8 research outputs found

    Expedition 382 summary

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from IODP Publications via the DOI in this recordInternational Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 382, Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics, investigated the long-term climate history of Antarctica, seeking to understand how polar ice sheets responded to changes in insolation and atmospheric CO2 in the past and how ice sheet evolution influenced global sea level and vice versa. Five sites (U1534–U1538) were drilled east of the Drake Passage: two sites at 53.2°S at the northern edge of the Scotia Sea and three sites at 57.4°–59.4°S in the southern Scotia Sea. We recovered continuously deposited late Neogene sediments to reconstruct the past history and variability in Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) mass loss and associated changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulation. The sites from the southern Scotia Sea (Sites U1536–U1538) will be used to study the Neogene flux of icebergs through “Iceberg Alley,” the main pathway along which icebergs calved from the margin of the AIS travel as they move equatorward into the warmer waters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). In particular, sediments from this area will allow us to assess the magnitude of iceberg flux during key times of AIS evolution, including the following: The middle Miocene glacial intensification of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, The mid-Pliocene warm period, The late Pliocene glacial expansion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, The mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT), and The “warm interglacials” and glacial terminations of the last 800 ky. We will use the geochemical provenance of iceberg-rafted detritus and other glacially eroded material to determine regional sources of AIS mass loss. We will also address interhemispheric phasing of ice sheet growth and decay, study the distribution and history of land-based versus marine-based ice sheets around the continent over time, and explore the links between AIS variability and global sea level. By comparing north–south variations across the Scotia Sea between the Pirie Basin (Site U1538) and the Dove Basin (Sites U1536 and U1537), Expedition 382 will also deliver critical information on how climate changes in the Southern Ocean affect ocean circulation through the Drake Passage, meridional overturning in the region, water mass production, ocean–atmosphere CO2 transfer by wind-induced upwelling, sea ice variability, bottom water outflow from the Weddell Sea, Antarctic weathering inputs, and changes in oceanic and atmospheric fronts in the vicinity of the ACC. Comparing changes in dust proxy records between the Scotia Sea and Antarctic ice cores will also provide a detailed reconstruction of changes in the Southern Hemisphere westerlies on millennial and orbital timescales for the last 800 ky. Extending the ocean dust record beyond the last 800 ky will help to evaluate dust-climate couplings since the Pliocene, the potential role of dust in iron fertilization and atmospheric CO2 drawdown during glacials, and whether dust input to Antarctica played a role in the MPT. The principal scientific objective of Subantarctic Front Sites U1534 and U1535 at the northern limit of the Scotia Sea is to reconstruct and understand how intermediate water formation in the southwest Atlantic responds to changes in connectivity between the Atlantic and Pacific basins, the “cold water route.” The Subantarctic Front contourite drift, deposited between 400 and 2000 m water depth on the northern flank of an east–west trending trough off the Chilean continental shelf, is ideally situated to monitor millennial- to orbital-scale variability in the export of Antarctic Intermediate Water beneath the Subantarctic Front. During Expedition 382, we recovered continuously deposited sediments from this drift spanning the late Pleistocene (from ~0.78 Ma to recent) and from the late Pliocene (~3.1–2.6 Ma). These sites are expected to yield a wide array of paleoceanographic records that can be used to interpret past changes in the density structure of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, track migrations of the Subantarctic Front, and give insights into the role and evolution of the cold water route over significant climate episodes, including the following: The most recent warm interglacials of the late Pleistocene and The intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    A geochemical mechanism for >10 m apparent downward offsets of magnetic reversals inferred from comparison of two Scotia Sea drill sites

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability: All shipboard generated data can be accessed through the IODP LIMS database (Weber 488 et al., 2021b; 2021c; 2021d; https://web.iodp.tamu.edu/LORE/). Magnetic data are available 489 through the MagIC database (Weber et al., 2019; Reilly et al., 2024a). Additional data and rock 490 magnetic data files are available through the Zenodo database (Reilly et al., 2024b).We document an apparent downward displacement of the Matuyama-Brunhes magnetic reversal by ~20 meters at Scotia Sea International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1538 (Pirie Basin) by comparison with the well-defined paleomagnetic record at nearby Site U1537 (Dove Basin). Detailed stratigraphic correlation between the two sites is possible due to similar lithologic variations. However, the two sites have distinctly different porewater geochemistry. Notably, Site U1538 indicates a greater demand for electron acceptors to oxidize organic carbon and Fe2+ enrichment below the depth of SO42- depletion. Magnetic parameters indicate enrichment of an authigenic magnetic mineral with strong remanence properties around the depth of SO42- depletion (~46 meters at Site U1538) relative to magnetic parameters at correlative depths at Site U1537. Fe2+ enrichment below the depth of SO42- depletion is not predicted based on the energetically favorable order of electron acceptors for microbial respiration but is documented here and in other depositional settings. This indicates Fe2+ production exceeds the production of H2S by SO42- reduction, providing a geochemical environment that favors production and preservation of ferrimagnetic remanence-bearing iron sulfides over paramagnetic pyrite and, thus, a mechanism for deep chemical remanent magnetization acquisition at depths of tens of meters. The influence of authigenic ferrimagnetic iron sulfides on paleomagnetic signals can be difficult to demonstrate with magnetic properties alone, so this finding has implications for evaluating the fidelity of magnetostratigraphic records with complementary geochemical data. Such situations should be considered in other depositional environments with similar porewater Fe2+ accumulation below the SO42- reduction depth.NSFNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG

    Thrombin-receptor antagonist vorapaxar in acute coronary syndromes

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    BACKGROUND Vorapaxar is a new oral protease-activated–receptor 1 (PAR-1) antagonist that inhibits thrombin-induced platelet activation. METHODS In this multinational, double-blind, randomized trial, we compared vorapaxar with placebo in 12,944 patients who had acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation. The primary end point was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, stroke, recurrent ischemia with rehospitalization, or urgent coronary revascularization. RESULTS Follow-up in the trial was terminated early after a safety review. After a median follow-up of 502 days (interquartile range, 349 to 667), the primary end point occurred in 1031 of 6473 patients receiving vorapaxar versus 1102 of 6471 patients receiving placebo (Kaplan–Meier 2-year rate, 18.5% vs. 19.9%; hazard ratio, 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.85 to 1.01; P = 0.07). A composite of death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke occurred in 822 patients in the vorapaxar group versus 910 in the placebo group (14.7% and 16.4%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.81 to 0.98; P = 0.02). Rates of moderate and severe bleeding were 7.2% in the vorapaxar group and 5.2% in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.16 to 1.58; P<0.001). Intracranial hemorrhage rates were 1.1% and 0.2%, respectively (hazard ratio, 3.39; 95% CI, 1.78 to 6.45; P<0.001). Rates of nonhemorrhagic adverse events were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS In patients with acute coronary syndromes, the addition of vorapaxar to standard therapy did not significantly reduce the primary composite end point but significantly increased the risk of major bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage