14 research outputs found

    Informaci贸 i serveis al m貌bil

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    Biblioteques; Tecnologia m貌bil; ServeisLibraries; Mobile technology; ServicesBibliotecas; Tecnolog铆a m贸vil; ServiciosLa tecnologia m貌bil cada vegada est脿 m茅s present en la societat, i els usuaris de biblioteques demanden cada cop m茅s el poder accedir a serveis i informaci贸 de les biblioteques a trav茅s de dispositius m貌bils. Esperen que les Biblioteques estem presents a les xarxes socials, aix铆 com disposar de connectivitat 100% en els equipaments de Biblioteca. La import脿ncia que una web es visualitzi correctament en qualsevol dispositiu no suposa cap novetat a aquestes al莽ades. Malgrat aix貌 encara avui ens podem trobar amb continguts web de biblioteques que no compleixen aquest requisit. Des de fa uns anys l鈥檕bjectiu es anar-nos dotant de les infrastructures necess脿ries per poder donar un servei amb cobertura total i des de qualsevol lloc.Mobile technology is increasingly present in society and library users increasingly demand access to the library and information services through mobile devices. They expect libraries are present on social networks and have 100% connectivity facilities Library. The importance of a website is displayed correctly on any device poses no news at this point. Yet even today we can find web content libraries that do not meet this requirement. For several years the aim is to us providing the infrastructure needed to provide a service with full coverage from any place.La tecnolog铆a m贸vil cada vez est谩 m谩s presente en la sociedad, y los usuarios de bibliotecas demandan cada vez m谩s el poder acceder a servicios e informaci贸n de las bibliotecas a trav茅s de dispositivos m贸viles. Esperan que las Bibliotecas estemos presentes en las redes sociales, as铆 como disponer de conectividad 100% en los equipamientos de Biblioteca. La importancia que una web se visualice correctamente en cualquier dispositivo no supone ninguna novedad a estas alturas. A pesar de ello a煤n hoy nos podemos encontrar con contenidos web de bibliotecas que no cumplen este requisito. Desde hace unos a帽os el objetivo es irnos dotando de las infraestructuras necesarias para poder dar un servicio con cobertura total y desde cualquier lugar

    La gesti贸n de la reputaci贸n digital en Biblioteques de Barcelona

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    Des de Biblioteques de Barcelona pensem que la gesti贸 de la imatge i la reputaci贸 digital s贸n tan importants com en l鈥檈n-torn real tangible. La progressiva implantaci贸 de canals web 2.0 i de participaci贸 a les xarxes respon a l鈥檃spiraci贸 de ser referents en entorns digitals, la qual cosa implica una adequada gesti贸 de la identitat digital i la reputaci贸 de la marca. La marca Biblioteques de Barcelona t茅 una bona reputaci贸 en l鈥檈ntorn real tangible, nom茅s cal veure com any rere any som el servei municipal millor valorat pels ciutadans. Aquest prestigi ens ajuda a tenir una bona reputaci贸 a priori en l鈥檈ntorn digital, i alhora ens obliga a mantenir aquesta reputaci贸 tamb茅 en aquest entorn. Per aix貌 es tan important com gestionem el nostres canals digitals.L鈥櫭簊 d鈥檜n canal de comunicaci贸 digital o un altre respon a dues variables: les caracter铆stiques de cadascun i l鈥檃valuaci贸 de l鈥櫭簊 i l鈥檌mpacte. Podem diferenciar entre aquells canals que s贸n contenidors de la informaci贸 original d鈥檃quells que la distri-bueixen, com dels canals d鈥檌nteracci贸 amb l鈥檜suari dels de comunicaci贸 i m脿rqueting.El futur d鈥檃quests canals dependr脿 de l鈥檈voluci贸 t猫cnica de cada un dels canals i de les xarxes socials, aix铆 com de l鈥檌mpac-te que tenen en la societat i les estad铆stiques d鈥檜s. L鈥檃n脿lisi de tots aquests factors ens ajudar脿 a reflexionar, replantejar i millorar la gesti贸 de la reputaci贸 digital de Biblioteques de Barcelona.Estem atents a l鈥檈voluci贸 del m贸n digital i dels dispositius d鈥檃cc茅s a la informaci贸We at Biblioteques de Barcelona believe image and digital reputation management are as important as in the real, tangible environment. The steady introduction of web 2.0 channels and network participation responds to aspirations to become benchmarks in digital environments, which requires a suitable management of digital identities and brand reputations. The Biblioteques de Barcelona brand has a good reputation in the real, tangible environment: you need only see how citi-zens have been rating it the best municipal service year after year. Such prestige helps us to enjoy a good a priori reputation in the digital environment and it also obliges us to maintain this reputation in this environment. That is why it is so important for us to manage our digital channels.The use of one or other digital communications channel responds to two variables: the features of each and their use and impact assessment. We can distinguish between channels that are containers of original information and others that distri-bute it, as well as channels for interaction with users and communications and marketing channels.The future of these channels will depend on the technical developments of each of the social media channels and networks, as well as the impact they have on society and user statistics. Analysing all these factors will help us to reflect, reconsider and improve Biblioteques de Barcelona's digital-reputation management.We are constantly monitoring the development of the digital world and the devices for gaining access to information, adap-ting ourselves to the information needs of our users and offering them our services through new channels.Desde Biblioteques de Barcelona se cree que la gesti贸n de la imagen y la reputaci贸n digital son tan importantes como en el entorno real tangible. La progresiva implantaci贸n de canales web 2.0 y de participaci贸n en las redes responde a la aspi-raci贸n de ser referentes en entornos digitales, lo que implica una adecuada gesti贸n de la identidad digital y la reputaci贸n de la marca. La marca Biblioteques de Barcelona tiene una buena reputaci贸n en el entorno real tangible, solo hay que ver c贸mo a帽o tras a帽o es el servicio municipal mejor valorado por los ciudadanos. Este prestigio ayuda a tener una buena reputaci贸n a priori en el entorno digital, y, al mismo tiempo, obliga a mantener esta reputaci贸n tambi茅n en este entorno. Por eso es tan importante c贸mo se gestionan sus canales digitales.El uso de un canal de comunicaci贸n digital u otro responde a dos variables: las caracter铆sticas de cada uno y la evaluaci贸n del uso y el impacto. Se puede diferenciar entre los canales que son contenedores de la informaci贸n original de los que la distribuyen, como de los canales de interacci贸n con el usuario de los de comunicaci贸n y marketing.El futuro de estos canales depender谩 de la evoluci贸n t茅cnica de cada uno de ellos y de las redes sociales, as铆 como del impacto que tienen en la sociedad y las estad铆sticas de uso. El an谩lisis de todos estos factores ayudar谩 a reflexionar, re-plantear y mejorar la gesti贸n de la reputaci贸n digital de Biblioteques de Barcelona.Asimismo, se atiende a la evoluci贸n del mundo digital y de los dispositivos de acceso a la informaci贸n, adaptando las nece-sidades de informaci贸n a los usuarios y ofreci茅ndoles nuevos servicios a trav茅s de nuevos canales

    Communicating on the Web. Strategies of Biblioteques de Barcelona

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    New forms of digital communication and participation, the impact of social networks and the need for organizations to maintain a closer communication with their customers lead us to consider our communication strategies. We have to take into account this reality and to seize the opportunities these new channels offer us to improve our services and manage our digital reputation in the same way that we manage in traditional environments

    El nou Centre de Recursos de l鈥橝igua (CREA): la relaci贸 entre l鈥檈spai i la cultura corporativa, el model de serveis i la promoci贸 de marca

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    Moving a library or a resource centre to a new headquarters is an opportunity to review corporate strategy and redefine corporate culture to ensure that it is adapted to new ways of working and relationships among individuals. This context yields an opportunity to design a new library model or resource centre that reinforces the institution鈥檚 brand image, which embraces the new values linked to the change of organisational model and commits to the corporate culture transformation process. This idea is illustrated through the case of the CREA (Water Resource Center). In the process of conceptualization and planning of the new headquarters, the definition of an innovative service model and the design of a clear visual identity, linked to corporate values, interior spaces and with a distinctive look and feel and own-marketing strategy made it possible to accomplish the objective of strengthening the corporate identity. The CREA is an open and innovative space, a meeting point for professionals to share knowledge and generate innovation. From the outset, its spaces were conceived to cater to user autonomy, flexibility and adaptability, and its spaces, equipment and furniture and fittings were designed to facilitate conversational and informal learning. The interior design of its spaces has become a key element in the institution鈥檚 marketing and communication strategy and has contributed to conveying the values related to brand image

