8 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterisation of new Bi(iii)-containing apatite-type oxide ion conductors: the influence of lone pairs

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    Lone-pair cations are known to enhance oxide ion conductivity in fluorite- and Aurivillius-type materials. Among the apatite-type phases, the opposite trend is found for the more widely studied silicate oxide ion conductors, which exhibit a dramatic decrease in conductivity on Bi(III) incorporation. In this work, the influence of lone-pair cations on the properties of apatite-type germanate oxide ion conductors has been investigated by preparing and characterising seven related compositions with varying Bi(III) content, by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction and impedance spectroscopy. All materials are very good oxide ion conductors (with conductivities of up to 1.29 × 10−2 S cm−1 at 775 °C). Increasing Bi(III) content leads to increases in conductivity by up to an order of magnitude, suggesting significant differences in the oxide-ion conduction mechanisms between lone-pair-containing apatite-type germanate and silicate solid electrolytes

    3D Transition Metal Ordering and Rietveld Stacking Fault Quantification in the New Oxychalcogenides La2O2Cu2–4xCd2xSe2

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    A number of LnOCuCh (Ln = La–Nd, Bi; Ch = S, Se, Te) compounds have been reported in the literature built from alternating layers of fluorite-like [Ln2O2]2+ sheets and antifluorite-like [M2Se2]2– sheets, where M is in the +1 oxidation state leading to full occupancy of available MSe4/2 tetrahedral sites. There is also a family of related LnOM0.5Se (Ln = La & Ce, M = Fe, Zn, Mn & Cd) compounds built from alternating layers of [Ln2O2]2+ sheets and [MSe2]2– sheets, where M is in the +2 oxidation state with half occupancy of available tetrahedral sites and complex ordering schemes in two dimensions. This paper reports a new family of compounds containing both +1 and +2 metal ions in the La2O2Cu2–4xCd2xSe2 family. We show how Cu1+ and Cd2+ ions segregate into distinct fully occupied and half occupied checkerboard-like layers respectively, leading to complex long-range superstructures in the third (stacking) dimension. To understand the structure and microstructure of these new materials we have developed and implemented a new methodology for studying low and high probability stacking faults using a Rietveld-compatible supercell approach capable of analyzing systems with thousands of layers. We believe this method will be widely applicable

    P–V–Tequation of state of synthetic mirabilite (Na2SO4·10D2O) determined by powder neutron diffraction

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    Neutron powder diffraction data have been collected from Na2SO4·10D2O (the deuterated analogue of mirabilite), a highly hydrated sulfate salt that is thought to be a candidate rock-forming mineral in some icy satellites of the outer solar system. These measurements, made using the OSIRIS instrument on the ISIS neutron spallation source, covered the range 0.1 < P < 545 MPa and 150 < T < 270 K. The refined unit-cell volumes as a function of pressure and temperature are parameterized in the form of a Birch–Murnaghan third-order equation of state, and the anisotropic linear incompressibilities are represented in terms of the elastic strain tensor. At 270 K, the bulk modulus K0,270 = 19.6 (1) GPa, its first pressure derivative ∂K/∂P = 5.8 (5) and its temperature dependence ∂K/∂T = −0.0175 (6) GPa K−1. The stiffest direction at 270 K, with a linear bulk modulus of ∌82 GPa, is coincident with the twofold axis of this monoclinic crystal. Of the remaining two principal directions, the most compressible (K≃ 44 GPa) is roughly aligned with the c axis, and the intermediate value (K≃ 59 GPa) is therefore approximately collinear with a*. With the aid of additional published data, a number of other important thermodynamic quantities have been derived, including the GrĂŒneisen and Anderson–GrĂŒneisen parameters, and the volume and enthalpy of melting along the high-pressure melting curve. Additional data obtained during this work, concerning the elastic properties of deuterated ice IV, are also presented

    Isoconversional kinetic modeling and in-situ synchrotron powder diffraction analysis for dehydroxylation of antigorite

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    Mineral carbonation offers permanent and safe disposal of anthropogenic CO2. Well distributed and abundant resources of serpentine minerals and natural weathering of these mineral to stable and environmentally benign carbonates favour the exploitation of these minerals as the most suitable raw material for mineral carbonation. However, slow dissolution kinetics are impeding the large scale implementation of mineral carbonation. Heat treatment of serpentine minerals results in enhanced reactivity for subsequent carbonation processes at the expense of an additional energy penalty4. Heat treatment of these minerals results in the removal of structurally bound hydroxyl groups which leads to partial amorphisation of the structure and enhanced reactivity. Therefore, understanding the role of the mineralogical changes during dehydroxylation and determination of activation energy (Ea) is crucial for providing an energy efficient solution for commercialisation of mineral carbonation..

