36 research outputs found

    Becoming the New Soviet Woman: Redefining Class and Gender in the Early Soviet Women’s Press

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    This study investigates changes in an early Soviet women’s magazine’s representations of class and gender to shed light on how the image of the new Soviet woman came into being. As the only non-party women’s magazine of the late 1920s, Zhenskii Zhurnal (1926-1930), better than any other publication, reveals the state-imposed process of transforming female identity. Zhenskii Zhurnal started out as the publication for housewives, but by the end of the decade it was forced to avoid emphasizing traditional female roles and concerns related to private life and the domestic sphere. Achievement of production goals – the new priority for all Soviet citizens – became central to narratives on the proper meaning of femininity. In order to transform a woman into an arduous worker, her female priorities needed to be reconfigured and her devotion to the traditional interests of her sex had to be minimized

    Symbolist Ideas in the Scripts of Gubpolitprosvet

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    During the period of the so-called Silver age of Russian culture, three outstanding translators of the Greek tragedy, Tadeusz Zieliński, Innokentiy Annensky and Vyacheslav Ivanov, put forward the idea of the third, Slavonic Renaissance – the new rebirth of Antiquity, with the leading role of the Slavic peoples, particularly the Russians. They claimed that while the first Renaissance was Romanesque and the second German (in the era of Winckelmann, Goethe and German classical philology), the third one was supposed to be Slavonic. In the early Soviet period, the idea of Slavonic Renaissance brought about some unexpected results, first of all precisely in the sphere of theater. The paper focuses on how symbolist ideas got to be expressed in the performances of classical tragedies. Ivanov authored the expression “creative self-performance” that later, in the Soviet era, acquired the meaning of “non-professional performance,” such as comedies staged by “sailors and the Red Army soldiers,” Adrian Piotrovsky’s “amateur theatre,” and the pioneer reconstruction of the scenic performance of Aristophanes’ comedies done by Sergey Radlov, Adrian Piotrovsky, and others


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    The article provides an overview of vibroseismic studies carried out in the Baikal rift zone using LargeScale Research Facilities – a powerful CVO-100 seismic vibrator, installed at the South Baikal geodynamic test site SB RAS. Research is carried out according to several methods focused on different tasks: study of the structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the BRZ, active vibroseismic monitoring, and verification of velocity models of the Earth’s crust. To study the structure of the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle, there were done the vibrator-generated wavefield recordings at the stationary regional network of seismic stations in the Buryat and Baikal branches of the Federal Research Center of the GS RAS, as well as the experimental studies involving the mobile networks deployment (ICMMG SB RAS, SIPE RAS, GIN SB RAS). The aim of the work is to carry out deep vibroseismic sounding of the Earth’s crust (vibro-DSS) at the junction of the Siberian platform, the BRZ and the Sayan-Baikal folded area. The methodology is based on the study of vibration seismograms with the determination of arrival times of the main groups of waves and their correlation with the velocity models of the Earth’s crust in the BRZ. A CVO-100 vibrator and a regional network of seismic stations are used to carry out active vibroseismic monitoring of the southern part of the BRZ. The active monitoring area is about 500×200 km. During vibroseismic monitoring, there were done thorough studies of seasonal variations of the vibrator-generated wavefield and the development of techniques for spectral correction of seismograms. A seismic vibrator CVO-100 was used to carry out experimental verification of the velocity models of the Earth’s crust, developed based on the BEST and PASSCAL experimental data. The vibrational deep seismic sounding (vibro-DSS) on the Baikal – Ulan Bator profile was carried out by the ICMMG SB RAS, GIN SB RAS and BB FRC GS RAS (Russia) in cooperation with IAG MAN (Mongolia)

    Efficacy and safety of Chondroxide ointment in combine therapy of osteoarthritis patients

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    Objective. To assess the efficace and safety of Chondroxide ointment in OA pts. Methods. 27 OA pts were included in clinical investigation. All the pts used Chondroxide preparation as a topical application. Results. Considerable and marced improvement were achieved in 18 OA pts (66,6%). In 9 cases the efficacy of treatment was abcent. Conclusion. Chondroxide ointment is highly effective and safe preparation in OA pts treatmen

    Splitting technique for analytical modelling of two-phase multicomponent flow in porous media

