3,477 research outputs found
Analyzing shell structure from Babylonian and modern times
We investigate ``shell structure'' from Babylonian times: periodicities and
beats in computer-simulated lunar data corresponding to those observed by
Babylonian scribes some 2500 years ago. We discuss the mathematical similarity
between the Babylonians' recently reconstructed method of determining one of
the periods of the moon with modern Fourier analysis and the interpretation of
shell structure in finite fermion systems (nuclei, metal clusters, quantum
dots) in terms of classical closed or periodic orbits.Comment: LaTeX2e, 13pp, 8 figs; contribution to 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop
"Marie and Pierre Curie", 24 - 28 Sept. 2003, Kazimierz Dolny (Poland); final
version accepted for J. Mod. Phys.
Periodic orbit theory including spin degrees of freedom
We summarize recent developments of the semiclassical description of shell
effects in finite fermion systems with explicit inclusion of spin degrees of
freedom, in particluar in the presence of spin-orbit interactions. We present a
new approach that makes use of spin coherent states and a correspondingly
enlarged classical phase space. Taking suitable limits, we can recover some of
the earlier approaches. Applications to some model systems are presented.Comment: LaTeX2e, 10pp, 5 figs; contribution to 10th Nuclear Physics Workshop
"Marie and Pierre Curie", 24 - 28 Sept. 2003, Kazimierz Dolny (Poland
Supershell structure in trapped dilute Fermi gases
We show that a dilute harmonically trapped two-component gas of fermionic
atoms with a weak repulsive interaction has a pronounced super-shell structure:
the shell fillings due to the spherical harmonic trapping potential are
modulated by a beat mode. This changes the ``magic numbers'' occurring between
the beat nodes by half a period. The length and amplitude of this beating mode
depend on the strength of the interaction. We give a simple interpretation of
the beat structure in terms of a semiclassical trace formula for the symmetry
breaking U(3) --> SO(3).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; In version 2, references added. The semiclassical
explanation of super-shell structure is refined. Version 3, as appeared in
Phys. Rev.
Quantum fluid-dynamics from density functional theory
A partial differential eigenvalue equation for the density displacement
fields associated with electronic excitations is derived in the framework of
density functional theory. Our quantum fluid-dynamical approach is based on a
variational principle and the Kohn-Sham ground-state energy functional, using
only the occupied Kohn-Sham orbitals. It allows for an intuitive interpretation
of electronic excitations in terms of intrinsic local currents that obey a
continuity equation. We demonstrate the capabilities of this non-empirical
approach by calculating the photoabsorption spectra of small sodium clusters.
The quantitative agreement between theoretical and experimental spectra shows
that even for the smallest clusters, the resonances observed experimentally at
low temperatures can be interpreted in terms of density vibrations.Comment: RevTeX file with 2 figures. Update on April 17 2001: Typos corrected,
references updated, larger axes labels on Fig. 1. Accepted for publication in
Phys. Rev.
Closed-orbit theory for spatial density oscillations
We briefly review a recently developed semiclassical theory for quantum
oscillations in the spatial (particle and kinetic energy) densities of finite
fermion systems and present some examples of its results. We then discuss the
inclusion of correlations (finite temperatures, pairing correlations) in the
semiclassical theory.Comment: LaTeX, 10pp., 2 figure
Super-shell structure in harmonically trapped fermionic gases and its semi-classical interpretation
It was recently shown in self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculations that a
harmonically trapped dilute gas of fermionic atoms with a repulsive two-body
interaction exhibits a pronounced {\it super-shell} structure: the shell
fillings due to the spherical harmonic trapping potential are modulated by a
beat mode. This changes the ``magic numbers'' occurring between the beat nodes
by half a period. The length and amplitude of the beating mode depends on the
strength of the interaction. We give a qualitative interpretation of the beat
structure in terms of a semiclassical trace formula that uniformly describes
the symmetry breaking U(3) SO(3) in a 3D harmonic oscillator potential
perturbed by an anharmonic term with arbitrary strength. We show
that at low Fermi energies (or particle numbers), the beating gross-shell
structure of this system is dominated solely by the two-fold degenerate
circular and (diametrically) pendulating orbits.Comment: Final version of procedings for the 'Nilsson conference
Anomalous shell effect in the transition from a circular to a triangular billiard
We apply periodic orbit theory to a two-dimensional non-integrable billiard
system whose boundary is varied smoothly from a circular to an equilateral
triangular shape. Although the classical dynamics becomes chaotic with
increasing triangular deformation, it exhibits an astonishingly pronounced
shell effect on its way through the shape transition. A semiclassical analysis
reveals that this shell effect emerges from a codimension-two bifurcation of
the triangular periodic orbit. Gutzwiller's semiclassical trace formula, using
a global uniform approximation for the bifurcation of the triangular orbit and
including the contributions of the other isolated orbits, describes very well
the coarse-grained quantum-mechanical level density of this system. We also
discuss the role of discrete symmetry for the large shell effect obtained here.Comment: 14 pages REVTeX4, 16 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev. E.
Qualities of some figures are lowered to reduce their sizes. Original figures
are available at http://www.phys.nitech.ac.jp/~arita/papers/tricirc
Closed orbits and spatial density oscillations in the circular billiard
We present a case study for the semiclassical calculation of the oscillations
in the particle and kinetic-energy densities for the two-dimensional circular
billiard. For this system, we can give a complete classification of all closed
periodic and non-periodic orbits. We discuss their bifurcations under variation
of the starting point r and derive analytical expressions for their properties
such as actions, stability determinants, momentum mismatches and Morse indices.
We present semiclassical calculations of the spatial density oscillations using
a recently developed closed-orbit theory [Roccia J and Brack M 2008 Phys. Rev.
Lett. 100 200408], employing standard uniform approximations from perturbation
and bifurcation theory, and test the convergence of the closed-orbit sum.Comment: LaTeX, 42 pp., 17 figures (24 *.eps files, 1 *.tex file); final
version (v3) to be published in J. Phys.
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