    Kinetics of antigorite dehydroxylation for CO2 sequestration

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    Heat-treatment of serpentine minerals generates structural amorphicity and increases reactivity during subsequent mineral carbonation, a strategy for large-scale sequestration of CO2. This study employs thermal analyses (TGA-DSC) in conjunction with in-situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) to record concurrent mass loss, heat flow, and mineralogical changes during thermal treatment of antigorite. Isoconversional kinetic modelling demonstrates that thermal decomposition of antigorite is a complex multi-step reaction, with activation energies (Eα) varying between 290 and 515 kJ mol−1. We identify three intermediate phases forming during antigorite dehydroxylation, a semi-crystalline chlorite-like phase (Îł-metaserpentine) showing an additional reaction pathway for the decomposition of Al2O3-rich antigorite into pyrope, and two distinct amorphous components (α and ÎČ-metaserpentine) which convert into forsterite and enstatite at higher temperature, respectively. The combination of isoconversional kinetics with in-situ synchrotron PXRD illustrates, for the first time, that local crystal structure changes, related to intermediate phase and forsterite formation, are responsible for the steep increase in activation energy above 650 °C and only 49% dehydroxylation can be achieved prior to this increase. This suggests that the high thermal stability of Al2O3-rich antigorite would severely limit Mg extraction during application of mineral carbonation under flue gas conditions

    Understanding solvothermal crystallization of Mesoporous Anatase Beads by in situ synchrotron PXRD and SAXS

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    Submicrometer-sized mesoporous anatase (TiO2) beads have shown high efficiency as electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells and are recoverable photocatalysts for the degradation of organic pollutants. The detailed mechanism for crystallization of the amorphous TiO2/hexadecylamine (HDA) hybrid beads occurring during the solvothermal process needs to be understood so that reaction parameters can be rationally refined for optimizing the synthesis. In this work, the solvothermal crystallization was monitored by in situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques. In situ PXRD provided crystallization curves, as well as the time evolution of anatase crystallite mean size and size distribution, and in situ SAXS provided complementary information regarding the evolution of the internal bead structure and the formation of pores during the course of the solvothermal process. By exploring the effects of temperature (140–180 °C), bead diameter (300 and 1150 nm), bead internal structure, and solvent composition (ethanol and ammonia concentrations) on this process, the crystallization was observed to progress 3-dimensionally throughout the entire bead due to solvent entrance after an initial fast partial dissolution of HDA from the nonporous precursor bead. On the basis of the kinetic and size evolution results, a 4-step crystallization process was proposed: (1) an induction period for precursor partial dissolution and anatase nucleation; (2) continued precursor dissolution accompanied by anatase nucleation and crystal growth; (3) continued precursor dissolution accompanied by only anatase crystal growth; and (4) complete crystallization with no significant Ostwald ripening

    Rate dependent performance related to crystal structure evolution of Na<sub>0.67</sub>Mn<sub>0.8</sub>Mg<sub>0.2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> in a sodium-ion battery

