86 research outputs found

    Delivery of sTRAIL variants by MSCs in combination with cytotoxic drug treatment leads to p53-independent enhanced antitumor effects

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are able to infiltrate tumor tissues and thereby effectively deliver gene therapeutic payloads. Here, we engineered murine MSCs (mMSCs) to express a secreted form of the TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), which is a potent inducer of apoptosis in tumor cells, and tested these MSCs, termed MSC.sTRAIL, in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic drug treatment in colon cancer models. When we pretreated human colorectal cancer HCT116 cells with low doses of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and added MSC.sTRAIL, we found significantly increased apoptosis as compared with single-agent treatment. Moreover, HCT116 xenografts, which were cotreated with 5-FU and systemically delivered MSC.sTRAIL, went into remission. Noteworthy, this effect was protein 53 (p53) independent and was mediated by TRAIL-receptor 2 (TRAIL-R2) upregulation, demonstrating the applicability of this approach in p53-defective tumors. Consequently, when we generated MSCs that secreted TRAIL-R2-specific variants of soluble TRAIL (sTRAIL), we found that such engineered MSCs, labeled MSC.sTRAIL DR5, had enhanced antitumor activity in combination with 5-FU when compared with MSC.sTRAIL. In contrast, TRAIL-resistant pancreatic carcinoma PancTu1 cells responded better to MSC.sTRAIL DR4 when the antiapoptotic protein XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein) was silenced concomitantly. Taken together, our results demonstrate that TRAIL-receptor selective variants can potentially enhance the therapeutic efficacy of MSC-delivered TRAIL as part of individualized and tumor-specific combination treatments. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved

    AP2α controls the dynamic balance between miR-126&126∗ and miR-221&222 during melanoma progression

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    Accumulating evidences have shown the association between aberrantly expressed microRNAs (miRs) and cancer, where these small regulatory RNAs appear to dictate the cell fate by regulating all the main biological processes. We demonstrated the responsibility of the circuitry connecting the oncomiR-221&222 with the tumor suppressors miR-126&126∗ in melanoma development and progression. According to the inverse correlation between endogenous miR-221&222 and miR-126&126∗, respectively increasing or decreasing with malignancy, their enforced expression or silencing was sufficient for a reciprocal regulation. In line with the opposite roles of these miRs, protein analyses confirmed the reverse expression pattern of miR-126&126∗-targeted genes that were induced by miR-221&222. Looking for a central player in this complex network, we revealed the dual regulation of AP2α, on one side directly targeted by miR-221&222 and on the other a transcriptional activator of miR-126&126∗. We showed the chance of restoring miR-126&126∗ expression in metastatic melanoma to reduce the amount of mature intracellular heparin-binding EGF like growth factor, thus preventing promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger delocalization and maintaining its repression on miR-221&222 promoter. Thus, the low-residual quantity of these two miRs assures the release of AP2α expression, which in turn binds to and induces miR-126&126∗ transcription. All together these results point to an unbalanced ratio functional to melanoma malignancy between these two couples of miRs. During progression this balance gradually moves from miR-126&126∗ toward miR-221&222. This circuitry, besides confirming the central role of AP2α in orchestrating melanoma development and/or progression, further displays the significance of these miRs in cancer and the option of utilizing them for novel therapeutics

    CREB Inhibits AP-2α Expression to Regulate the Malignant Phenotype of Melanoma

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    The loss of AP-2alpha and increased activity of cAMP-responsive element binding (CREB) protein are two hallmarks of malignant progression of cutaneous melanoma. However, the molecular mechanism responsible for the loss of AP-2alpha during melanoma progression remains unknown.Herein, we demonstrate that both inhibition of PKA-dependent CREB phosphorylation, as well as silencing of CREB expression by shRNA, restored AP-2alpha protein expression in two metastatic melanoma cell lines. Moreover, rescue of CREB expression in CREB-silenced cell lines downregulates expression of AP-2alpha. Loss of AP-2alpha expression in metastatic melanoma occurs via a dual mechanism involving binding of CREB to the AP-2alpha promoter and CREB-induced overexpression of another oncogenic transcription factor, E2F-1. Upregulation of AP-2alpha expression following CREB silencing increases endogenous p21(Waf1) and decreases MCAM/MUC18, both known to be downstream target genes of AP-2alpha involved in melanoma progression.Since AP-2alpha regulates several genes associated with the metastatic potential of melanoma including c-KIT, VEGF, PAR-1, MCAM/MUC18, and p21(Waf1), our data identified CREB as a major regulator of the malignant melanoma phenotype

