22 research outputs found

    Nove vrste Trichoptera (Insecta) za faunu Srbije

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    Thirteen species of Trichoptera new for the fauna of Serbia were identified during investigation of macrozoobenthos in the watershed of the Southern Morava River in the period from 1998 to 2003 and in the TreŔnjica River in 2003 and 2004. The species Rhyacophila torrentium Pictet, 1834; Rhyacophila glareosa McLachlan, 1867; Rhyacophila intermedia McLachlan, 1868; Glossosoma conformis Neboiss, 1834; Micropterna lateralis Stephens, 1874; Oecetis testacea Curtis, 1834; Micrasema longulum McLachlan, 1876; Chimarra marginata Linnaeus 1767; Cyrnus flavidus McLachlan, 1864; Brachycentrus subnubilus Curtis, 1834; Ecclisopteryx madida McLachlan, 1867; Melampophylax mucoreus Hagen, 1861; and Grammotaulius nigropunctatus Retzius, 1783 are new for the fauna of Serbia. The genera Chimarra, Melampophylax and Oecetis are new for the fauna of Serbia. Together with those registered for the first time, the number of Trichoptera species recorded to date in Serbia now comprises a total of 186.Tokom istraživanja makrozoobentosa sliva Južne Morave u periodu od 1998 do 2003. godine i reke TreŔnjice u 2003 i 2004. godini identifikovano je 13 novih vrsta Trichoptera za faunu Srbije. Nove vrste za faunu Srbije su: Rhyacophila torrentium Pictet, 1834; Rhyacophila glareosa McLachlan, 1867; Rhyacophila intermedia McLachlan, 1868; Glossosoma conformis Neboiss, 1834; Micropterna lateralis Stephens, 1874; Oecetis testacea Curtis, 1834; Micrasema longulum McLachlan, 1876; Chimarra marginata Linnaeus 1767; Cyrnus flavidus McLachlan, 1864; Brachycentrus subnubilus Curtis, 1834; Ecclisopteryx madida McLachlan, 1867; Melampophylax mucoreus Hagen, 1861; Grammotaulius nigropunctatus Retzius, 1783. Rodovi Chimarra, Melampophylax i Oecetis su novi za faunu Srbije. Zajedno sa novo identifikovanim ukupan broj vrsta Trichoptera zabeleženih do sada je 186

    Makrozoobeitos Puste reke leve pritoke Južne Morave

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    In the period from April 1998 to January 1999 macrozoobenthos of the Pusta Reka River was investigated. The Pusta Reka River is a principal water artery of the Pusta Reka region in southeastern Serbia. It originates from the KurtiÅ”ka, Statovačka and Dragodelska Reka rivers, joined in the village of KruÅ”kar, and flows, 64 km further, into the Južna Morava River near Doljevac. The bottom fauna of the Pusta Reka River is composed of 20 groups of macroinvertebrates with 135 determined taxa, 73 being determined at the species and 62 at the genus level. The insect orders Ephemeroptera (25 taxa), Trichoptera (19 taxa), Diptera (19 taxa) and Coleoptera (11 taxa) are the most diverse, whereas the Isopoda and Decapoda and insects from Megaloptera and Neuroptera orders have the most uniform structure, each containing one species. In the river course near the source the Gammaridae individuals are predominant. In the upper and middle river course, in localities IV, VII, VIII, IX, X and XI, the Chironomidae larvae are prevalent whereas in localities III, V and VI those of Ephemeroptera. The Trichoptera larvae are the most numerous in the lower part of the river flow i.e. in the locality XI. On the basis of biocoenotic analysis, three biocoenotic complexes may be distinguished on the bottom of the Pusta Reka River: one specific of the river course near the source, the second is peculiar of the upper and middle river course, and the third specific of the lower part of the river course. It should be noted that the species Hemiclepsis marginata, Baetis niger, Ecdyonurus aurantiacus, Helodes marginata, Blepharicera fasciata, Heptatoma pellucens, Rhyacophila pascoei, were recorded for the first time for the fauna of Serbia.U periodu od aprila 1998. do januara 1999. godine obavljena su istraživanja makrozoobentosa Puste reke. Pusta reka je glavna vodna arterija pustorečkog kraja u jugoistočnoj Srbiji. Nastaje spajanjem KurtiÅ”ke, Statovačke i Dragodelske reke u zaseoku KruÅ”kar, a u Južnu Moravu se posle 64 km toka uliva kod Doljevca. Faunu dna Puste reke sačinjava 20 grupa makroinvertebrata sa 135 determinisanih taksona (73 determinisanih na nivou vrste i 62 na nivou roda). Najveće raznovrsnosti su insekatski redovi Ephemeroptera (25 taksona), Trichoptera (19), Diptera (19) i Coleoptera (11), dok su najuniformnijeg sastava rakovi (Isopoda i Decapoda) i insekti iz redova Megaloptera i Neuroptera, sa po jednom nađenom vrstom. U izvorskom regionu dominiraju jedinke Gammaridae, u gornjem i srednjem toku reke larve Chironomidae (IV, VII, VIII, IX, X i XI lokalitet) i Ephemeroptera (III, V i VI lokalitet), dok su larve Trichoptera najbrojnije na XI lokalitetu. Na osnovu biocenotičke analize u naselju dna Puste reke mogu se izdvojiti tri biocenotička kompleksa: biocenotički kompleks koji odgovara izvorskom regionu, kompleks koji odgovara regionu gornjeg i srednjeg, i kompleks koji odgovara regionu donjeg toka reke. Vrste Hemiclepsis marginala, Baetis niger, Ecdyonurus aurantiacus, Helodes marginata, Blepharera fasciata, Heptatoma pellucens, Rhyacophila pascoei, su prvi put zabeležene za faunu Srbije

    Prilog poznavanju faune Trichoptera (Insecta) reke Toplice

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    The explorations of the Trichoptera (Insecta) larvae were conducted seasonally in the period from April 2000 until January 2001 in the Toplica River, the right tributary of the Kolubara River, on eight localities. 20 taxa were ascertained (Anabolia nervosa Curtis 1834, Potamophylax latipennis Curtis 1834, Hydropsyche angustipennis Curtis 1834, H. contubernalis McLachlan 1865, H. dissimulata Kumanski i Botosaneanu 1974, H. instabilisi Curtis 1834, H. saxonica McLachlan 1865, H. pellucidula Curtis 1834 Ryacophila pascoei McLachlan 1879, R. nubila Zetterstet, 1840, Athripsodes bilineatus Linne 1758, Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pictet 1834, Lepidostoma hirtum Fabricius 1775, Odontocerum albicorne Scopoli 1763, Sericostoma personatum Spence 1826, Allogamus, Stenophylax, Glossosoma, Helicopsyche Hydropsyche) classified into 10 families. The average number of the Trichoptera larvae in a wide range, from the specimens in which larvae were not ascertained (localities T1, T4, T8 in April, T6 and T7 in July, T5, T6 and T7 in October and all localities in January, except on locality T3) to 1832 ind/mz (locality T4 in October). The species from the Allogamus genus were most often found (on 5 localities), and the most numerous species is Hydropsyche angustipennis (1099 ind/mz). The species of the Helicopsyche genus have so far been ascertained in the springs in West Serbia and South-West Serbia, while in the Toplica River they were found in the upper and middle stream.Istraživanja larvi Trichoptera (Insecta) obavljena su sezonski u periodu od aprila 2000. do januara 2001. godine u reci Toplici, desnoj pritoki Kolubare na osam lokaliteta. Konstatovano je 20 taksona (Anabolia nervosa Curtis 1834 Potamophylax latipennis Curtis 1834, Hydropsyche angustipennis Curtis 1834 H. contubernalis McLachlan 1865, H. dissimulata Kumanski i Botosaneanu 1974 H. instabilisi Curtis 1834, H. saxonica McLachlan 1865, H. pellucidula Curtis 1834, Ryacophila pascoei McLachlan 1879, R. nubila Zetterstet 1840 Athripsodes bilineatus Linne 1758, Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pictet 1834 Lepidostoma hirtum Fabricius 1775, Odontocerum albicorne Scopoli 1763 Sericostoma personatum Spence 1826, Allogamus, Stenophylax, Glossosoma Helicopsyche, Hydropsyche) klasifikovanih u 10 familija. Prosečna brojnost larvi Trichoptera varirala je u Å”irokom opsegu, od uzoraka gde larve nisu konstatovane (lokaliteti T1, T4, T8 u aprilu, T6 i T7 u julu, T5, T6 i T7 u oktobru i svi lokaliteti u januaru, osim na lokalitetu TZ) do 1832 ind/m2 (lokalitet T4 u oktobru). NajčeŔće su nalažene vrste roda Allogamus (na 5 lokaliteta), a najbrojnija vrsta je Hydropsyche angustipennis (1099 ind/mg). Vrste roda Helicopsyche do sada su konstatovane u izvorima Zapadne Srbije i Jugozapadne Srbije, dok su u reci Toplici nalažene u gornjem i srednjem toku

