18 research outputs found

    Реализация систем принятия решений на базе типового решающего элемента

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    As large amounts of data are received and accumulated, the need to create automated and automatic decision-making systems for a wide variety of tasks becomes more and more urgent. In the technical field, one of them is technical diagnostics, and in medicine, diagnostics of the human condition. Currently, dozens of computer systems for continuous vibration control and monitoring of complex rotary-type units are in commercial operation, which form time trends for 14 vibration parameters with a time step of 1–8 s for each control point at the operated facility. The functionality of a universal decision-making module is proposed, the input data of which are the parameters and characteristics of the observed object, with the required resulting output decision.По мере получения и накопления больших объемов данных все более актуальной становится необходимость создания автоматизированных и автоматических систем принятия решений для самых разнообразных задач. В технической сфере одной из них является техническая диагностика, а в медицине – диагностика состояния человека. В настоящее время в промышленной эксплуатации находятся десятки компьютерных систем непрерывного контроля вибрации и мониторинга сложных узлов роторного типа, которые формируют временные тренды по 14 параметрам вибрации с шагом по времени 1–8 с для каждой контрольной точки на эксплуатируемый объект. Предложен функционал универсального модуля принятия решений, входными данными которого являются параметры и характеристики наблюдаемого объекта, с требуемым результирующим выходным решением

    Реализация систем принятия решений на базе типового решающего элемента

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    As large amounts of data are received and accumulated, the need to create automated and automatic decision-making systems for a wide variety of tasks becomes more and more urgent. In the technical field, one of them is technical diagnostics, and in medicine, diagnostics of the human condition. Currently, dozens of computer systems for continuous vibration control and monitoring of complex rotary-type units are in commercial operation, which form time trends for 14 vibration parameters with a time step of 1–8 s for each control point at the operated facility. The functionality of a universal decision-making module is proposed, the input data of which are the parameters and characteristics of the observed object, with the required resulting output decision

    Assessment of the state of technical objects by the parameters of vibration signals and their trends

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    The state of observed technical objects is determined by parameters and characteristics. When analyzing the vibration state of a mechanism or unit, the primary characteristics are the vibration signals recorded on its bearings or housings. As a result of their processing and transformations, informatively significant parameters and characteristics are obtained. An approach based on the use of decision functions is proposed, which differs in that they are applied in relation to both the primary informative-significant parameters of vibration signals and the results of statistical processing of time trends of primary parameters. RMS trends, turnover components, crest factor, kurtosis, asymptotes, RMS trends in narrow frequency bands are processed. Examples of decisive functions and results of processing real vibration signals are given. This approach allows you to automate the process of making a decision about the state of the controlled object and issuing recommendations for its technical maintenance

    Model of the decision-making system for assessment of the state of technical objects

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    The most wear-out is production equipment with rotary motion (turbines, generators, motors, gearboxes, pumps, compressors, fans, etc.). It is possible to reduce the cost of its operation by introducing modern maintenance systems, which are based on the use of technologies for monitoring, assessing the condition, diagnosing, predicting the development of defects, which, in terms of their organization and functioning, are intelligent systems. The state of the observed technical objects is determined by the parameters and characteristics. The aim of the work is to develop a model of the basic element of the decision-making system and consideration of options for its practical application. The proposed model of the basic element of the decision-making system allows you to create various structures designed to assess the state of complex technical and natural objects. An example of the implementation of a decision-making system for assessing the state of a multi-support power unit is presented, as a combination of basic solver modules

    Multifunctional analysis of long realizations of vibration signals

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    Modern computer or embedded systems make it possible to obtain long (tens of seconds, minutes, hours, days) realizations of vibration signals, which continuously reflect the vibration state of the investigated mechanism in different modes of operation. Received large amounts of data are subject to rapid automated processing, to provide the user with the required information and the formulation of conclusions about changes in the technical state of the controlled object. The decomposition into periodic and noise-like components, wavelet analysis, Hilbert-Huang transform, as methods of primary transformation of initial vibration signals and representing it as a composition of components. The next step is to determine the values of the parameters of the obtained components of the expansions and plotting time trends of the calculated parameters. Next, assess the changes in the parameters of the components and their time trends and make decisions on the technical condition of the monitored technical object


