79 research outputs found

    Mechanical characterisation of agarose-based chromatography resins for biopharmaceutical manufacture

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    Mechanical characterisation of agarose-based resins is an important factor in ensuring robust chromatographic performance in the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. Pressure-flow profiles are most commonly used to characterise these properties. There are a number of drawbacks with this method, including the potential need for several re-packs to achieve the desired packing quality, the impact of wall effects on experimental set up and the quantities of chromatography media and buffers required. To address these issues, we have developed a dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) technique that characterises the mechanical properties of resins based on the viscoelasticity of a 1ml sample of slurry. This technique was conducted on seven resins with varying degrees of mechanical robustness and the results were compared to pressure-flow test results on the same resins. Results show a strong correlation between the two techniques. The most mechanically robust resin (Capto Q) had a critical velocity 3.3 times higher than the weakest (Sepharose CL-4B), whilst the DMA technique showed Capto Q to have a slurry deformation rate 8.3 times lower than Sepharose CL-4B. To ascertain whether polymer structure is indicative of mechanical strength, scanning electron microscopy images were also used to study the structural properties of each resin. Results indicate that DMA can be used as a small volume, complementary technique for the mechanical characterisation of chromatography media

    Dynamic modelling of aqueous two-phase systems to quantify the impact of bioprocess design, operation and variability

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    Aqueous two-phase extraction (ATPE) is a promising downstream separation technology as an alternative, or addition, to chromatography in the production of biological products. Increasing demand for therapeutic proteins have triggered manufacturers to consider continuous upstream technologies to achieve greater process efficiencies; however, such technologies have an inherent variability, resulting in output streams of varying compositions and properties. It is therefore important to understand how this variability impacts on the downstream separation processes. Exploring all potential sources of variability is challenging due to resource and time constraints, however, the use of targeted mathematical modelling can significantly reduce the need for expensive and time consuming experimentation. In this work, we present a dynamic equilibrium stage process model, and a methodology for prediction of key process parameters from limited experiments, capable of describing ATPE separations under both multi-cycle batch and continuous counter-current modes of operation. The capabilities of the proposed methodology are demonstrated using a case study separation of the enzyme α-amylase from impurities in a PEG 4000–phosphate aqueous two phase system (ATPS) containing NaCl. The model can be used to predict the separation performance of the process, as well as for the investigation of suitable design and operating conditions

    High-Throughput Process Development for the Chromatographic Purification of Viral Antigens

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    Chromatography is a widely used method in the biotechnology industry and functions to separate the desired product from process and product related impurities. There is a multitude of resins available based on different modalities (such as charge, hydrophobicity, and affinity) to provide a spectrum of approaches to meet the separation challenges of the diverse products. The challenge of developing viral antigen purification processes is addressed in this method. A unique feature of this product class is that in order to protect against more than one strain of an antigen, vaccines are often multivalent. This entails multiple production processes for each antigen, all of which will require separate development and validation. Ideally, a universal purification method is sought, but differences in the protein subunits (frequently used as the antigens) make this challenging and often-bespoke purification steps are required. This means process development for the chromatographic stages of these products can be particularly challenging and labour intensive. With the numerous choices available, making critical process decisions that are usually unique to each product, process, and strain, can be costly and time-consuming. To address this, scale down purification at <1.0 mL column volume and automation approaches are increasingly applied to increase throughput. In this work, a method is described wherein a Tecan Freedom EVO® automated liquid handler is deployed for the evaluation of different resin chemistries and buffer conditions to find a suitable purification strategy. This method allows for the rapid evaluation of the separation viral antigens where limited information on chromatography behavior is known at the early stages of process development. Here, we demonstrate the methodology firstly by explaining the automated purification script and secondly by applying the script for an efficient purification development for different serotypes of rotavirus antigens

    Fabricating electrospun cellulose nanofibre adsorbents for ion-exchange chromatography