    A new endemic representative of the genus Rascioduvalius S. B. Ćurčić, Brajković, Mitić & B. P. M. Ćurčić from Mt. Zlatibor, Western Serbia (Trechini, Carabidae, Coleoptera)

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    A new species of cavernicolous and endemic trechine ground beetles Rascioduvalis zlatiborensis n. sp., is described and diagnosed in the present paper. Also, all important taxonomic features are considered and illustrated. The type specimens of the new species were collected from the Markova (= RÅ”umska) Pećina Cave, village of Gornji LjubiÅ”, Mt. Zlatibor, Western Serbia. The new species and its congeners belong to a separate phyletic lineage of Tertiary age. All members of Rascioduvalius S. B. Ćurčić, Brajković, Mitić & B. P. M. Ćurčić are distributed in Western Serbia only, where they have gone through intense differentiation and radiation due to evolution of the karstic relief

    The fauna of sawflies (Symphyta, Hymenoptera) in a forest of sessile oak and hornbeam with butcherā€™s-broom (Querco-Carpinetum serbicum aculeatetosum Jovanović, 1951) on Mt. Avala

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    In a phytocenosis of sessile oak and hornbeam with butcherā€™s broom (Querco-Carpinetum serbicum aculeatetosum Jovanović 1951) on the territory of Mt. Avala, 42 species of sawflies belonging to the families Argidae Pamphiliidae and Tenthredinidae have been registered. The 42 species that were found, as many as 19 (or 45.23%) are new for the entomofauna of Serbia and Montenegro. Of these 19 species, one belongs to a genus newly recorded on our territory (the genus Cephaleia). The dominant family is the family Tenthredinidae, to which 38 of the registered species belong. The family Tenthredinidae is also dominant in this community with respect to the number of specimens caught, as only a few specimens of species of the other two families were present. The subfamily Tenthredininae is the most numerous subfamily of the family Tenthredinidae inasmuch as 19 of its species were registered in the course of two-year sampling. The most abundant species in the observed phytocenosis are species of the genus Macrophya, while the majority of species of sawflies during the research were present in the field in only small numbers

    The diversity of Trichoptera larvae in the Južna Morava river basin

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    The diversity of Trichoptera larvae in the Južna Morava river basin

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    SaprobioloÅ”ka istraživanja Puste reke koriŔćenjem makrozoobentosa kao bioindikatora

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    In the period from April, 1998 to January, 1999 we carried out saprobiological investigations on the Pusta Reka River using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators. The results show a low organic pollution (beta - mesosaprobitic degree) along the course, excluding the 10 locality where quickly disintegrating organic material originating from the surrounding settlements was registered. .U periodu od aprila 1998. do januara 1999. godine obavljena su saprobioloÅ”ka ispitivanja Puste reke koriŔćenjem makroinvertebrata kao bioindikatora. Rezultati ukazuju na slabo organsko zagađenje (beta - mezosaprobni stepen), duž toka, izuzev na desetom lokalitetu gde je registrovano veće prisustvo brzo razgradljivih organskih materija dospelih iz okolnih naselja.