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    In this paper we discuss one-dimensional models for two-phase Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) floods (oil displacement by gases, polymers, carbonized water, hot water, etc.). The main result presented here is the splitting of the EOR mathematical model into thermodynamical and hydrodynamical parts. The introduction of a potential associated with one of the conservation laws and its use as a new independent coordinate reduces the number of equations by one. The (n) × (n) conservation law model for two-phase n-component EOR flows in new coordinates is transformed into a reduced (n − 1) × (n − 1) auxiliary system containing just thermodynamical variables (equilibrium fractions of components, sorption isotherms) and one lifting equation containing just hydrodynamical parameters (phase relative permeabilities and viscosities). The algorithm to solve analytically the problem includes solution of the reduced auxiliary problem, solution of one lifting hyperbolic equation and inversion of the coordinate transformation. The splitting allows proving the independence of phase transitions occurring during displacement of phase relative permeabilities and viscosities. For example, the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) and transitional tie lines are independent of relative permeabilities and phases viscosities. Relative motion of polymer, surfactant and fresh water slugs depends on sorption isotherms only. Therefore, MMP for gasflood or minimum fresh water slug size providing isolation of polymer/surfactant from incompatible formation water for chemical flooding can be calculated from the reduced auxiliary system. Reduction of the number of equations allows the generation of new analytical models for EOR. The analytical model for displacement of oil by a polymer slug with water drive is presented.Adolfo P. Pires, Pavel G. Bedrikovetsky, Alexander A. Shapir


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    The article provides an overview of vibroseismic studies carried out in the Baikal rift zone using LargeScale Research Facilities – a powerful CVO-100 seismic vibrator, installed at the South Baikal geodynamic test site SB RAS. Research is carried out according to several methods focused on different tasks: study of the structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the BRZ, active vibroseismic monitoring, and verification of velocity models of the Earth’s crust. To study the structure of the Earth’s crust and the upper mantle, there were done the vibrator-generated wavefield recordings at the stationary regional network of seismic stations in the Buryat and Baikal branches of the Federal Research Center of the GS RAS, as well as the experimental studies involving the mobile networks deployment (ICMMG SB RAS, SIPE RAS, GIN SB RAS). The aim of the work is to carry out deep vibroseismic sounding of the Earth’s crust (vibro-DSS) at the junction of the Siberian platform, the BRZ and the Sayan-Baikal folded area. The methodology is based on the study of vibration seismograms with the determination of arrival times of the main groups of waves and their correlation with the velocity models of the Earth’s crust in the BRZ. A CVO-100 vibrator and a regional network of seismic stations are used to carry out active vibroseismic monitoring of the southern part of the BRZ. The active monitoring area is about 500×200 km. During vibroseismic monitoring, there were done thorough studies of seasonal variations of the vibrator-generated wavefield and the development of techniques for spectral correction of seismograms. A seismic vibrator CVO-100 was used to carry out experimental verification of the velocity models of the Earth’s crust, developed based on the BEST and PASSCAL experimental data. The vibrational deep seismic sounding (vibro-DSS) on the Baikal – Ulan Bator profile was carried out by the ICMMG SB RAS, GIN SB RAS and BB FRC GS RAS (Russia) in cooperation with IAG MAN (Mongolia). В статье приведен обзор вибросейсмических исследований, выполняемых в Байкальской рифтовой зоне с использованием уникальной научной установки – мощного сейсмического вибратора ЦВО-100, установленного на Южно-Байкальском геодинамическом полигоне СО РАН. Работы проводятся по нескольким методикам, ориентированным на решение различных задач: исследование структуры земной коры и верхней мантии в Байкальской рифтовой зоне (БРЗ), активный вибросейсмический мониторинг, верификацию скоростных моделей земной коры. Для изучения структуры земной коры и верхней мантии проводится регистрация волнового поля вибратора на стационарной региональной сети сейсмостанций Бурятского и Байкальского филиалов ФИЦ ЕГС РАН, а также экспериментальные исследования с развертыванием мобильных сейсмических групп (ИВМиМГ СО РАН, ИФЗ РАН, ГИН СО РАН). Целью работ является проведение глубинного вибросейсмического зондирования земной коры (вибро-ГСЗ) в зоне сочленения Сибирской платформы, БРЗ и Саяно-Байкальской складчатой области. Основу методики составляет изучение вибрационных сейсмограмм с определением времен прихода основных групп волн и их увязка со скоростными моделями земной коры в БРЗ. С использованием вибратора ЦВО-100 и региональной сети сейсмических станций проводится активный вибросейсмический мониторинг южной части БРЗ. Область активного мониторинга составляет примерно 500×200 км. При проведении вибросейсмического мониторинга были детально исследованы сезонные вариации волнового поля вибратора и разработаны методики спектральной коррекции сейсмограмм. С использованием сейсмического вибратора ЦВО-100 была выполнена экспериментальная часть работ по верификации скоростных моделей земной коры, построенных по данным экспериментов BEST и PASSCAL. Работы по вибро-ГСЗ на профиле Байкал – Улан-Батор проводились ИВМиМГ СО РАН, ГИН СО РАН, Бурятским филиалом ФИЦ ЕГС РАН (Россия) совместно с ИАГ МАН (Монголия).

