9 research outputs found

    Stochastic Resonance Can Drive Adaptive Physiological Processes

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    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a concept from the physics and engineering communities that has applicability to both systems physiology and other living systems. In this paper, it will be argued that stochastic resonance plays a role in driving behavior in neuromechanical systems. The theory of stochastic resonance will be discussed, followed by a series of expected outcomes, and two tests of stochastic resonance in an experimental setting. These tests are exploratory in nature, and provide a means to parameterize systems that couple biological and mechanical components. Finally, the potential role of stochastic resonance in adaptive physiological systems will be discussed

    Range-based techniques for discovering optimality and analyzing scaling relationships in neuromechanical systems

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    In this paper, a method for decoupling the neuromuscular function of a set of limbs from the role morphology plays in regulating the performance of an activity is introduced. This method is based on two previous methods: the rescaled range analysis specific to time series data, and the use of scaling laws. A review of the literature suggests that limb geometry can either facilitate or constrain performance as measured experimentally. Whether limb geometry is facilitatory or acts as a constraint depends on the size differential between arm morphology and the underlying muscle. "Changes in size and shape" are theoretically extrapolations of morphological geometry to other members of a population or species, to other species, or to technological manipulations of an individual via prosthetic devices. Three datasets are analyzed using the range-based method and a Monte-Carlo simulation, and are used to test the various ways of executing this analysis. It was found that when performance is kept stable but limb size and shape is scaled by a factor of .25, the greatest gain in performance results. It was also found that introducing force-based perturbations results in 'shifts' in the body geometry/performance relationship. While results such as this could be interpreted as a statistical artifact, the non-linear rise within a measurement class and linear decrease between measurement classes suggests an effect of scale in the optimality of this relationship. Overall, range-based techniques allow for the simulation and modeling of myriad changes in phenotype that result from biological and technological manipulation

    Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience

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    Nano-enabled Biological Materials

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    This talk is an attempt to define a new field called “Nano-enabled Biological Tissues”. As such, this talk serves as a review of both the theoretical underpinnings and relevant recent results. 

The presentation is divided into several parts: 

* in the first section (slides 3-4), the concept of nano-enabled tissues are introduced as a complex system that can be engineered at multiple scales.

* the second section (slides 5-12) contains three essential ingredients to achieve the technological vision. Current examples of each ingredient are introduced separately.

* in the third section (slides 13-17), additional essential ingredients are considered. This includes strategies for system construction (top-down vs. bottom-up), and additional tools for functionality such as computational intelligence

    Virtual Reality In Neuroscience Research And Therapy

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    Virtual reality (VR) environments are increasingly being used by neuroscientists to simulate natural events and social interactions. VR creates interactive, multimodal sensory stimuli that offer unique advantages over other approaches to neuroscientific research and applications. VR\u27s compatibility with imaging technologies such as functional MRI allows researchers to present multimodal stimuli with a high degree of ecological validity and control while recording changes in brain activity. Therapists, too, stand to gain from progress in VR technology, which provides a high degree of control over the therapeutic experience. Here we review the latest advances in VR technology and its applications in neuroscience research. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Creating clear and informative image-based figures for scientific publications

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    Scientists routinely use images to display data. Readers often examine figures first; therefore, it is important that figures are accessible to a broad audience. Many resources discuss fraudulent image manipulation and technical specifications for image acquisition; however, data on the legibility and interpretability of images are scarce. We systematically examined these factors in non-blot images published in the top 15 journals in 3 fields; plant sciences, cell biology, and physiology (n = 580 papers). Common problems included missing scale bars, misplaced or poorly marked insets, images or labels that were not accessible to colorblind readers, and insufficient explanations of colors, labels, annotations, or the species and tissue or object depicted in the image. Papers that met all good practice criteria examined for all image-based figures were uncommon (physiology 16%, cell biology 12%, plant sciences 2%). We present detailed descriptions and visual examples to help scientists avoid common pitfalls when publishing images. Our recommendations address image magnification, scale information, insets, annotation, and color and may encourage discussion about quality standards for bioimage publishing

    Creating clear and informative image-based figures for scientific publications.

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    Scientists routinely use images to display data. Readers often examine figures first; therefore, it is important that figures are accessible to a broad audience. Many resources discuss fraudulent image manipulation and technical specifications for image acquisition; however, data on the legibility and interpretability of images are scarce. We systematically examined these factors in non-blot images published in the top 15 journals in 3 fields; plant sciences, cell biology, and physiology (n = 580 papers). Common problems included missing scale bars, misplaced or poorly marked insets, images or labels that were not accessible to colorblind readers, and insufficient explanations of colors, labels, annotations, or the species and tissue or object depicted in the image. Papers that met all good practice criteria examined for all image-based figures were uncommon (physiology 16%, cell biology 12%, plant sciences 2%). We present detailed descriptions and visual examples to help scientists avoid common pitfalls when publishing images. Our recommendations address image magnification, scale information, insets, annotation, and color and may encourage discussion about quality standards for bioimage publishing

    Reproducibility for everyone: a community-led initiative with global reach in reproducible research training

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    Reproducibility is a cornerstone of the scientific method and sets apart science from pseudoscience. Unfortunately, a majority of scientists have experienced difficulties in reproducing their own or someone else’s results. This inability to confirm scientific findings negatively impacts individual scientists, funding bodies, academic journals, pharmaceutical drug development and the public’s perception of science. Factors causing irreproducible results can arise from nearly every aspect of the scientific process, and typically reflect a lack of in-depth training in reproducible research practices. Here, we present the Reproducibility for Everyone (R4E) initiative, a collaboration between researchers from diverse scientific disciplines and industry partners who aspire to promote open and reproducible research practices. We have developed a customizable workshop series targeting researchers at all levels and across disciplines. Our workshop series covers the conceptual framework of reproducible research practices followed by an overview of actionable research practices. To date, we have reached more than 2000 researchers through over 25 workshops held at international conferences and local meetings. By incorporating further contributions from the scientific community, we hope to expand this valuable resource for teaching transparent and reproducible research practices. Our initiative demonstrates how a shared set of materials may form the basis for a global initiative to improve reproducibility in science. The workshop materials, including accompanying resources, are available under a CC-BY 4.0 license at www.repro4everyone.org