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    Sodium-ion batteries are considered as a favorable alternative to the widely used lithium-ion batteries for applications such as grid-scale energy storage. However, to meet the energy density and reliability that is necessary, electrodes that are structurally stable and well characterized during electrochemical cycling need to be developed. Here, we report on how the applied discharge current rate influences the structural evolution of Na0.67Mn0.8Mg0.2O2 electrode materials. A combination of ex situ and in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) data were used to probe the structural transitions at the discharged state and during charge/discharge. Ex situ data shows a two-phase electrode at the discharged state comprised of phases that adopt Cmcm and P63/mmc symmetries at the 100 mA/g rate but a predominantly P63/mmc electrode at 200 and 400 mA/g rates. In situ synchrotron XRD data at 100 mA/g shows a solely P63/mmc electrode when 12 mA/g charge and 100 mA/g discharge is used even though ex situ XRD data shows the presence of both Cmcm and P63/mmc phases. The in situ data allows the Na site occupancy evolution to be determined as well as the rate of lattice expansion and contraction. Electrochemically, lower applied discharge currents, e.g., 100 mA/g, produce better capacity than higher applied currents, e.g., 400 mA/g, and this is related in part to the quantity of the Cmcm phase that is formed near the discharged state during a two-phase reaction (via ex situ measurements), with lower rates producing more of this Cmcm phase. Thus, producing more Cmcm phase allows access to higher capacities while higher rates show a lower utilization of the cathode during discharge as less (if any) Cmcm phase is formed. Therefore, this work shows how structural transitions can depend on the electrochemically applied current which has significant ramifications on how sodium-ion batteries, and batteries in general, are analyzed for performance during operation.</p

    Anatomy of a complex mineral replacement reaction: Role of aqueous redox, mineral nucleation, and ion transport properties revealed by an in-situ study of the replacement of chalcopyrite by copper sulfides

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    The fluid-driven transformation of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) into Cu-rich sulfides (e.g., digenite, Cu1.8S; covellite, CuS; and chalcocite, Cu2S) is a complex mineral replacement reaction where the reaction pathway is controlled by the interplay between evolving mineral make-up, texture/porosity, and solution chemistry. This transformation was investigated in CuCl2 + H2SO4 solutions under mild hydrothermal conditions (180 to 300 °C); the reaction kinetics, nature of minerals formed, and oxidation states of aqueous Fe and Cu were followed in-situ in real-time using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). These results are corroborated by an analysis of the textures of reaction products from comparative ex-situ quench experiments. The in-situ and ex-situ experiments revealed that: (i) aqueous Cu2+ quickly reduced to Cu+ during chalcopyrite replacement in all experiments, and Fe dissolved as Fe2+; (ii) covellite was the first mineral to form, followed by digenite-high with delayed nucleation; and (iii) a non-quenchable hydrated Fe sulfate mineral (szomolnokite, FeSO4.H2O) formed at 240 °C at relatively low concentrations of added CuCl2, which supressed the formation of digenite-high. The quantitative mineral phase evolution retrieved using in-situ PXRD was modelled using a novel dual power law (dual Avrami approach). Avrami exponents revealed that chalcopyrite replacement proceeded initially via a 3-dimensional growth mechanism, followed by diffusion-controlled growth. This is consistent with initial formation of a porous covellite rim around chalcopyrite, confirmed by the observation of the ex-situ reaction products, followed by a second reaction stage where the transport properties of aqueous Fe (released from the chalcopyrite) and aqueous Cu (added from the initial solution) to and from the reaction front become the rate-limiting step; and these two kinetic stages exist even where covellite was the only replacement product. The activation energies calculated for these two kinetic stages were 42.9 ± 7.4 kJ mol−1 and 39.3 ± 13.1 kJ mol−1, respectively. We conclude that (i) the replacement of chalcopyrite by covellite and digenite proceeds via an interface coupled dissolution and reprecipitation mechanism; (ii) availabilities of aqueous Cu+ and of Fe2+ play a critical role in covellite nucleation and on the sequence of mineral precipitation during chalcopyrite replacement; the Cu+ to Cu2+ ratio is controlled by the kinetics of Cu2+ to Cu+ reduction, which increases with increasing temperature, and by the transport of Cu2+ through the daughter mineral to the reaction front, while Fe2+ availability is limited at high temperature by the formation of insoluble ferrous sulfate; and (iii) this reaction evolves from a bulk fluid-chemistry controlled reaction (initial formation of covellite) to an interface-controlled reaction (digenite-high or further transformation to covellite). The current findings highlight the complex feedback between Cu2+/Cu+ aqueous redox, mineral nucleation, and ion transport properties during replacement reactions, and the applicability of combined in-situ PXRD and XAS techniques in deciphering complex fluid-driven mineral replacement reactions