23 research outputs found

    Magnon squeezing in an antiferromagnet: reducing the spin noise below the standard quantum limit

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    At absolute zero temperature, thermal noise vanishes when a physical system is in its ground state, but quantum noise remains as a fundamental limit to the accuracy of experimental measurements. Such a limitation, however, can be mitigated by the formation of squeezed states. Quantum mechanically, a squeezed state is a time-varying superposition of states for which the noise of a particular observable is reduced below that of the ground state at certain times. Quantum squeezing has been achieved for a variety of systems, including the electromagnetic field, atomic vibrations in solids and molecules, and atomic spins, but not so far for magnetic systems. Here we report on an experimental demonstration of spin wave (i.e., magnon) squeezing. Our method uses femtosecond optical pulses to generate correlations involving pairs of magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator, MnF2. These correlations lead to quantum squeezing in which the fluctuations of the magnetization of a crystallographic unit cell vary periodically in time and are reduced below that of the ground state quantum noise. The mechanism responsible for this squeezing is stimulated second order Raman scattering by magnon pairs. Such squeezed states have important ramifications in the emerging fields of spintronics and quantum computing involving magnetic spin states or the spin-orbit coupling mechanism

    High-speed tunable photonic crystal fiber-based femtosecond soliton source without dispersion pre-compensation

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    We present a high-speed wavelength tunable photonic crystal fiber-based source capable of generating tunable femtosecond solitons in the infrared region. Through measurements and numerical simulation, we show that both the pulsewidth and the spectral width of the output pulses remain nearly constant over the entire tuning range from 860 to 1160 nm. This remarkable behavior is observed even when pump pulses are heavily chirped (7400 fs^2), which allows to avoid bulky compensation optics, or the use of another fiber, for dispersion compensation usually required by the tuning device.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Control of spin dynamics with laser pulses: Generation of entangled states of donor-bound electrons in a Cd1-xMnxTe quantum well

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    A quantum-mechanical many-particle system may exhibit non-local behavior in that measurements performed on one of the particles can affect a second one that is far apart. These so-called entangled states are crucial for the implementation of quantum information protocols and gates for quantum computation. Here, we use ultrafast optical pulses and coherent pump-probe techniques to create and control spin entangled states in an ensemble of up to three non-interacting electrons bound to donors in a Cd1-xMnxTe quantum well. Our method, relying on the exchange interaction between optically-excited excitons and the paramagnetic impurities, can in principle be applied to entangle an arbitrarily large number of electrons. A microscopic theory of impulsive stimulated Raman scattering and a model for multi-spin entanglement are presented. The signature of entanglement is the observation of overtones of donor spin-flips in the differential reflectivity of the probe pulse. Results are shown for resonant excitation of localized excitons below the gap, and above the gap where the signatures of entanglement are significantly enhanced. Data is also presented on the generation of coherent excitations of antiferromagnetically-coupled manganese pairs, folded acoustic phonons, exciton Zeeman beats and entanglement involving two Mn2+ ions.Comment: Long version of quant-ph/020619

    Photon counting statistics using a digital oscilloscope

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    We present a photon counting experiment designed for an undergraduate physics laboratory. The statistics of the number of photons of a pseudo thermal light source is studied in two limiting cases: well above and well below the coherence time, giving Poisson and Bose-Einstein distributions, respectively. We show that using a digital oscilloscope the experiment can be done in a reasonable time, without need of counting boards. The use of the oscilloscope has the additional advantage of allowing the storage of the data for further processing. Hence, using the same set of data, the analysis of the statistics of the occurrence of n photons as a function of the time windows adds important evidence to determine accurately the nature of the light source. The stochastic nature of the detection phenomena adds an additional value to this type of experiments, since the student is forced to a thorough visit through data processing and statistics

    Ultrafast optical generation of coherent phonons in CdTe1-xSex quantum dots

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    We report on the impulsive generation of coherent optical phonons in CdTe0.68Se0.32 nanocrystallites embedded in a glass matrix. Pump probe experiments using femtosecond laser pulses were performed by tuning the laser central energy to resonate with the absorption edge of the nanocrystals. We identify two longitudinal optical phonons, one longitudinal acoustic phonon and a fourth mode of a mixed longitudinal-transverse nature. The amplitude of the optical phonons as a function of the laser central energy exhibits a resonance that is well described by a model based on impulsive stimulated Raman scattering. The phases of the coherent phonons reveal coupling between different modes. At low power density excitations, the frequency of the optical coherent phonons deviates from values obtained from spontaneous Raman scattering. This behavior is ascribed to the presence of electronic impurity states which modify the nanocrystal dielectric function and, thereby, the frequency of the infrared-active phonons

    All Optical Implementation of Multi-Spin Entanglement in a Semiconductor Quantum Well

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    We use ultrafast optical pulses and coherent techniques to create spin entangled states of non-interacting electrons bound to donors (at least three) and at least two Mn2+ ions in a CdTe quantum well. Our method, relying on the exchange interaction between localized excitons and paramagnetic impurities, can in principle be applied to entangle a large number of spins.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Magnon squeezing in antiferromagnetic MnF2 and FeF2

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    Quantum squeezing of a collective spin-wave excitation or magnon using femtosecond optical pulses has been used to generate correlated pairs of spins with equal and opposite wave vectors in antiferromagnetic MnF\u2082 and FeF\u2082. in the squeezed state, the fluctuations of the magnetization of a crystallographic unit cell vary periodically in time and are reduced below that of the ground state quantum noise. the results obtained, including their temperature dependence for FeF\u2082, are compared with earlier spontaneous Raman scattering measurements. The squeezing effect is observed to be at least one order of magnitude stronger in FeF\u2082 than in MnF\u2082.NRC publication: Ye