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    The hardware-software organization of computer multichannel systems of vibration control is considered. Use of such systems provides execution in real time monitoring of technical objects vibration condition, the solution of problems of the alarm system and protection on individual criteria in the automatic mode. Processing ways of start-up and stop vibration characteristics and vibration signals long realization for problems solution of technical objects condition assessment are offered.Рассмотрена аппаратно-программная организация компьютерных многоканальных систем вибрационного контроля. Применение таких систем обеспечивает проведение в режиме реального времени мониторинга вибрационного состояния технических объектов, решение задач сигнализации и защиты по индивидуальным критериям в автоматическом режиме. Предложены способы обработки вибрационных характеристик пуска-выбега и длинных реализаций вибрационных сигналов при решении задач оценки состояния технических объектов

    Organization of a decision support system according to technical condition assessment and diagnosing rotor aggregates by vibration parameters

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    Обоснована актуальность системы поддержки принятия решений по оценке технического состояния оборудования по вибрационным параметрам, как элемента проактивной системы обслуживания механизмов и агрегатов. Рассмотрены составные компоненты такой системы, функции компьютерной программы обработки длинных реализаций вибрационных сигналов, виды решающих функций для оценки технического состояния контролируемого технического объекта. The relevance of the decision support system for assessing the technical condition of equipment by vibration parameters, as an element of a proactive system for servicing mechanisms and assemblies, has been substantiated. The constituent components of such a system, the functions of a computer program for processing long realizations of vibration signals, the types of decisive functions for assessing the technical state of a controlled technical object are considered

    Оценка состояния технических объектов по параметрам вибрационного сигнала

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    The aim of the research presented in this work is to develop a new method for processing a vibration signal. Among the considered the main primary informative parameters of vibration signals used to assess the vibration state of rotary-type machines. An approach based on the use of decisive functions is proposed, characterized by their application in relation to both the primary informative parameters of vibration signals and the results of statistical processing of temporal trends of primary parameters. The work also provides examples of decision functions. Also presented is the combined format of the information table on the vibration state of a technical object which is used to create real decision support systems.Целью исследований, представленных в данной работе, является разработка нового способа обработки вибрационного сигнала. Рассмотрены основные первичные информативные параметры вибросигналов, используемые для оценки вибрационного состояния машин роторного типа. Предложен подход, основанный на использовании решающих функций, отличающийся тем, что они применяются по отношению, как к первичным информативным параметрам вибросигналов, так и к результатам статистической обработки временных трендов первичных параметров. Приведены примеры решающих функций. Представлен объединенный формат таблицы сведений о вибрационном состоянии технического объекта, который использован при создании реальных систем поддержки принятия решений

    Assessment of mechanism vibration condition based on the intensity of vibration in the wavelet allocated frequency bands

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    Increasing rivalry in the consumer markets requires producers and service providers to in- crease efficiency of their activities. In some cases, this leads to the fact that the intensity of machines and equipment operation increases, so do their work load conditions, and this in turn leads to their rapid depreciation and probability of failures and accidents increases. In such circumstances, the most important task is to develop effective means of monitoring the parameters of an operating equipment technical condition. For rotary type mechanisms (tur- bines, generators, motors, gearboxes, pumps, compressors, fans, etc.), the parameters of vi- bration reflect the functional state of objects well and do not require too much effort on their measurement. The simplest, but used in most cases intensity of vibration control uses its root mean square (RMS) in the frequency band of 10-1000 Hz in terms of vibration velocity. Var- ious vibration parameters obtained from the application of mathematical processing methods (digital filtering, spectrum, cepstrum, envelope etc.) of the original vibration signals are ap- plied to solving complex problems of vibration diagnostics. Condition assessment by RMS vibration velocity is fairly common and is used in solving problems of equipment protection from serious accidents and implementation of vibration diagnostics systems is costly and demands highly qualified personnel. It is proposed to establish a system of technical condi- tion evaluation which would be some middle ground between the two and would have a rela- tively simple implementation. As the parameters characterizing the state of the technical ob- ject, it is proposed to use the intensity of the vibration frequency bands allocated by wavelet function, and divide all the frequency band observed into several sub-band in such a system. The report provides an example to illustrate this approach

    Equivalent vibration tests

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    The requirements for test results on vibration authenticity and reproducibility are discussed. Experimental results of longevity and vibration loading (fatigue curves and curves of the "vibration loading") of a 10 deterministic and random modes of vibration, done by a special technique with new sensors and the test equipment, were obtained. The deterministic and random modes equivalence coefficient much increases with the time before the destruction of the sample. It is shown that the "equivalent" replacement of a deterministic model of a random loading when tested on vibration loading is unacceptable. The model replacement when tested on durability is allowed only for polyharmonic mode but is incorrect