118 research outputs found

    Shot noise in ferromagnetic single electron tunneling devices

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    Frequency dependent current noise in ferromagnetic double junctions with Coulomb blockade is studied theoretically in the limit of sequential tunneling. Two different relaxation processes are found in the correlations between spin polarized tunneling currents; low frequency spin fluctuations and high frequency charge fluctuations. Spin accumulation in strongly asymmetric junctions is shown to lead to a negative differential resistance. We also show that large spin noise activated in the range of negative differential resistance gives rise to a significant enhancement of the current noise.Comment: 8 pages, 13 eps-figures include

    Extrinsic Magnetotransport Phenomena in Ferromagnetic Oxides

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    This review is focused on extrinsic magnetotransport effects in ferromagnetic oxides. It consists of two parts; the second part is devoted to an overview of experimental data and theoretical models for extrinsic magnetotransport phenomena. Here a critical discussion of domain-wall scattering is given. Results on surfacial and interfacial magnetism in oxides are presented. Spin-polarized tunnelling in ferromagnetic junctions is reviewed and grain-boundary magnetoresistance is interpreted within a model of spin-polarized tunnelling through natural oxide barriers. The situation in ferromagnetic oxides is compared with data and models for conventional ferromagnets. The first part of the review summarizes basic material properties, especially data on the spin-polarization and evidence for half-metallicity. Furthermore, intrinsic conduction mechanisms are discussed. An outlook on the further development of oxide spin-electronics concludes this review.Comment: 133 pages, 47 figures, submitted to Rep. Prog. Phy

    Major shear zones of southern Brazil and Uruguay: escape tectonics in the eastern border of Rio de La plata and Paranapanema cratons during the Western Gondwana amalgamation

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    Down-Staging fortgeschrittener Bronchialkarzinome durch neoadjuvante Radiochemotherapie

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    Prätherapeutische Diagnostik der fibrösen Dysplasie

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