4 research outputs found

    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate Deep-Pelagic Ecosystem Dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico Following Deepwater Horizon

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    The pelagic Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is a complex system of dynamic physical oceanography (western boundary current, mesoscale eddies), high biological diversity, and community integration via diel vertical migration and lateral advection. Humans also heavily utilize this system, including its deep-sea components, for resource extraction, shipping, tourism, and other commercial activity. This utilization has had impacts, some with disastrous consequences. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (DWHOS) occurred at a depth of ∼1500 m (Macondo wellhead), creating a persistent and toxic mixture of hydrocarbons and dispersant in the deep-pelagic (water column below 200 m depth) habitat. In order to assess the impacts of the DWHOS on this habitat, two large-scale research programs, described herein, were designed and executed. These programs, ONSAP and DEEPEND, aimed to quantitatively characterize the oceanic ecosystem of the northern GoM and to establish a time-series with which natural and anthropogenic changes could be detected. The approach was multi-disciplinary in nature and included in situ sampling, acoustic sensing, water column profiling and sampling, satellite remote sensing, AUV sensing, numerical modeling, genetic sequencing, and biogeochemical analyses. The synergy of these methodologies has provided new and unprecedented perspectives of an oceanic ecosystem with respect to composition, connectivity, drivers, and variability

    16S and COI barcoding sequences for crustaceans collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico for cruises DP02, DP03, and DP04 from August 2015 - August 2016

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    These are the 16S and COI barcoding sequences for crustaceans collected on cruises DP02, DP03, and DP04. These barcodes, obtained from the species we collected, will be used to aid in species identification efforts, evolutionary relationships analyses, adult-larval linkages, and new species discoveries. Samples were taken from animals collected during cruises that took place in the northern Gulf of Mexico from August 2015 - August 2016

    Mitochondrial DNA sequence alignments for phylogenetic analysis of the shrimp genus Farfantepenaeus

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    This dataset includes 12S, 16S, and COI sequence data. Sequences were obtained from the eight recognized species of Farfantepenaeus: F. aztecus, F. brasiliensis, F. brevirostris, F. californiensis, F. duorarum, F. isabelae, F. notialis, and F. subtilis. Also included are several sequences from species of Litopenaeus, which serve as outgroup(s)