    El nou Centre de Recursos de l鈥橝igua (CREA): la relaci贸 entre l鈥檈spai i la cultura corporativa, el model de serveis i la promoci贸 de marca

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    Moving a library or a resource centre to a new headquarters is an opportunity to review corporate strategy and redefine corporate culture to ensure that it is adapted to new ways of working and relationships among individuals. This context yields an opportunity to design a new library model or resource centre that reinforces the institution鈥檚 brand image, which embraces the new values linked to the change of organisational model and commits to the corporate culture transformation process. This idea is illustrated through the case of the CREA (Water Resource Center). In the process of conceptualization and planning of the new headquarters, the definition of an innovative service model and the design of a clear visual identity, linked to corporate values, interior spaces and with a distinctive look and feel and own-marketing strategy made it possible to accomplish the objective of strengthening the corporate identity. The CREA is an open and innovative space, a meeting point for professionals to share knowledge and generate innovation. From the outset, its spaces were conceived to cater to user autonomy, flexibility and adaptability, and its spaces, equipment and furniture and fittings were designed to facilitate conversational and informal learning. The interior design of its spaces has become a key element in the institution鈥檚 marketing and communication strategy and has contributed to conveying the values related to brand image

    Bibarnabloc, the liquid project of Barcelona Public Libraries

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    Bibarnabloc (Bloc de les Biblioteques de Barcelona) is a blog maintained as a collaborative project of Barcelona Public Libraries professionals, with the goal of promoting and enhancing the collections as well as the interaction with the public. The 聽Bibliostarting point and first six months of life, including the technical and human resources required for implementation, are described. Publication circuits, information architecture, and online and offline marketing strategies are specified. A qualitative and quantitative assessment is presented. Finally, future challenges are discussed

    El Servicio de Bibliotecas de la Generalitat de Catalu帽a: un proyecto de cooperaci贸n y coordinaci贸n en el 谩mbito de las bibliotecas p煤blicas

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    Activitats de promoci贸 i desenvolupament dels serveis en l'脿mbit de lesbiblioteques p煤bliques realitzades pel Servei de Biblioteques de la Generalitatde Catalunya, amb refer猫ncies al paper dels municipis, comarques i diputacions provincials. Pel seu paper rellevant destaca la Diputaci贸 de Barcelona per davant de les de Girona i de Tarragona. Les dades s贸n de juny del 2000, llevat dels casos en qu猫 se n'especifiquin d'altres. S'inclou un annex de dades estad铆stiques dels darrers cinc anys i unes conclusions sobre l'evoluci贸 positiva de les biblioteques p煤bliques en aquest per铆ode.Activities of promotion and development of the services of public libraries carried out by the Library Service of the Generalitat of Catalonia, with references to the role of local and provincial administration. The data refer to June 2000, except when otherwise stated. An annex of statistical data of the last five years is included, as well as conclusions on the positive evolution of public libraries during this period.Actividades de promoci贸n y desarrollo de los servicios en el 谩mbito de las bibliotecas p煤blicas realizadas por el Servicio de Bibliotecas de la Generalitat de Catalu帽a, con referencias al papel de los municipios, comarcas y diputaciones provinciales. Por su papel relevante destaca la Diputaci贸n de Barcelona, adem谩s de las de Girona y de Tarragona. Los datos son de junio de 2000, excepto los casos donde se especifican otros. Se incluye un anexo de datos estad铆sticos de los 煤ltimos cinco a帽os y unas conclusiones sobre la evoluci贸n positiva de las bibliotecas p煤blicas en los 煤ltimos a帽os

    Comunicar en la web. Estrategias de Biblioteques de Barcelona

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    New forms of digital communication and participation, the impact of social networks and the need for organizations to maintain a closer communication with their customers lead us to consider our communication strategies. We have to take into account this reality and to seize the opportunities these new channels offer us to improve our services and manage our digital reputation in the same way that we manage in traditional environments

    Bibarnabloc, el proyecto l铆quido de Biblioteques de Barcelona

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    Bibarnabloc (Bloc de les Biblioteques de Barcelona) is a blog maintained as a collaborative project of Barcelona Public Libraries professionals, with the goal of promoting and enhancing the collections as well as the interaction with the public. The starting point and first six months of life, including the technical and human resources required for implementation, are described. Publication circuits, information architecture, and online and offline marketing strategies are specified. A qualitative and quantitative assessment is presented. Finally, future challenges are discussed