190 research outputs found

    Dispersion Profiles and Gene Associations of Repetitive DNAs in the Euchromatin of the Beetle Tribolium castaneum

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    ABSTRACT Satellite DNAs are tandemly repeated sequences clustered within heterochromatin. However, in some cases, such as the major TCAST1 satellite DNA from the beetle Tribolium castaneum, they are found partially dispersed within euchromatin. Such organization together with transcriptional activity enables TCAST1 to modulate the activity of neighboring genes. In order to explore if other T. castaneum repetitive families have features that could provide them with a possible gene-modulatory role, we compare here the structure, organization, dispersion profiles, and transcription activity of 10 distinct TCAST repetitive families including TCAST1. The genome organization of TCAST families exhibit either satellite-like or transposon-like characteristics. In addition to heterochromatin localization, bioinformatic searches of the assembled genome have revealed dispersion of all families within euchromatin, preferentially in the form of single repeats. Dispersed TCAST repeats are mutually correlated in distribution and are grouped in distinct regions of euchromatin. The repeats are associated with genes, are enriched in introns relative to intergenic regions, and very rarely overlap exons. In spite of the different mechanisms of repeat proliferation, such as transposition and homologous recombination, all TCAST families share a similar frequency of spreading as well as dispersion and gene association profiles. Additionally, TCAST families are transcribed and their transcription is significantly activated by heat stress. A possibility that such common features of TCAST families might be related to their potential gene-modulatory role is discussed

    The Connection between Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Anxiety and Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis

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    The aim of this study was to show how different coping mechanisms influence the prevalence of anxiety and depression in people suffering from multiple sclerosis. We also aimed at showing how different coping mechanisms contribute to subjective prosperity of the patients emphasizing general health, cognitive functions and fatigue. A questionnaire was given to attendants of the VI Symposium of Patients Suffering From Multiple Sclerosis. Scales were taken from Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory (MSQLI), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and COPE inventory. A total of 68 anonymous questionnaires were handed in. A total of 57.9% of examinees had symptoms of depression, and 63.2% suffered from symptoms of anxiety. However, majority of the examinees suffered from the combination of these entities. Hypothesis about impact of various coping factors on depression, anxiety, fatigue was validated except an impact on physical state was not proven significant. Predictors improving these states were positive reinterpretation, social emotional support and humor, Predictors worsening these states were planning, acceptance, focus on emotional ventilation and denial. Psychiatric comorbidity has a high prevalence in people suffering from MS. Different coping mechanisms can help in improvement of everyday life


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    Background: Different studies clearly show that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is important factor in a reduction of the overall quality of life. PTSD remains a substantial problem in Croatia, nearly three decades after the beginning of the Croatia n Homeland war. In this paper, we present results of our original research about impact of PTSD on the self-perceived health-rela ted quality of life and social support in Croatian Homeland war veterans. Subjects and methods: A total of 277 war veterans were included from all Croatian counties. 158 (57.03%) veterans has PTSD and 119 (42.47%) are without PTSD. Strucured questionnaire was designed for socio-demographic data and information about combat experience and health problems. SF-36 was used in the estimation of health-related quality of life and Multidimesional S cale for Perceived Social Support for estimation of social support. Research was performed from June 2017 till November 2017. Results: Main results of the study suggest that Croatian veterans with PTSD have lower health-related quality of life in almost all doimains, and that they perceive less social support from family, friends and significant others in comparison to veterans without PTSD. Conclusion: The results of this study reiterate strong impact of PTSD on quality of life and perception of social support. The research speaks in favor of the need to develop person-centered interdisciplinry health-care programs for this population, with special emphasis on their overall quality of life

    Obese Patients in Medical Intensive Care Unit: Influence of Counseling on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Parameters

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    A case series of 12 obese patients admitted to medical intensive care unit (ICU) due to life-threatening diseases and the influence of weight loss on cardiovascular parameters is presented. We assessed body weight, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, pulse, and laboratory values on admission. At discharge from ICU patients were counseled on how to lose weight. They were examined one and six months later. Statistically significant (p<0.05) decrease of body weight (median at the beginning of a treatment 134 kg, after six months 127.5 kg), BMI (median 41.5 kg/m2 at the beginning of a treatment; 38.9 kg/m2 after six months), systolic blood pressure (medians 145 mmHg and 130 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (medians 95 mmHg and 85 mmHg) and pulse (medians 104 beats per minute, 78 beats per minute) was found. The reduction of the waist circumference was not significant. One patient died due to severe acute pancreatitis. Patients reported feeling much better after losing weight


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    Background: Different studies clearly show that doctor-patient relationship and communication are extremely important. They have a big influence on the outcome of medical treatment, but also on the cooperability, quality of life, safety of patients, teamwork, cultural sensitivity and fewer complaints to the doctorā€™s work. In this paper, we present results of our original research about attitudes of doctors and their perception related to the importance of communication between doctors and patients and personcentered approach. Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional study used a 28 items on-line survey to collect data from doctors in the period from 29 September 2015 till 23 November 2015 by using the Google forms. Total of 939 doctors from the entire Croatia responded. Results: Main results of the study suggest that doctors are aware of the importance of communication between doctors and patients and that education about communication skills was not appropriate during their study. Doctors have undoubtedly expressed their desire for further development and learning about a better communication between doctors and patients and they have showed in this research that they love their job. Conclusion: The research unambiguously speaks in favor of the need of the significant strengthening of this segment within the program of the School of Medicine and support the current changes in the medical curriculum at the School of medicine University of Zagre

    Experience of Time with Mental Disorder

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    The aim of research was to examine subjective experience of time with examinees with diagnosed schizophrenia and examinees with diagnosed neurotic disorder. Differences inside those two diagnostic categories of mental disorders, and differences u compare to examinees without diagnosed mental disorder were explored. For needs of research questionnaire was constructed accordingly to available data from literature. In research participated examinees from 30ā€“50 of age, which were equaled by age and gender. Research was performed on three groups, first group was mad of examinees with diagnosed schizophrenic disorder (n=43), second group was made of examinees with diagnosed neurotic disorder (n=40), and third group consisted of examines without mental disorder (n=39). Results of examination have showed significant statistical differences between certain groups considering particles of poll requester. Differences in subjective experience of time were presented according to items from questionnaire. Mutual for both groups of examinees with mental disorder is existence of pathological deviation in anticipating future. This was manifested in different ways and levels, depending of mental disorder. Given results confirm assumption that capability of anticipating future is important fact of mature and healthy individual

    Prilog poznavanju faune osa ŔiŔkarica (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) Hrvatske, s opisom nespolne ženke vrste Andricus korlevici (Kieffer, 1902) nov. comb.

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    This publication is a contribution to the knowledge of gall wasp fauna of the Republic of Croatia. In all, 17 genera with 87 species were recorded in Croatia, particularly in the north-western part of the republic with Istria peninsula during the period of 1997ā€“2009. Some species are new for the Republic of Croatia. Localities, record date, synonyms and host plants are given for all species. The list is based on material collected solely by the author. An asexual female of the rare species Andricus korlevici is described. The species has been transferred to another genus.Ovaj rad je doprinos poznavanju faune osa Å”iÅ”karica Hrvatske. Ukupno je u razdoblju 1997.ā€“2009. u Hrvatskoj zabilježeno 17 rodova s 87 vrsta, prije svega u sjeverozapadnom dijelu zemlje te Istri. Neke vrste se spominju prvi puta za Hrvatsku. Za sve vrste navode se podaci o nalaziÅ”tima, datumima nalaska, sinonimima i biljkama domaćinima. Popis se temelji isključivo na materijalu kojeg je prikupio autor. U radu se opisuje i nespolna ženka rijetke vrste Andricus korlevici, a vrsta se premjeÅ”ta u drugi rod
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