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    Protein separation is an integral step in biopharmaceutical manufacture with diffusion-limited packed bed chromatography remaining the default choice for industry. Rapid bind-elute separation using convective mass transfer media offers advantages in productivity by operating at high flowrates. Electrospun nanofibre adsorbents are a non-woven fibre matrix of high surface area and porosity previously investigated as a bioseparation medium. The effects of compression and bed layers, and subsequent heat treatment after electrospinning cellulose acetate nanofibres were investigated using diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) or carboxylate (COO) functionalisations. Transbed pressures were measured and compared by compression load, COO adsorbents were 30%, 70% and 90% higher than DEAE for compressions 1, 5 and 10 MPa, respectively, which was attributed to the swelling effect of hydrophilic COO groups. Dynamic binding capacities (DBCs) at 10% breakthrough were measured between 2000 and 12,000 CV/h (2 s and 0.3 s residence times) under normal binding conditions, and DBCs increased with reactant concentration from 4 to 12 mg BSA/mL for DEAE and from 10 to 21 mg lysozyme/mL for COO adsorbents. Comparing capacities of compression loads applied after electrospinning showed that the lowest load tested, 1 MPa, yielded the highest DBCs for DEAE and COO adsorbents at 20 mg BSA/mL and 27 mg lysozyme/mL, respectively. At 1 MPa, DBCs were the highest for the lowest flowrate tested but stabilised for flowrates above 2000 CV/h. For compression loads of 5 MPa and 10 MPa, adsorbents recorded lower DBCs than 1 MPa as a result of nanofibre packing and reduced surface area. Increasing the number of bed layers from 4 to 12 showed decreasing DBCs for both adsorbents. Tensile strengths were recorded to indicate the mechanical robustness of the adsorbent and be related to packing the nanofibre adsorbents in large scale configurations such as pleated cartridges. Compared with an uncompressed adsorbent, compressions of 1, 5 and 10 MPa showed increases of 30%, 110% and 110%, respectively, for both functionalisations. The data presented show that capacity and mechanical strength can be balanced through compression after electrospinning and is particular to different functionalisations. This trade-off is critical to the development of nanofibre adsorbents into different packing configurations for application and scale up in bioseparation

    Nanofiber adsorbents for high productivity continuous downstream processing

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    An ever increasing focus is being placed on the manufacturing costs of biotherapeutics. The drive towards continuous processing offers one opportunity to address these costs through the advantages it offers. Continuous operation presents opportunities for real-time process monitoring and automated control with potential benefits including predictable product specification, reduced labour costs, and integration with other continuous processes. Specifically to chromatographic operations continuous processing presents an opportunity to use expensive media more efficiently while reducing their size and therefore cost. Here for the first time we show how a new adsorbent material (cellulosic nanofibers) having advantageous convective mass transfer properties can be combined with a high frequency simulated moving bed (SMB) design to provide superior productivity in a simple bioseparation. Electrospun polymeric nanofiber adsorbents offer an alternative ligand support surface for bioseparations. Their non-woven fiber structure with diameters in the sub-micron range creates a remarkably high surface area material that allows for rapid convective flow operations. A proof of concept study demonstrated the performance of an anion exchange nanofiber adsorbent based on criteria including flow and mass transfer properties, binding capacity, reproducibility and life-cycle performance. Binding capacities of the DEAE adsorbents were demonstrated to be 10 mg/mL, this is indeed only a fraction of what is achievable from porous bead resins but in combination with a very high flowrate, the productivity of the nanofiber system is shown to be significant. Suitable packing into a flow distribution device has allowed for reproducible bind-elute operations at flowrates of 2,400 cm/h, many times greater than those used in typical beaded systems. These characteristics make them ideal candidates for operation in continuous chromatography systems. A SMB system was developed and optimised to demonstrate the productivity of nanofiber adsorbents through rapid bind-elute cycle times of 7 s which resulted in a 15-fold increase in productivity compared with packed bed resins. Reproducible performance of BSA purification was demonstrated using a 2-component protein solution of BSA and cytochrome c. The SMB system exploits the advantageous convective mass transfer properties of nanofiber adsorbents to provide productivities much greater than those achievable with conventional chromatography media

    Synthesis and assembly of Hepatitis B virus-like particles in a Pichia pastoris cell-free system

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) are supramolecular protein assemblies with the potential for unique and exciting applications in synthetic biology and medicine. Despite the attention VLPs have gained thus far, considerable limitations still persist in their production. Poorly scalable manufacturing technologies and inconsistent product architectures continue to restrict the full potential of VLPs. Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) offers an alternative approach to VLP production and has already proven to be successful, albeit using extracts from a limited number of organisms. Using a recently developed Pichia pastoris-based CFPS system, we have demonstrated the production of the model Hepatitis B core antigen VLP as a proof-of-concept. The VLPs produced in the CFPS system were found to have comparable characteristics to those previously produced in vivo and in vitro. Additionally, we have developed a facile and rapid synthesis, assembly and purification methodology that could be applied as a rapid prototyping platform for vaccine development or synthetic biology applications. Overall the CFPS methodology allows far greater throughput, which will expedite the screening of optimal assembly conditions for more robust and stable VLPs. This approach could therefore support the characterization of larger sample sets to improve vaccine development efficiency

    Lipid reduction to improve clarification and filterability during primary recovery of intracellular products in yeast lysates using exogenous lipase

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    BACKGROUND: The yeast Pichia pastoris is a popular host organism for production of a range of biological products, several of which are intracellular. The disruption of yeast cells by homogenisation also releases large quantities of lipids, which can foul the downstream membranes and chromatography matrices used for purification. This work examines lipid removal from yeast cells following homogenisation by enzymatic degradation and its impact on the performance of the subsequent centrifugation and filtration. RESULTS: Lipase treatment of cell homogenate at 37°C for 2 hours, followed by clarification using a scale-down mimic of disc stack centrifugation, resulted in a 6.5-fold improvement in solids removal when compared to untreated feed material. The lipase treated and untreated materials that had undergone initial centrifugation were then tested for filtration performance by passing the material through a 0.45 μm polyethylene sulfone membrane under constant flux. A 50% increase in throughput was observed in comparison to the untreated material. CONCLUSION: This proof-of-concept data suggests enzymatic digestion of lipids, analogous to the widely performed DNA reduction using nucleases, could be a valuable process improvement strategy

    Modelling of industrial biopharmaceutical multicomponent chromatography

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    The development and validation of a chromatography rate model for an industrial multicomponent chromatographicbioseparation is presented. The model is intended for use in a process scenario to allow specific variables critical toproduct quality to be studied. The chromatography provides impurity clearance whilst producing a complex productcomposed of six closely related variants of a dimer protein therapeutic (∼30 kDa), with their monomer subunits in aspecific ratio. Impurity removal is well understood, however, achieving the correct monomer subunit ratio can posea purification challenge. We utilise a stepwise approach to develop a model for studying the effect of feed materialvariability on product quality. Scale down experiments are completed to quickly generate data for estimating modelparameters, before an iterative procedure is employed where the industrial process is used to refine parameters ina sequential manner, until model predictions exhibit satisfactory agreement with experimental data. Final modelpredictions were in good agreement with experimental product quality (within 3%). The results demonstrate howgood understanding of an industrial process can help facilitate model development when an exhaustive descrip-tion is not required, despite considering a chromatographic bioseparation with crude feed material and challengingpurification objectives

    Analysis of fouling and breakthrough of process related impurities during depth filtration using confocal microscopy

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    Titer improvement has driven process intensification in mAb manufacture. However, this has come with the drawback of high cell densities and associated process related impurities such as cell debris, host cell protein (HCP), and DNA. This affects the capacity of depth filters and can lead to carryover of impurities to protein A chromatography leading to early resin fouling. New depth filter materials provide the opportunity to remove more process related impurities at this early stage in the process. Hence, there is a need to understand the mechanism of impurity removal within these filters. In this work, the secondary depth filter Millistak+ X0HC (cellulose and diatomaceous earth) is compared with the X0SP (synthetic), by examining the breakthrough of DNA and HCP. Additionally, a novel method was developed to image the location of key impurities within the depth filter structure under a confocal microscope. Flux, tested at 75, 100, and 250 LMH was found to affect the maximal throughput based on the max pressure of 30 psi, but no significant changes were seen in the HCP and DNA breakthrough. However, a drop in cell culture viability, from 87% to 37%, lead to the DNA breakthrough at 10% decreasing from 81 to 55 L/m2 for X0HC and from 105 to 47 L/m2 for X0SP. The HCP breakthrough was not affected by cell culture viability or filter type. The X0SP filter has a 30%–50% higher max throughput depending on viability, which can be explained by the confocal imaging where the debris and DNA are distributed differently in the layers of the filter pods, with more of the second tighter layer being utilized in the X0SP

    Enriching leukapheresis improves T cell activation and transduction efficiency during CAR T processing

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    The majority of CD19-directed CAR T cell products are manufactured using an autologous process. Although using a patient's leukapheresis reduces the risks of rejection, it introduces variability in starting material composition and the presence of cell populations that might negatively affect production of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells, such as myeloid cells. In this work, the effect of monocytes (CD14) on the level of activation, growth, and transduction efficiency was monitored across well plate and culture bag platforms using healthy donor leukapheresis. Removal of monocytes from leukapheresis improved the level of activation 2-fold, achieving the same level of activation as when initiating the process with a purified T cell starting material. Two activation reagents were tested in well plate cultures, revealing differing sensitivities to starting material composition. Monocyte depletion in culture bag systems had a significant effect on transduction efficiency, improving consistency and increasing the level of CAR expression by up to 64% compared to unsorted leukapheresis. Cytotoxicity assays revealed that CAR T cell products produced from donor material depleted of monocytes and isolated T cells consistently outperformed those made from unsorted leukapheresis. Analysis of memory phenotypes and gene expression indicated that CAR T cells produced using depleted starting material displayed a more rested and naive state. The success of CAR T cell manufacturing and final product function is influenced by the composition of the donor starting material. In this work, we show that upstream depletion of specific cell populations can enhance processing outcomes such as activation, transduction, and phenotype of the therapeutic product