116 research outputs found

    A Combinatorial Interpretation of the Free Fermion Condition of the Six-Vertex Model

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    The free fermion condition of the six-vertex model provides a 5 parameter sub-manifold on which the Bethe Ansatz equations for the wavenumbers that enter into the eigenfunctions of the transfer matrices of the model decouple, hence allowing explicit solutions. Such conditions arose originally in early field-theoretic S-matrix approaches. Here we provide a combinatorial explanation for the condition in terms of a generalised Gessel-Viennot involution. By doing so we extend the use of the Gessel-Viennot theorem, originally devised for non-intersecting walks only, to a special weighted type of \emph{intersecting} walk, and hence express the partition function of NN such walks starting and finishing at fixed endpoints in terms of the single walk partition functions

    Chebyshev type lattice path weight polynomials by a constant term method

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    We prove a constant term theorem which is useful for finding weight polynomials for Ballot/Motzkin paths in a strip with a fixed number of arbitrary `decorated' weights as well as an arbitrary `background' weight. Our CT theorem, like Viennot's lattice path theorem from which it is derived primarily by a change of variable lemma, is expressed in terms of orthogonal polynomials which in our applications of interest often turn out to be non-classical. Hence we also present an efficient method for finding explicit closed form polynomial expressions for these non-classical orthogonal polynomials. Our method for finding the closed form polynomial expressions relies on simple combinatorial manipulations of Viennot's diagrammatic representation for orthogonal polynomials. In the course of the paper we also provide a new proof of Viennot's original orthogonal polynomial lattice path theorem. The new proof is of interest because it uses diagonalization of the transfer matrix, but gets around difficulties that have arisen in past attempts to use this approach. In particular we show how to sum over a set of implicitly defined zeros of a given orthogonal polynomial, either by using properties of residues or by using partial fractions. We conclude by applying the method to two lattice path problems important in the study of polymer physics as models of steric stabilization and sensitized flocculation.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    A self-interacting partially directed walk subject to a force

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    We consider a directed walk model of a homopolymer (in two dimensions) which is self-interacting and can undergo a collapse transition, subject to an applied tensile force. We review and interpret all the results already in the literature concerning the case where this force is in the preferred direction of the walk. We consider the force extension curves at different temperatures as well as the critical-force temperature curve. We demonstrate that this model can be analysed rigorously for all key quantities of interest even when there may not be explicit expressions for these quantities available. We show which of the techniques available can be extended to the full model, where the force has components in the preferred direction and the direction perpendicular to this. Whilst the solution of the generating function is available, its analysis is far more complicated and not all the rigorous techniques are available. However, many results can be extracted including the location of the critical point which gives the general critical-force temperature curve. Lastly, we generalise the model to a three-dimensional analogue and show that several key properties can be analysed if the force is restricted to the plane of preferred directions.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure

    Scaling function and universal amplitude combinations for self-avoiding polygons

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    We analyze new data for self-avoiding polygons, on the square and triangular lattices, enumerated by both perimeter and area, providing evidence that the scaling function is the logarithm of an Airy function. The results imply universal amplitude combinations for all area moments and suggest that rooted self-avoiding polygons may satisfy a qq-algebraic functional equation.Comment: 9 page

    On the number of contacts of a floating polymer chain cross-linked with a surface adsorbed chain on fractal structures

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    We study the interaction problem of a linear polymer chain, floating in fractal containers that belong to the three-dimensional Sierpinski gasket (3D SG) family of fractals, with a surface-adsorbed linear polymer chain. Each member of the 3D SG fractal family has a fractal impenetrable 2D adsorbing surface, which appears to be 2D SG fractal. The two-polymer system is modelled by two mutually crossing self-avoiding walks. By applying the Monte Carlo Renormalization Group (MCRG) method, we calculate the critical exponents ϕ\phi, associated with the number of contacts of the 3D SG floating polymer chain, and the 2D SG adsorbed polymer chain, for a sequence of SG fractals with 2b402\le b\le 40. Besides, we propose the codimension additivity (CA) argument formula for ϕ\phi, and compare its predictions with our reliable set of the MCRG data. We find that ϕ\phi monotonically decreases with increasing bb, that is, with increase of the container fractal dimension. Finally, we discuss the relations between different contact exponents, and analyze their possible behaviour in the fractal-to-Euclidean crossover region bb\to\infty.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Watermelon configurations with wall interaction: exact and asymptotic results

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    We perform an exact and asymptotic analysis of the model of nn vicious walkers interacting with a wall via contact potentials, a model introduced by Brak, Essam and Owczarek. More specifically, we study the partition function of watermelon configurations which start on the wall, but may end at arbitrary height, and their mean number of contacts with the wall. We improve and extend the earlier (partially non-rigorous) results by Brak, Essam and Owczarek, providing new exact results, and more precise and more general asymptotic results, in particular full asymptotic expansions for the partition function and the mean number of contacts. Furthermore, we relate this circle of problems to earlier results in the combinatorial and statistical literature.Comment: AmS-TeX, 41 page

    Osculating and neighbour-avoiding polygons on the square lattice

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    We study two simple modifications of self-avoiding polygons. Osculating polygons are a super-set in which we allow the perimeter of the polygon to touch at a vertex. Neighbour-avoiding polygons are only allowed to have nearest neighbour vertices provided these are joined by the associated edge and thus form a sub-set of self-avoiding polygons. We use the finite lattice method to count the number of osculating polygons and neighbour-avoiding polygons on the square lattice. We also calculate their radius of gyration and the first area-weighted moment. Analysis of the series confirms exact predictions for the critical exponents and the universality of various amplitude combinations. For both cases we have found exact solutions for the number of convex and almost-convex polygons.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Asymptotic behaviour of convex and column-convex lattice polygons with fixed area and varying perimeter

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    We study the inflated phase of two dimensional lattice polygons, both convex and column-convex, with fixed area A and variable perimeter, when a weight \mu^t \exp[- Jb] is associated to a polygon with perimeter t and b bends. The mean perimeter is calculated as a function of the fugacity \mu and the bending rigidity J. In the limit \mu -> 0, the mean perimeter has the asymptotic behaviour \avg{t}/4 \sqrt{A} \simeq 1 - K(J)/(\ln \mu)^2 + O (\mu/ \ln \mu) . The constant K(J) is found to be the same for both types of polygons, suggesting that self-avoiding polygons should also exhibit the same asymptotic behaviour.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Three osculating walkers

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    We consider three directed walkers on the square lattice, which move simultaneously at each tick of a clock and never cross. Their trajectories form a non-crossing configuration of walks. This configuration is said to be osculating if the walkers never share an edge, and vicious (or: non-intersecting) if they never meet. We give a closed form expression for the generating function of osculating configurations starting from prescribed points. This generating function turns out to be algebraic. We also relate the enumeration of osculating configurations with prescribed starting and ending points to the (better understood) enumeration of non-intersecting configurations. Our method is based on a step by step decomposition of osculating configurations, and on the solution of the functional equation provided by this decomposition

    Exact Scaling Functions for Self-Avoiding Loops and Branched Polymers

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    It is shown that a recently conjectured form for the critical scaling function for planar self-avoiding polygons weighted by their perimeter and area also follows from an exact renormalization group flow into the branched polymer problem, combined with the dimensional reduction arguments of Parisi and Sourlas. The result is generalized to higher-order multicritical points, yielding exact values for all their critical exponents and exact forms for the associated scaling functions.Comment: 5 pages; v2: factors of 2 corrected; v.3: relation with existing theta-point results clarified, some references added/update