20 research outputs found

    Fractional Newton-Raphson Method Accelerated with Aitken's Method

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    The Newton-Raphson (N-R) method is characterized by the fact that generating a divergent sequence can lead to the creation of a fractal, on the other hand the order of the fractional derivatives seems to be closely related to the fractal dimension, based on the above, a method was developed that makes use of the N-R method and the fractional derivative of Riemann-Liouville (R-L) that has been named as the Fractional Newton-Raphson (F N-R) method. In the following work we present a way to obtain the convergence of the F N-R method, which seems to be at least linearly convergent for the case where the order α\alpha of the derivative is different from one, a simplified way to construct the fractional derivative and fractional integral operators of R-L is presented, an introduction to the Aitken's method is made and it is explained why it has the capacity to accelerate the convergence of iterative methods to finally present the results that were obtained when implementing the Aitken's method in F N-R method.Comment: Newton-Raphson Method, Fractional Calculus, Fractional Derivative of Riemann-Liouville, Method of Aitken. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1710.0763

    Introducci\'on al C\'alculo Fraccional

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    The following material was created with the idea of being used for an introductory fractional calculus course. A recapitulation of the history of fractional calculus is presented, as well as the different attempts at fractional derivatives that existed before current definitions. Properties of the gamma function, beta function and the Mittag-Leffler function are presented, which are fundamental pieces in the fractional calculus. The basic properties of Riemann-Liouville and Caputo fractional derivatives are presented, as well as their implementation to different functions. It also presents the Laplace transform of a fractional operator and an application to the fractional free fall problem.Comment: in Spanis

    Sets of Fractional Operators and Some of Their Applications

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    This chapter presents one way to define Abelian groups of fractional operators isomorphic to the group of integers under addition through a family of sets of fractional operators and a modified Hadamard product, as well as one way to define finite Abelian groups of fractional operators through sets of positive residual classes less than a prime number. Furthermore, it is presented one way to define sets of fractional operators which allow generalizing the Taylor series expansion of a vector-valued function in multi-index notation, as well as one way to define a family of fractional fixed-point methods and determine their order of convergence analytically through sets