38 research outputs found

    Contrasting features of anisotropic loop quantum cosmologies: the role of spatial curvature

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    A characteristic feature of loop quantization of the isotropic and Bianchi-I spacetimes is the existence of universal bounds on the energy density and the expansion and shear scalars, independent of the matter content. We investigate the properties of these physical quantities in Bianchi-II and Bianchi-IX spacetimes, which have been recently loop quantized using the connection operator approach. Using the effective Hamiltonian approach, we show that for Bianchi-II spacetime, energy density and the expansion and shear scalars turn out to be bounded, albeit not by universal values. In Bianchi-IX spacetime, when the approach to the classical singularity is isotropic, above physical quantities are bounded. In addition, for all other cases, where the approach to singularities is not isotropic and effective dynamics can be trusted, these quantities turn out to be finite. These results stand in sharp distinction to general relativity, where above physical quantities are generically unbounded, leading to the break down of geodesic equations. In contrast to the isotropic and Bianchi-I models, we find the role of energy conditions for Bianchi-II model and the inverse triad modifications for Bianchi-IX to be significant to obtain above bounds. These results bring out subtle physical distinctions between the quantization using holonomies over closed loops performed for isotropic and Bianchi-I models, and the connection operator approach. We find that qualitative differences in physics exist for these quantization methods even for the isotropic models in the presence of spatial curvature. We highlight these important differences in the behavior of the expansion scalar in the holonomy based quantization and connection operator approach for isotropic spatially closed and open models.Comment: Minor clarifications added. To match published version in PR

    Non-singular AdS-dS transitions in a landscape scenario

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    Understanding transitions between different vacua of a multiverse allowing eternal inflation is an open problem whose resolution is important to gain insights on the global structure of the spacetime as well as the problem of measure. In the classical theory, transitions from the anti-deSitter to deSitter vacua are forbidden due to the big crunch singularity. In this article, we consider toy landscape potentials: a double well and a triple well potential allowing anti-deSitter and de-Sitter vacua, in the effective dynamics of loop quantum cosmology for the k=βˆ’1k=-1 FRW model. We show that due to the non-perturbative quantum gravity effects as understood in loop quantum cosmology, non-singular anti-deSitter to de-Sitter transitions are possible. In the future evolution, an anti-deSitter bubble universe does not encounter a big crunch singularity but undergoes a big bounce occurring at a scale determined by the underlying quantum geometry. These non-singular transitions provide a mechanism through which a probe or a `watcher', used to define a local measure, can safely evolve through the bounce and geodesics can be smoothly extended from anti-deSitter to de-Sitter vacua.Comment: Revised version. Appendix on results in k=0 model added. To appear in PR

    Chimera: A hybrid approach to numerical loop quantum cosmology

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    The existence of a quantum bounce in isotropic spacetimes is a key result in loop quantum cosmology (LQC), which has been demonstrated to arise in all the models studied so far. In most of the models, the bounce has been studied using numerical simulations involving states which are sharply peaked and which bounce at volumes much larger than the Planck volume. An important issue is to confirm the existence of the bounce for states which have a wide spread, or which bounce closer to the Planck volume. Numerical simulations with such states demand large computational domains, making them very expensive and practically infeasible with the techniques which have been implemented so far. To overcome these difficulties, we present an efficient hybrid numerical scheme using the property that at the small spacetime curvature, the quantum Hamiltonian constraint in LQC, which is a difference equation with uniform discretization in volume, can be approximated by a Wheeler-DeWitt differential equation. By carefully choosing a hybrid spatial grid allowing the use of partial differential equations at large volumes, and with a simple change of geometrical coordinate, we obtain a surprising reduction in the computational cost. This scheme enables us to explore regimes which were so far unachievable for the isotropic model in LQC. Our approach also promises to significantly reduce the computational cost for numerical simulations in anisotropic LQC using high performance computing.Comment: Minor revision to match published version. To appear in CQ

    Numerical simulations of a loop quantum cosmos: robustness of the quantum bounce and the validity of effective dynamics

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    A key result of isotropic loop quantum cosmology is the existence of a quantum bounce which occurs when the energy density of the matter field approaches a universal maximum close to the Planck density. Though the bounce has been exhibited in various matter models, due to severe computational challenges some important questions have so far remained unaddressed. These include the demonstration of the bounce for widely spread states, its detailed properties for the states when matter field probes regions close to the Planck volume and the reliability of the continuum effective spacetime description in general. In this manuscript we rigorously answer these questions using the Chimera numerical scheme for the isotropic spatially flat model sourced with a massless scalar field. We show that as expected from an exactly solvable model, the quantum bounce is a generic feature of states even with a very wide spread, and for those which bounce much closer to the Planck volume. We perform a detailed analysis of the departures from the effective description and find some expected, and some surprising results. At a coarse level of description, the effective dynamics can be regarded as a good approximation to the underlying quantum dynamics unless the states correspond to small scalar field momenta, in which case they bounce closer to the Planck volume, or are very widely spread. Quantifying the amount of discrepancy between the quantum and the effective dynamics, we find that the departure between them depends in a subtle and non-monotonic way on the field momentum and different fluctuations. Interestingly, the departures are generically found to be such that the effective dynamics overestimates the spacetime curvature, and underestimates the volume at the bounce.Comment: 47 pages, 26 figures; References updated. Minor changes to match the version published in CQ