41 research outputs found
Dynamic Programming for Optimal Control of Set-Up Scheduling with Neural Network Modifications
This paper demonstrates an optimal control solution to change of machine set-up scheduling based on dynamic programming average cost per stage value iteration as set forth by Cararnanis et. al. [2] for the 2D case. The difficulty with the optimal approach lies in the explosive computational growth of the resulting solution. A method of reducing the computational complexity is developed using ideas from biology and neural networks. A real time controller is described that uses a linear-log representation of state space with neural networks employed to fit cost surfaces.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083
Working Memory Networks for Learning Temporal Order, with Application to 3-D Visual Object Recognition
Working memory neural networks are characterized which encode the invariant temporal order of sequential events. Inputs to the networks, called Sustained Temporal Order REcurrent (STORE) models, may be presented at widely differing speeds, durations, and interstimulus intervals. The STORE temporal order code is designed to enable all emergent groupings of sequential events to be stably learned and remembered in real time, even as new events perturb the system. Such a competence is needed in neural architectures which self-organize learned codes for variable-rate speech perception, sensory-motor planning, or 3-D visual object recognition. Using such a working memory, a self-organizing architecture for invariant 3-D visual object recognition is described. The new model is based on the model of Seibert and Waxman (1990a), which builds a 3-D representation of an object from a temporally ordered sequence of its 2-D aspect graphs. The new model, called an ARTSTORE model, consists of the following cascade of processing modules: Invariant Preprocessor --> ART 2 --> STORE Model --> ART 2 --> Outstar Network.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083); British Petroleum (89-A1-1204); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530, IRI 87-16960); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-128, 90-0175
Store Working Memory Networks for Storage and Recall of Arbitrary Temporal Sequences
Neural network models of working memory, called Sustained Temporal Order REcurrent (STORE) models, are described. They encode the invariant temporal order of sequential events in short term memory (STM) in a way that mimics cognitive data about working memory, including primacy, recency, and bowed order and error gradients. As new items are presented, the pattern of previously stored items is invariant in the sense that, relative activations remain constant through time. This invariant temporal order code enables all possible groupings of sequential events to be stably learned and remembered in real time, even as new events perturb the system. Such a competence is needed to design self-organizing temporal recognition and planning systems in which any subsequence of events may need to be categorized in order to to control and predict future behavior or external events. STORE models show how arbitrary event sequences may be invariantly stored, including repeated events. A preprocessor interacts with the working memory to represent event repeats in spatially separate locations. It is shown why at least two processing levels are needed to invariantly store events presented with variable durations and interstimulus intervals. It is also shown how network parameters control the type and shape of primacy, recency, or bowed temporal order gradients that will be stored.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0128, F49620-92-J-0225); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-92-J-1309); British Petroleum (89A-1204); Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083, N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00539
Working Memories for Storage and Recall of Arbitrary Temporal Sequences
A working memory model is described that is capable of storing and recalling arbitrary temporal sequences of events, including repeated items. These memories encode the invariant temporal order of sequential events that may be presented at widely differing speeds, durations, and interstimulus intervals. This temporal order code is designed to enable all possible groupings of sequential events to be stably learned and remembered in real time, even as new events perturb the system.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083); British Petroleum (89-A-1204); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530, IRI-90-24877); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0175
Working memory networks for learning multiple groupings of temporally ordered events: applications to 3-D visual object recognition
Working memory neural networks are characterized which encode the invariant temporal order of sequential events that may be presented at widely differing speeds, durations, and interstimulus intervals. This temporal order code is designed to enable all possible groupings of sequential events to be stably learned and remembered in real time, even as new events perturb the system. Such a competence is needed in neural architectures which self-organize learned codes for variable-rate speech perception, sensory-motor planning, or 3-D visual object recognition. Using such a working memory, a self-organizing architecture for invariant 3-D visual object recognition is described that is based on the model of Seibert and Waxman [1].Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-128, 90-0175); British Petroleum (89-A-1204); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530, IRI 87-16960
Fast learning VIEWNET architectures for recognizing 3-D objects from multiple 2-D views
The recognition of three-dimensional ( 3-D) objects from sequences of their two-dimensional ( 2-D) views is modeled by a family of self-organizing neural architectures, called VIEWNET, that use View Information Encoded With NETworks. VIEWNET incorporates a preprocessor that generates a compressed but 2-D invariant representation of an image, a supervised incremental learning system that classifies the preprocessed representations into 2-1) view categories whose outputs are combined into 3-D invariant object categories, and a working memory that makes a 3-D object prediction by accumulating evidence from 3-D object category nodes us multiple 2-D views are experienced. The simplest VIEWNET achieves high recognition scores without the need to explicitly code the temporal order of 2-D views in working memory. Working memories are also discussed that save memory resources by implicitly coding temporal order in terms of the relative activity of 2-D view category nodes, rather than as explicit 2-D view transitions. Variants of the VIEWNET architecture may be used for scene understanding by using a preprocessor and classifier that can determine both what objects are in a scene and where they are located. The present VIEWNET preprocessor includes the CORT-X 2 filter, which discounts the illuminant, regularizes and completes figural boundaries, and suppresses image noise. This boundary segmentation is rendered invariant under 2-D translation, rotation, and dilation by use of a log-polar transform. The invariant spectra undergo Gaussian coarse coding to further reduce noise and 3-D foreshortening effects, and to increase generalization. These compressed codes are input into th