587 research outputs found

    Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α in thyroid carcinomas

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    Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) is upregulated by hypoxia and oncogenic signalling in many solid tumours. Its regulation and function in thyroid carcinomas are unknown. We evaluated the regulation of HIF-1α and target gene expression in primary thyroid carcinomas and thyroid carcinoma cell lines (BcPAP, WRO, FTC-133 and 8505c). HIF-1α was not detectable in normal tissue but was expressed in thyroid carcinomas. Dedifferentiated anaplastic tumours (ATCs) exhibited high levels of nuclear HIF-1α staining. The HIF-1 target glucose transporter 1 was expressed to a similar level in all tumour types, whereas carbonic anhydrase-9 was significantly elevated in ATCs. In vitro studies revealed a functionally active HIF-1α pathway in thyroid cells with transcriptional activation observed after graded hypoxia (1% O2, anoxia) or treatment with a hypoxia mimetic cobalt chloride. High basal and hypoxia-induced expression of HIF-1α in FTC-133 cells that harbour a phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) mutation was reduced by introduction of wild-type PTEN. Similarly, pharmacological inhibition of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway using LY294002 inhibited HIF-1α and HIF-1α targets in all cell lines, including those with B-RAF mutations (BcPAP and 8505c). In contrast, the effects of inhibition of the RAF/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway were restricted by environmental condition and B-RAF mutation status. HIF-1 is functionally expressed in thyroid carcinomas and is regulated not only by hypoxia but also via growth factor signalling pathways and, in particular, the PI3K pathway. Given the strong association of HIF-1α with an aggressive disease phenotype and therapeutic resistance, this pathway may be an attractive target for improved therapy in thyroid carcinomas

    The ecology of infrastructure decommissioning in the North Sea: what we need to know and how to achieve it

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    As decommissioning of oil and gas (O&G) installations intensifies in the North Sea, and worldwide, debate rages regarding the fate of these novel habitats and their associated biota—a debate that has important implications for future decommissioning of offshore wind farms (OWFs). Calls to relax complete removal requirements in some circumstances and allow part of an O&G installation to be left in the marine environment are increasing. Yet knowledge regarding the biological communities that develop on these structures and their ecological role in the North Sea is currently insufficient to inform such decommissioning decisions. To focus debate regarding decommissioning policy and guide ecological research, we review environmental policy objectives in the region, summarize existing knowledge regarding ecological aspects of decommissioning for both O&G and OWF installations, and identify approaches to address knowledge gaps through science–industry collaboration. We find that in some cases complete removal will conflict with other policies regarding protection and restoration of reefs, as well as the conservation of species within the region. Key ecological considerations that are rarely considered during decommissioning decisions are: (i) provision of reef habitat, (ii) productivity of offshore ecosystems, (iii) enhancement of biodiversity, (iv) protection of the seabed from trawling, and (v) enhancement of connectivity. Knowledge gaps within these areas will best be addressed using industry infrastructure and vessels for scientific investigations, re-analysis of historical data held by industry, scientific training of industry personnel, joint research funding opportunities, and trial decommissioning projects

    Performances de variétés de blés panifiables cultivées en agriculture biologique en conditions peu fertiles

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    Le FiBL et Agroscope ont analysé des variétés de blés panifiables en termes de stabilité du rendement et de la qualité. Il ressort des résultats que le choix variétal doit être adapté au site et que le haut potentiel de rendement ne va pas de pair avec des grains riches en protéines

    Aerial Measurement of Radioxenon Concentration off the West Coast of Vancouver Island following the Fukushima Reactor Accident

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    In response to the Fukushima nuclear reactor accident, on March 20th, 2011, Natural Resources Canada conducted aerial radiation surveys over water just off of the west coast of Vancouver Island. Dose-rate levels were found to be consistent with background radiation, however a clear signal due to Xe-133 was observed. Methods to extract Xe-133 count rates from the measured spectra, and to determine the corresponding Xe-133 volumetric concentration, were developed. The measurements indicate that Xe-133 concentrations on average lie in the range of 30 to 70 Bq/m3.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Environmental Radioactivit

