not been in the standard series, on average 22% of patients allergic to a mercapto-compound would have been missed, for MBT this would have been on average 20%. All clinics would have missed a significant number of positive reactions if both compounds had not been tested. We conclude, that both the mercapto mix and MBT are required in the standard series

    Environmental Costs of Government-Sponsored Agrarian Settlements in Brazilian Amazonia

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    Brazil has presided over the most comprehensive agrarian reform frontier colonization program on Earth, in which ~1.2 million settlers have been translocated by successive governments since the 1970's, mostly into forested hinterlands of Brazilian Amazonia. These settlements encompass 5.3% of this ~5 million km2 region, but have contributed with 13.5% of all land conversion into agropastoral land uses. The Brazilian Federal Agrarian Agency (INCRA) has repeatedly claimed that deforestation in these areas largely predates the sanctioned arrival of new settlers. Here, we quantify rates of natural vegetation conversion across 1911 agrarian settlements allocated to 568 Amazonian counties and compare fire incidence and deforestation rates before and after the official occupation of settlements by migrant farmers. The timing and spatial distribution of deforestation and fires in our analysis provides irrefutable chronological and spatially explicit evidence of agropastoral conversion both inside and immediately outside agrarian settlements over the last decade. Deforestation rates are strongly related to local human population density and road access to regional markets. Agrarian settlements consistently accelerated rates of deforestation and fires, compared to neighboring areas outside settlements, but within the same counties. Relocated smallholders allocated to forest areas undoubtedly operate as pivotal agents of deforestation, and most of the forest clearance occurs in the aftermath of government-induced migration