5 research outputs found
Zagrożenia zdrowotne wśród dzieci i młodzieży. T. 2
Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed pape
Expression of insulin-like growth factor family genes in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Aim of the study : Despite significant progress in the pathology of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), diagnostic and predictive factors of major importance have not been discovered. Some hopes are associated with insulin-like growth factors. The aim of the study was to compare the expression of genes for insulin-like growth factor family in tumours and in tissue of kidneys without cancer.
Material and methods : Fifty-two patients years with clear cell renal cell cancer were qualified to the study group; patients nephrectomised because of hydronephrosis were included in the control group. Expression of genes were evaluated by RT-PCR.
Results : Expression of IGFR-1 gene in tumour accounts for about 60% of cases. The incidence is higher than in corresponding adjacent non-cancerous kidney tissues and higher (but with no statistical significance) than in kidney without cancer.
Expression of IGFR-2 gene in tumours has not been established. The incidence of the expression in corresponding adjacent non-cancerous kidney tissues is small. Expression of this gene has been present in all specimens from kidneys without cancer.
Expression of IGFBP-3 gene ascertained in all (except four) cases of ccRCC and in the majority of clippings from adjacent tissue. It was not found in kidneys from the control group.
IGF-1, IGF-2, and IGFR-1 mRNA copy numbers in ccRCC were higher than in the material from the control grou
Parental Opinions and Attitudes about Children’s Vaccination Safety in Silesian Voivodeship, Poland
Despite mandatory vaccinations in Poland, the final decision on vaccination in children is taken by their parents or legal guardians. Understanding parents’ attitudes and opinions regarding vaccinations is essential for planning and undertaking extensive and properly targeted educational actions aimed at preventing their hesitancy. In 2016, a cross-sectional study was conducted in the Silesian Voivodeship (Poland) in 11 randomly selected educational institutions. The authors’ self-administered questionnaire contained 24 mixed-type questions. It was distributed among 3000 parents or legal guardians of children aged 6–13 years; prior consent of the relevant bioethics committee had been obtained. The response rate was 41.3% (N = 1239). Data were analysed using descriptive and analytical statistics, and focused on parental opinions regarding the safety of vaccines. Results of simple and multivariable analyses showed that perceived risk of adverse vaccine reaction (AVR), contraindications and perception of the qualification procedure for vaccination as substandard were significant factors associated with the rating of children’s vaccination as unsafe (p < 0.001). Respondents with a lower level of education, compared with those with higher, more often declared vaccinations to be safe (p = 0.03); however, results of multivariable analysis did not confirm that effect. AVR occurrence, finding of contraindication to vaccinations and perception of qualification procedure for vaccination were found to be the most important factors responsible for influencing general public opinions in the field of vaccination safety
Wskaźniki zapadalności i śmiertelności w udarze mózgu w populacji mieszkańców Zabrza w latach 2005–2006
Background and purpose
Epidemiological rates for stroke obtained in the United States and Western Europe indicate a decrease in incidence and case fatality. Data published for Poland, as for other Central-Eastern European countries, reported unfavourable results, but this was based on data from the 1990s. The authors evaluated current stroke rates in a population study of the southern Poland city of Zabrze.
Material and methods
A retrospective registry of all stroke cases treated in Zabrze, southern Poland, in 2005–2006, was established, based on data from the National Health Fund. Cases were identified by verifying patient files. Epidemiological rates were calculated and standardized to the European population in both groups: all stroke patients, including recurrent (all strokes, AS), and patients with first-ever stroke (FES) in their history.
We registered 731 strokes, including 572 FES cases (78.3%) and 159 recurrent strokes (21.7%). There were 385 strokes in men (52.7%), and 346 in women (47.2%); 88.6% were ischaemic strokes (IS), and 11.4% were intracerebral haemorrhages (ICH). The standardized incidence rate for AS patients was 167/100 000 (211 for men, 130 for women), and in the FES group 131/100 000 (161 for men, 104 for women). Twenty-eight day case fatality for the AS group was 18.3% (15.4% for IS, 41% for ICH), and 16.6% for FES (13.4% for IS, 40.9% for ICH).
Incidence rates in this southern Poland city are comparable to those reported previously for Poland. Early case fatality decreased, compared to previous data, probably as a result of improved management of acute stroke and hospitalizing all stroke patients.Cel pracy
Wskaźniki epidemiologiczne dotyczące udaru mózgu uzyskane w USA i Europie Zachodniej wykazują spadek zapadalności oraz śmiertelności. Dane publikowane w Polsce, podobnie jak w innych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, są znacznie bardziej niekorzystne, pochodzą jednak z badań prowadzonych w latach 90. Autorzy ocenili aktualne wskaźniki epidemiologiczne w udarze mózgu w badaniu obejmującym populację miasta Zabrze w południowej Polsce.
Materiał i metody
Na podstawie danych pozyskanych z Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia utworzono retrospektywny rejestr chorych leczonych z powodu udaru mózgu w Zabrzu w latach 2005–2006. Dane weryfikowano, analizując dokumentację chorych. Wskaźniki epidemiologiczne poddano standaryzacji dla populacji europejskiej w dwóch grupach pacjentów: wszystkich chorych z udarem oraz chorych z pierwszym w życiu udarem.
Do rejestru włączono 731 chorych – 572 chorych z pierwszym w życiu udarem (78,3%) i 159 (21,7%) z udarem nawracającym. Zarejestrowano 385 udarów wśród mężczyzn (52,7%) i 346 wśród kobiet (47,2%). U 88,6% chorych stwierdzono udar niedokrwienny (UN), a u 11,4% krwotok śródmózgowy (KŚ). Zapadalność w grupie AS wynosiła 167/100 000 (211 wśród mężczyzn, 130 wśród kobiet), w grupie FES – 131/100 000 (odpowiednio 161 i 104). Dwudziestoośmiodniowa śmiertelność w grupie AS wyniosła 18,3% (15,4% dla udaru niedokrwiennego, 41% dla krwotoku śródmózgowego), w grupie FES – 16,6% (odpowiednio 13,4% i 40,9%).
Wskaźniki zapadalności na udar mózgu uzyskane w populacji Zabrza są porównywalne z publikowanymi w krajach Europy Zachodniej. Wczesna śmiertelność zmniejszyła się, w odniesieniu do wcześniejszych danych, najpewniej w następstwie skuteczniejszego postępowania w ostrej fazie udaru oraz hospitalizacji wszystkich chorych