    Towards a new image processing system at Wendelstein 7-X: From spatial calibration to characterization of thermal events

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    Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is the most advanced fusion experiment in the stellarator line and is aimed at proving that the stellarator concept is suitable for a fusion reactor. One of the most important issues for fusion reactors is the monitoring of plasma facing components when exposed to very high heat loads, through the use of visible and infrared (IR) cameras. In this paper, a new image processing system for the analysis of the strike lines on the inboard limiters from the first W7-X experimental campaign is presented. This system builds a model of the IR cameras through the use of spatial calibration techniques, helping to characterize the strike lines by using the information given by real spatial coordinates of each pixel. The characterization of the strike lines is made in terms of position, size, and shape, after projecting the camera image in a 2D grid which tries to preserve the curvilinear surface distances between points. The description of the strike-line shape is made by means of the Fourier Descriptors

    Forward modeling of collective Thomson scattering for Wendelstein 7-X plasmas: Electrostatic approximation

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    In this paper, we present a method for numerical computation of collective Thomson scattering (CTS). We developed a forward model, eCTS, in the electrostatic approximation and benchmarked it against a full electromagnetic model. Differences between the electrostatic and the electromagnetic models are discussed. The sensitivity of the results to the ion temperature and the plasma composition is demonstrated. We integrated the model into the Bayesian data analysis framework Minerva and used it for the analysis of noisy synthetic data sets produced by a full electromagnetic model. It is shown that eCTS can be used for the inference of the bulk ion temperature. The model has been used to infer the bulk ion temperature from the first CTS measurements on Wendelstein 7-X

    Affine Point Pattern Matching

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    This paper presents a general solution for the problem of affine point pattern matching (APPM). Formally, given two sets of two-dimensional points (x,y) which are related by a general affine transformation (up to small deviations of the point coordinates and maybe some additional outliers). Then we can determine the six parameters a  ¡ of the transformation using new Hu point-invariants which are invariant with respect to affine transformations. With these invariants we compute a weighted point reference list. The affine parameters can be calculated using the method of the least absolute differences (LAD method) and using linear programming. In comparison to the least squares method, our approach is very robust against noise and outliers. The algorithm works in O(n) average time and can be used for translation and/or rotations, isotropic and non-isotropic scalings, shear transformations and reflections.

    Die Quark-Struktur der Nukleonen

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    SIGLECopy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Phase-specific Raman spectroscopy for fast segmented microfluidic flows

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    An intensifier based Raman measuring strategy is introduced which allows for a phase-specific signal detection of one single phase in segmented flows at droplet generation frequencies of potentially up to several kHz

    Beschichtungsverfahren mit selbstregelnder Prozesskontrolle fuer komplexe Schichtsysteme Abschlussbericht

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    Within the reported project industrial sputtering processes were developed for the production of magnetooptical disks as examples of complex thin film systems. Static single disk depositions were combined with on-line measurements of the physical properties in order to control the various steps individually. The complete process control is achieved by computer programs which provide optimum deposition strategies on the basis of the in-situ measurements. Magnetooptical disks prepared for evaluation by industrial partners showed that the developed deposition processes and tools are suitable for the production of complex thin film systems. The flexible concept can be applied to other layer systems as well as to further developments. (orig./RHM)Im Rahmen des dokumentierten Vorhabens wurden am Beispiel magnetooptischer Speicherplatten industrielle Kathodenzerstaeubungsverfahren fuer die Produktion von komplexen Schichtsystemen entwickelt. Um die Vorgaenge individuell steuern zu koennen, wurden Methoden der statischen Einzel-Beschichtung mit on-line Messmethoden kombiniert. Die Steuerung des gesamten Prozesses wurde durch Computer-Programme erreicht, welche die in-situ-Messungen verarbeiten und die Prozessparameter nach flexiblen Optimierungsstrategien regeln. Musterbeschichtungen von magnetooptischen Speicherplatten, die von Anwendern ausgewertet wurden, zeigten, dass die hier entwickelten Prozesse und Werkzeuge die industrielle Produktion von komplexen Schichtsystemen ermoeglichen. Aufgrund seiner Flexibilitaet kann das Gesamtkonzept auf andere komplexe Schichtsysteme und auf weitere Entwicklungen uebertragen werden. (orig./RHM)Available from TIB Hannover: F94B0428+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
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