    Исследование и верификация скоростных моделей земной коры методами математического моделирования и активной сейсмологии

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    The article discusses a comparison of theoretical seismograms for two velocity models of the Earth's crust and P-wave arrival times estimated from experimental vibration seismograms for the 400-km long section of the Baikal–Ulaanbaatar profile. The theoretical seismograms were obtained by mathematical simulation of wave fields using the Earth's crust velocity models based on the data of the BEST and PASSCAL experiments. Vibration seismograms were obtained by measuring the wave field of a CVO-100 vibrator in the SB RAS Southern Baikal polygon. In the experiments, the vibration seismograms show that arrival times in the P-wave group correspond to the values for waves of large amplitudes in the theoretical seismograms. The P-wave arrival times in the theoretical seismograms of the BEST experiment are compared to the values in the experimental vibration seismograms for the 400-km long section of the Baikal–Ulaanbaatar profile. This comparison shows that the arrival times of maximum amplitude waves correspond to the theoretical hodographs of waves with velocities of 6.25–6.80 km/sec in the BEST experiment velocity model. At the same time, the experimental data set does not contain arrival times corresponding to longitudinal waves with Vp=7.25 km/sec, which are related to an assumed layer (more than 10 km thick) in the lower crust for the BEST experiment velocity model. In the experiments, the P-wave arrival times in the vibration seismograms correspond to the P-wave arrival times in the theoretical seismograms of the PASSCAL experiment throughout the entire 400-km long section of the Baikal–Ulaanbaatar profile. It is thus confirmed that the average values of the wave velocities in the PASSCAL velocity model have been reliably estimated. It should be noted that the experimental values of the arrival times of the first wave in the P-wave group are in agreement with the first arrival times in the hodographs of the theoretical seismograms for the velocity model in the PASSCAL experiment considering the distances from the source in a range of 65–380 km.Представлены результаты сравнения теоретических сейсмограмм для двух скоростных моделей земной коры и данных о временах вступлений Р-волн на экспериментальных вибрационных сейсмограммах на 400-километровом участке профиля Байкал – Улан-Батор. Теоретические сейсмограммы получены методами математического моделирования волновых полей для скоростных моделей земной коры, построенных по данным экспериментов BEST и PASSCAL. Вибрационные сейсмограммы получены при измерении волнового поля вибратора ЦВО-100 Южно-Байкальского полигона СО РАН. Экспериментальные значения времен вступлений в группе Р-волн на вибрационных сейсмограммах соответствуют значениям на теоретических сейсмограммах для волн большой амплитуды. Cравнение теоретических сейсмограмм эксперимента BEST и данных о временах вступлений Р-волн на экспериментальных вибрационных сейсмограммах на 400-кило­метровом участке профиля Байкал – Улан-Батор показывает, что экспериментальные времена вступлений волн максимальной амплитуды соответствуют теоретическим годографам волн со скоростью 6.25–6.80 км/с скоростной модели эксперимента BEST. Вместе с тем экспериментальные данные не содержат времен вступлений, соответствующих продольным волнам со скоростью Vp=7.25 км/с, связанных с предполагаемым слоем мощностью более 10 км в нижней коре в скоростной модели эксперимента BEST. Экспериментальные значения времен вступлений волн в группе Р-волн вибрационных сейсмограмм находятся в области времен вступлений волн на теоретических сейсмограммах эксперимента PASSCAL на всем протяжении 400-километрового профиля. Это свидетельствует о надежном определении средних значений скоростей волн в скоростной модели эксперимента PASSCAL. Следует отметить, что экспериментальные значения времен вступлений первой волны в группе Р-волн согласуются с временами первых вступлений на годографах теоретических сейсмограмм для скоростной модели эксперимента PASSCAL в диапазоне расстояний от 65 до 380 км от источника