142 research outputs found

    QualitĂ  nel software: strategie a sorgente libero e aperto

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    IT resources support the value generation process of an organisation by enabling or facilitating business processes activities execution. Due to nowadays complexity of IT infrastructures, identifying how IT resources impact on value generating activities is not easy. The identification of IT resources affecting value generating activities is suggested as a promising direction for deepening the understanding of the IT Business Value phenomenon, an area with a long-standing tradition in IS research. So far, no generally applicable methodology is available in literature to target the problem of the identification of the impacts of IT resources on value generating activities. With the intent to provide an artefact that can be used for such purpose, this paper introduces an ontology-based approach. The ontology proposed here originates from two ontologies available in literature (the Business Model Ontology and the OLPIT ontology). The two sources ontologies focus partially on the problem in discussion, but are not capable when taken alone to solve it. In the frame of a design research activity these ontologies have been integrated in the IT-BM ontology. A test case based on a practical real life scenario is presented in the paper to illustrate its applicability. The paper also discusses possible benefits connected with the adoption of such an approach, along with its current limitations and its possible improvements

    On the Impact of IT on Value Generating Activities in Organisations: an Ontology Based Approch.

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    The identification of Value Generating Activities in an organisation: the Business Model. IT resources and business processes: the OLPIT Ontology. Integrating the OLPIT with the BMO. Possible applications of the proposed approach. Limitations

    ICT, risorsa per la Pubblica Amministrazione

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    Le tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, ovvero le tecnologie ICT, hanno avuto un enorme impatto sulle modalità di lavoro e di coordinamento di individui, gruppi, organizzazioni, siano esse pubbliche che private. Con lo sviluppo dei computer, di Internet, e delle reti, le tecnologie ICT hanno aperto ampi spazi di innovazione delle attività produttive che riguardano la creazione di nuovi prodotti e servizi, nuovi modelli di business, e nuove modalità organizzative. Anche nel settore della pubblica amministrazione l’utilizzo delle tecnologie ICT ha aperto nuovi scenari organizzativi e di servizio, abilitando forme di interazione con i cittadini, imprese, e altre pubbliche amministrazioni che vanno sotto i nomi di citizen to government (C2G), business to government (B2G), e government to government (G2G), volte a migliorare l’efficacia, l’universalità, e la trasparenza dell’azione della pubblica amministrazione. L’applicazione dell’ICT nei contesti organizzativi, siano essi pubblici che privati, promette di ottenere benefici dal punto di vista del coordinamento, della gestione dei processi, dei costi, delle opportunità di business, e del vantaggio competitivo. Il conseguimento di questi vantaggi non è ne’ automatico, ne’ scontato. A lungo si è discusso sull’effettivo contributo che l’ICT poteva apportare alle organizzazioni, arrivando anche a mettere completamente in discussione l’eventuale importanza delle stesse tecnologie, viste a volte come semplici commodity. Nella pubblica amministrazione, inoltre, l’ICT è soggetta a condizioni di contesto differenti rispetto al settore privato, e l’effettiva possibilità di ottenere i benefici previsti deve necessariamente raffrontarsi con le finalità di pubblico servizio che pongono nuove sfide ma promettono anche nuove opportunità. Considerandone però l’importanza e la rilevanza per una migliore efficacia dell’azione della pubblica amministrazione, sia il governo Italiano che l’Unione Europea hanno da tempo agito sul lato delle policy per migliorare la diffusione delle risorse ICT. Per una valutazione sull’attività della pubblica amministrazione è utile riflettere sull’impatto che le ICT hanno sulle organizzazioni

    Analysing Business Models for the Open Source Industry: a Research Proposal

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    The Interplay among Organizational Structures along the Creation of an IS to Manage Archaeological Finds

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    Information connected to archaeological finds is highly relevant, but no information system is specifically available to manage it. The introduction of a new Information System to track events and record information related to the life cycle of each find is a big challenge, as it requires an adapta- tion between technology and organization. By means of a case study based on a structuration theory perspective, this paper describes the interactions between professionals and technological experts and between users and technology in the creation process of a new information system devoted to finds management in archaeology. Such interactions happened in the context of a project in which a system to manage information on finds was designed, experimented, discussed, and then developed.Information connected to archaeological finds is highly relevant, but no information system is specifically available to manage it. The introduction of a new Information System to track events and record information related to the life cycle of each find is a big challenge, as it requires an adapta- tion between technology and organization. By means of a case study based on a structuration theory perspective, this paper describes the interactions between professionals and technological experts and between users and technology in the creation process of a new information system devoted to finds management in archaeology. Such interactions happened in the context of a project in which a system to manage information on finds was designed, experimented, discussed, and then developed.Uninvited Submission

    IT Value in Public Sector: Discussion on an Established Model for Private Sector

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    IT value is defined as the stream of research devoted to the identification of economic impacts and organizational benefits of IT applications. This is a research topic with a long-standing tradition, stimulated by the identification of the so-called “productivity paradox”. IT value engaged scholars from many disciplines, adopting different methods and theoretical perspectives, in the study of the benefits produced by IT investments. In spite of a substantial body of literature produced by scholars on this topic during the recent years, the argument still stimulates discussion. A common trait that groups several, when almost not all, studies on the IT value phenomenon is the focus on the private sector, with the frequent use of income or financial indicators to measure improvements. The phenomenon thence needs a study in this peculiar and potentially different context of public administrations. Taking into account this scenario, this paper introduces analyses of the IT value phenomenon in the public administration domain and discusses on the basis of a multiple case study a rich and established IT value theoretical model available in literature.IT value is defined as the stream of research devoted to the identification of economic impacts and organizational benefits of IT applications. This is a research topic with a long-standing tradition, stimulated by the identification of the so-called “productivity paradox”. IT value engaged scholars from many disciplines, adopting different methods and theoretical perspectives, in the study of the benefits produced by IT investments. In spite of a substantial body of literature produced by scholars on this topic during the recent years, the argument still stimulates discussion. A common trait that groups several, when almost not all, studies on the IT value phenomenon is the focus on the private sector, with the frequent use of income or financial indicators to measure improvements. The phenomenon thence needs a study in this peculiar and potentially different context of public administrations. Taking into account this scenario, this paper introduces analyses of the IT value phenomenon in the public administration domain and discusses on the basis of a multiple case study a rich and established IT value theoretical model available in literature.Uninvited Submission
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