19 research outputs found

    National guidelines for smoking cessation in primary care: a literature review and evidence analysis

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    National guidelines for smoking cessation in primary care can be effective in improving clinical practice. This study assessed which parties are involved in the development of such guidelines worldwide, which national guidelines address primary care, what recommendations are made for primary care settings, and how these recommendations correlate with each other and with current evidence. We identified national guidelines using an online resource. Only the most recent version of a guideline was included. If an English version was not available, we requested a translation or summary of the recommendations from the authors. Two researchers independently extracted data on funding sources, development methodologies, involved parties, and recommendations made within the guidelines. These recommendations were categorised using the pile-sort method. Each recommendation was cross-checked with the latest evidence and was awarded an evidence-rating. We identified 43 guidelines from 39 countries and after exclusion, we analysed 26 guidelines (22 targeting general population, 4 targeted subpopulations). Twelve categories of recommendations for primary care were identified. There was almost universal agreement regarding the need to identify smokers, advice them to quit and offer behavioural and pharmacological quit smoking support. Discrepancies were greatest for specific recommendations regarding behavioural and pharmacological support, which are likely to be due to different interpretations of evidence and/or differences in contextual health environments. Based on these findings, we developed a universal checklist of guideline recommendations as a practice tool for primary care professionals and future guideline developers

    ‘Frisse’ berglucht toch niet altijd gezond?

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    Eerdere onderzoeken naar de relatie tussen hoogte en COPD trokken tegenstrijdige conclusies. Een van de belangrijkste risicofactoren voor COPD wereldwijd namen ze daarbij echter vrijwel niet mee: fijnstof binnenshuis. Daarom vergeleken wij fijnstofconcentraties en COPD-prevalentie binnenshuis tussen hooglanden en laaglanden in Kirgistan. Zowel fijnstof als COPD kwam alarmerend veel voor in de hooglanden. Maar ook in onze lage landen kunnen de fijnstofconcentraties binnenshuis oplopen tot ver boven de aanbevolen waarden, bijvoorbeeld tijdens het koken en openhaardgebruik

    COPD’s early origins in low-and-middle income countries: what are the implications of a false start?

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    [Excerpt] The Global Initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung disease (GOLD)guideline of 2018 describes COPD as‘the result of a complexinterplay of long-term cumulative exposure to noxious gases andparticles, combined with a variety of host factors includinggenetics, airway hyper-responsiveness and poor lung growthduring childhood’.1Tobacco smoking is traditionally viewed as themain contributing factor to the development of COPD. However,COPD also occurs among non-smokers, especially in low-incomeand middle-income countries (LMICs).2,3Notably, more than 90%of COPD-related deaths occur in LMICs.4For these countries, otherrisk factors, such as ambient, occupational and household airpollution play a significant role in the development of COPD.1,2,5–7Does COPD in these settings have a different pathophysiologicaltrajectory compared to COPD in high-income countries, and if so:what does this imply?In normal lung development, airway branching is completed bythe 17th week of gestation, after which airways increase in volumeuntil young adulthood. Alveoli are present at birth and developfurther during childhood. Lung volume and airflow continue toincrease as the thorax grows, influenced by age, sex, and ethnicity,reaching a peak at young adulthood. Lung function then remainsconstant for about 10 years (the plateau phase), after which itgradually declines.8In the‘classic’COPD patient, the decline inlung function is more rapid than in healthy individuals. However,in a considerable proportion of COPD patients, lung function doesnot decline rapidly, but reaches a lower plateau phase in earlyadulthood instead. For these patients, a completely differentpathophysiological trajectory seems to lead to the diagnosis ofCOPD: the decline in lung function follows a normal pattern, yetthey seem to have a‘false start’by attaining a lower maximumlung function. [...

    Bromocriptine and insulin sensitivity in lean and obese subjects

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    Bromocriptine is a glucose-lowering drug, which was shown to be effective in obese subjects with insulin resistance. It is usually administered in the morning. The exact working mechanism of bromocriptine still has to be elucidated. Therefore, in this open-label randomized prospective cross-over mechanistic study, we assessed whether the timing of bromocriptine administration (morning vs evening) results in different effects and whether these effects differ between lean and obese subjects. We studied the effect of bromocriptine on insulin sensitivity in 8 lean and 8 overweight subjects using an oral glucose tolerance test. The subjects used bromocriptine in randomized cross-over order for 2 weeks in the morning and 2 weeks in the evening. We found that in lean subjects, bromocriptine administration in the evening resulted in a significantly higher post-prandial insulin sensitivity as compared with the pre-exposure visit (glucose area under the curve (AUC) 742 mmol/L * 120 min (695–818) vs 641 (504–750), P = 0.036, AUC for insulin did not change, P = 0.575). In obese subjects, both morning and evening administration of bromocriptine resulted in a significantly higher insulin sensitivity: morning administration in obese: insulin AUC (55,900 mmol/L * 120 min (43,236–96,831) vs 36,448 (25,213–57,711), P = 0.012) and glucose AUC P = 0.069; evening administration in obese: glucose AUC (735 mmol/L * 120 min (614–988) vs 644 (568–829), P = 0.017) and insulin AUC, P = 0.208. In conclusion, bromocriptine increases insulin sensitivity in both lean and obese subjects. In lean subjects, this effect only occurred when bromocriptine was administrated in the evening, whereas in the obese, insulin sensitivity increased independent of the timing of bromocriptine administration

    Digital tools/eHealth to support CKD self-management: A qualitative study of perceptions, attitudes and needs of patients and health care professionals in China

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    Background: A growing body of evidence supports the potential effectiveness of electronic health (eHealth) self management interventions in improving disease self-management skills and health outcomes of patients suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, current research on CKD eHealth self-management interventions has almost exclusively focused on high-income, western countries.Objective: To inform the adaptation of a tailored eHealth self-management intervention for patients with CKD in China based on the Dutch Medical Dashboard (MD) intervention, we examined the perceptions, attitudes and needs of Chinese patients with CKD and health care professionals (HCPs) towards eHealth based (self -management) interventions in general and the Dutch MD intervention in specific.Methods: We conducted a basic interpretive, cross-sectional qualitative study comprising semi-structured interviews with 11 patients with CKD and 10 HCPs, and 2 focus group discussions with 9 patients with CKD. This study was conducted in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University in China. Data collection continued until data saturation was reached. All data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using a framework approach.Results: Three themes emerged: (1) experience with eHealth in CKD (self-management), (2) needs for supporting CKD self-management with the use of eHealth, and (3) adaptation and implementation of the Dutch MD intervention in China. Both patients and HCPs had experience with and solely mentioned eHealth to 'inform, monitor and track' as potentially relevant interventions to support CKD self-management, not those to support 'interaction' and 'data utilization'. Factors reported to influence the implementation of CKD eHealth self-management interventions included information barriers (i.e. quality and consistency of the disease-related information obtained via eHealth), perceived trustworthiness and safety of eHealth sources, clinical compatibility and complexity of eHealth, time constraints and eHealth literacy. Moreover, patients and HCPs expressed that eHealth interventions should support CKD self-management by improving the access to reliable and relevant disease related knowledge and optimizing the timeliness and quality of patient and HCPs interactions. Finally, suggestions to adaptation and implementation of the Dutch MD intervention in China were mainly related to improving the intervention functionalities and content of MD such as addressing the complexity of the platform and compatibility with HCPs' workflows.Conclusions: The identified perceptions, attitudes and needs towards eHealth self-management interventions in Chinese settings should be considered by researchers and intervention developers to adapt a tailored eHealth self management intervention for patients with CKD in China. In more detail, future research needs to engage in co creation processes with vulnerable groups during eHealth development and implementation, increase eHealth literacy and credibility of eHealth (information resource), ensure eHealth to be easy to use and well-integrated into HCPs' workflows.Public Health and primary carePrevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD

    Beliefs and behaviours towards chronic lung disease - a mixed-method FRESH AIR study

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    Prevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD)Public Health and primary car

    Systematic scoping review protocol of methodologies of chronic respiratory disease surveys in low/middle-income countries

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    This protocol describes a systematic scoping review of chronic respiratory disease surveys in low/middle-income countries (LMICs) undertaken as part of the Four Country ChrOnic Respiratory Disease (4CCORD) study within the National Institute for Health Research Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE). Understanding the prevalence and burden of chronic respiratory disease (CRD) underpins healthcare planning. We will systematically scope the literature to identify existing strategies (definitions/questionnaires/diagnostics/outcomes) used in surveys of CRDs in adults in low-resource settings. We will search MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI WoS, Global Health and WHO Global Health Library [search terms: prevalence AND CRD (COPD, asthma) AND LMICs, from 1995], and two reviewers will independently extract data from selected studies onto a piloted customised data extraction form. We will convene a workshop of the multidisciplinary 4CCORD research team with representatives from the RESPIRE partners (Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Edinburgh) at which the findings of the scoping review will be presented, discussed and interpreted. The findings will inform a future RESPIRE 4CCORD study, which will estimate CRD burden in adults in Asian LMICs.Prevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD)Public Health and primary car