    Thoracic Electrical Impedance Tomography—The 2022 Veterinary Consensus Statement

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    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive real-time non-ionising imaging modality that has many applications. Since the first recorded use in 1978, the technology has become more widely used especially in human adult and neonatal critical care monitoring. Recently, there has been an increase in research on thoracic EIT in veterinary medicine. Real-time imaging of the thorax allows evaluation of ventilation distribution in anesthetised and conscious animals. As the technology becomes recognised in the veterinary community there is a need to standardize approaches to data collection, analysis, interpretation and nomenclature, ensuring comparison and repeatability between researchers and studies. A group of nineteen veterinarians and two biomedical engineers experienced in veterinary EIT were consulted and contributed to the preparation of this statement. The aim of this consensus is to provide an introduction to this imaging modality, to highlight clinical relevance and to include recommendations on how to effectively use thoracic EIT in veterinary species. Based on this, the consensus statement aims to address the need for a streamlined approach to veterinary thoracic EIT and includes: an introduction to the use of EIT in veterinary species, the technical background to creation of the functional images, a consensus from all contributing authors on the practical application and use of the technology, descriptions and interpretation of current available variables including appropriate statistical analysis, nomenclature recommended for consistency and future developments in thoracic EIT. The information provided in this consensus statement may benefit researchers and clinicians working within the field of veterinary thoracic EIT. We endeavor to inform future users of the benefits of this imaging modality and provide opportunities to further explore applications of this technology with regards to perfusion imaging and pathology diagnosis

    Winterweizen: Bilanz aus 15 Jahren Sortenprüfung unter extensiven Anbaubedingungen

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    Damit eine neue Weizensorte in der Schweiz oder im Ausland auf den Markt kommen kann, muss sie eine Reihe von Tests bestehen und beweisen, dass sie bereits angebauten Sorten bezüglich Kornertrag, Qualität oder Krankheitsresistenz überlegen ist. In diesem als Sortenprüfung bezeichneten Verfahren, wird «vom Guten das Beste» ausgewählt. Ist es möglich, diesem Verfahren einen Wert zu geben? Um eine Antwort auf diese Frage zu finden, wurden die Ergebnisse zu allen während der vergangenen 15 Jahre getesteten Sorten untersucht. Es wurden drei Ansätze ausgewählt, um eine Bilanz über die Sortenprüfung bei Winterweizen zu ziehen: Zuerst wurde die Zahl der getesteten Sorten mit der Zahl der Sorten verglichen, die in den Nationalen Sortenkatalog und in die Listen der empfohlenen Sorten aufgenommen wurden. Anschliessend wurde die Entwicklung der Leistung verschiedener Sorten im Lauf der Zeit berechnet. Schliesslich wurde mit einem ökonomischen Ansatz die Grössenordnung des wirtschaftlichen Mehrwerts geschätzt, der durch die Auswahl im Rahmen der Sortenprüfung und durch die Identifikation der besten Sorten erzielt wurde (Vergleich der Bruttoeinnahmen der drei besten getesteten Sorten jedes Jahres mit den durchschnittlichen Bruttoeinnahmen der aktuellen Sorten). Die Ergebnisse heben den Mehrwert hervor, der durch die Sortenprüfung für die ganze Produktionskette von der Züchtung über die Produktion und Verarbeitung bis hin zu den Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten erzeugt wird

    Inducible liver-specific knockdown of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B improves glucose and lipid homeostasis in adult mice.

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a key negative regulator of insulin signalling. Hepatic PTP1B deficiency, using the Alb-Cre promoter to drive Ptp1b deletion from birth in mice, improves glucose homeostasis, insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism. The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic potential of decreasing liver PTP1B levels in obese and insulin-resistant adult mice. METHODS Inducible Ptp1b liver-specific knockout mice were generated using SA-Cre-ER(T2) mice crossed with Ptp1b floxed (Ptp1b(fl/fl)) mice. Mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks to induce obesity and insulin resistance. Tamoxifen was administered in the HFD to induce liver-specific deletion of Ptp1b (SA-Ptp1b(-/-) mice). Body weight, glucose homeostasis, lipid homeostasis, serum adipokines, insulin signalling and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were examined. RESULTS Despite no significant change in body weight relative to HFD-fed Ptp1b(fl/fl) control mice, HFD-fed SA-Ptp1b(-/-) mice exhibited a reversal of glucose intolerance as determined by improved glucose and pyruvate tolerance tests, decreased fed and fasting blood glucose and insulin levels, lower HOMA of insulin resistance, circulating leptin, serum and liver triacylglycerols, serum NEFA and decreased HFD-induced ER stress. This was associated with decreased glycogen synthase, eukaryotic translation initiation factor-2α kinase 3, eukaryotic initiation factor 2α and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase 2 phosphorylation, and decreased expression of Pepck. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION Inducible liver-specific PTP1B knockdown reverses glucose intolerance and improves lipid homeostasis in HFD-fed obese and insulin-resistant adult mice. This suggests that knockdown of liver PTP1B in individuals who are already obese/insulin resistant may have relatively rapid, beneficial therapeutic effects