3,244 research outputs found

    Naturalistic Child Observation

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    Among the many different research methods available naturalistic observation is one of the oldest forms. In this paper advantages and disadvantages of naturalistic observation will be discussed, followed by observations of two preschool children to determine which developmental stage they place in Piaget’s cognitive development theory. The results found that each child fit within Piaget\u27s cognitive development theory with each exhibiting different spheres of the preoperational stage. Further research could look at gender differences or certain behavioral incidences only

    Influence of Motivation on Phonics Effectiveness

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    Reading is a basic life skill, and is paramount to students’ success in school. In fact, skilled readers tend to succeed in subject areas including mathematics, social studies, and science (Valleley & Shriver, 2003). Phonics is one of the cornerstones of learning to read. Without mastering phonics, students are more likely to experience persistent difficulties in reading (Elbro, 1996; Bus and Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, 1999; Rose, 2006). However, student motivation to read can impact the effectiveness of reading programs (Melekoglu, 2011). The current study examines the influence of motivation on the effectiveness of a phonics program with six first-graders who have struggled to learn to read. Students’ rates of learning to read were similar for phonics instruction programs utilizing combined constant time delay instruction and percentile shaping as they were for a phonics program utilizing constant time delay instruction alone

    Rule-Governed Behavior: Teaching Essential School Readiness Skills via Rule-Following to Children with Autism

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    Rule-governed behavior (RGB) is behavior that is controlled by verbal descriptions of contingencies rather than by direct contact or a history of direct contact with the contingencies. Humans rely on RGB to navigate a multitude of life experiences, and in doing so, we avoid direct contact with destructive or harmful contingencies or contingencies that would be inefficient to contact. However, individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) do not naturally demonstrate RGB, leaving them at increased risk of contacting dangerous consequences. Thus, acquiring RGB is a critical concern that affects the development and wellbeing of individuals with ASD. The current study examined the effectiveness of intervention programs designed to promote acquisition and generalization of RGB in children with ASD. Multiple exemplar training (MET) resulted in increased performance of target behaviors as well as successful discrimination. Furthermore, training resulted in generalized performance to untrained exemplars, natural settings, and unfamiliar others demonstrating acquisition and generalization of RGB

    On-Campus Suicide Sites and Means-Restrictive Suicide Barriers: Protecting Students and Their Universities

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    Student Recital: Rachel Bradley, Mezzo-Soprano

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    Rachel Bradley is a student of Dr. Brian Nedvin. This recital is given in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music, Music Education degree. Rachel Bradley, mezzo-soprano Bobbie Kesler-Corleto, pian

    Time Traveling with Timelines: Web Apps for Storytelling in Libraries

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    From online embeds to interactive displays, timelines can serve many purposes and tell powerful stories. At the University of Georgia’s Law Library we have teamed up with faculty and staff to bring history to life, engage students, and preserve scholarly and institutional milestones. Through trial and error we have found a variety of tools for creating timelines digitally. In this article we share our four favorite web-based applications for creating timelines including Tiki-Toki, TimeToast, Prezi and Piktochart

    Influential Article Review - Omni-channel General Merchandise Fulfillment Networks

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    This paper examines logistics. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: The growing importance of online sales means that traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers need to create new distribution systems to serve customers through multiple channels. Building an effective and efficient omni-channel (OC) distribution system, however, leads to multiple challenges. The questions arise for example, from where online orders should be fulfilled, how delivery and return processes can be organized, and which context-specific OC distribution systems exist. Answering these questions retail research and practice require an overall view of the distribution concepts for direct-to-customer and store deliveries in OC retailing, including the associated return processes. This overall picture is still missing in the literature. We conducted an exploratory study to close this observable gap in the literature. This exploratory study is based on semi-structured interviews with major OC retailers in German-speaking countries and was complemented by market data research and discussions with further experts in the field of OC retailing. Based on the results of the study, the forward distribution system in OC retailing is characterized by the sources (supplier DCs, retailer DCs, stores) and destinations (home, store) which describe the options for store delivery, home delivery, and store pickup. Return processes are likewise characterized by the sources (store, home) and destinations (store, DC, return center). This framework forms the foundation for analyzing contextual criteria, identifying when the different conceptual designs are applied, determining industry-specific characteristics, and illustrating ways to further advance OC retailing. The present paper, therefore, contributes to the literature in three main areas: (1) it identifies and systematizes the forward and backward concepts in OC retailing, (2) it reveals application and development areas for achieving excellence in OC fulfillment and logistics, and (3) shows the need for developing sector- and context-specific OC distribution systems. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    Born-Digital Preservation: The Art of Archiving Photos With Script and Batch Processing

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    With our IT department preparing to upgrade the University of Georgia’s Alexander Campbell King Law Library (UGA Law Library) website from Drupal 7 to 8 this fall, a web developer, an archivist, and a librarian teamed up a year ago to make plans for preserving thousands of born-digital images. We wanted to harvest photographs housed only in web-based photo galleries on the law school website and import them into our repository’s collection. The problem? There were five types of online photo galleries, and our current repository did not include appropriate categories for all of the photographs. The solution? Expand our archives photo series structure in Digital Commons, write and run scripts to automate the gathering of image file URLs and basic metadata, and then clean up the spreadsheets to batch load it all into the collection
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