91 research outputs found

    Growth performance in heavy lambs experimentally treated with 17 β-estradiol

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    European and Italian legislation have banned use of growth promoters in livestock since 1988, but epidemiological data show that anabolic drugs are still being used illegally. Recent surveys carried out on the cattle farms in Northern Italy have confirmed the presence of growthpromoting hormones. Authors report data on growth performances in 80 Valle del Belice×Comisana weaned lambs experimentally treated with 17 beta-estradiol with 0.5 ml solution of oil Depot Estradiol ® (containing 5 mg of 17β- estradiol valerate) by intramuscular injection into the thigh. The experiment was founded by the National Ministry of Health, to validate histological test for surveillance and control of growth-promoting hormones in sheep. This study confirmed the strong correlation between clinical and anatomopathological features and growth performances of treated animals. Otherwise, no significant differences were found on in vivo performance of the lambs. Estradiol treatment showed heavier shoulders and necks on treated lambs, while the loins were significantly lighter. Moreover, lambestradiol- treated groups showed lower separable and inseparable fat percentage than lamb-control groups

    The gut microbiota of farmed and wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis): evaluation of feed-related differences using 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding

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    The gut microbiota has become a topic of increasing importance in various fields, including aquaculture. Several fish species have been the subject of investigations concerning the intestinal microbiota, comparing different variables including the intestine portions, the environment and diet. In this study, the microbiota of farmed and wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) was analysed, considering separately wall and content of the medial portion of the intestine. A total of 66 fish (age class 2+) were sampled, of which 46 wild and 20 farmed brook trout, along two different years. Microbiota data were obtained using a 16S metabarcoding approach by analysing the V3-V4 hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA. Data showed that the core microbiota of these species is represented by Proteobacteria (Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria), Actinobacteria, Firmicutes (Bacilli and Clostridia) and, only for farmed animals, Fusobacteria. The latter taxon is likely related to the fishmeal-based diet administered to farmed brook trout. Indeed, alpha and beta diversity analysis showed differences between wild and farmed fish. Finally, statistically significant differences in the microbiota composition were observed between intestinal wall and content in wild fish, while no differences were detected in reared animals

    The unusual isolation of carnobacteria in eyes of healthy salmonids in high‑mountain lakes

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    Carnobacteria are common bacteria in cold and temperate environments; they are also reported during fsh mortality events. In a previous study, carnobacteria were isolated from the eyes of healthy wild salmonids from a high-mountain lake. To better understand these fndings, salmonids were captured from three high-mountain lakes (Lower and Upper Balma Lake, Rouen Lake; northwest Italy) during August 2019 and subjected to bacteriological and histological examination. Although all were healthy, 8.7% (Lower Balma Lake), 24% (Upper Balma Lake), and 32.6% (Rouen Lake) were positive for carnobacteria colonization of the eyes. A Trojan-horse efect was hypothesized to explain carnobacteria isolation in the eye. This immune-escaping macrophage-mediated mechanism has been identifed in other Gram-positive bacteria. Biochemical, molecular, and phylogenetic analysis were carried out on isolated bacteria (Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and C. divergens). Based on previous references for carnobacteria isolated from fsh, C. maltaromaticum strains were tested for the pisA precursor gene of the bacteriocin piscicolin 126. Carnobacterium maltaromaticum strains were found to display genotypic heterogeneity and a low percentage of pisA positive amplifcation. Features of geomorphology, geographic isolation, and microbiota common to the three lakes are thought to be possibly related to our fndings. Moreover, terrestrial insects collected from the lake shoreline and the stomach contents were screened for the presence of carnobacteria. The salmonids in these high-mountain environments feed mainly on terrestrial insects, which are considered possible vectors for carnobacteria that might catabolize the exoskeleton chitin. All insects tested negative for carnobacteria, but as a small number of samples were analyzed, their role as possible vectors of infection cannot be excluded. Further studies are needed to corroborate our research hypothesis

    Estimating canine cancer incidence: Findings from a population-based tumour registry in northwestern Italy

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    Background: Canine cancer registry data can be put to good use in epidemiological studies. Quantitative comparison of tumour types may reveal unusual cancer frequencies, providing directions for research and generation of hypotheses of cancer causation in a specific area, and suggest leads for identifying risk factors. Here we report canine cancer incidence rates calculated from a population-based registry in an area without any known specific environmental hazard. Results: In its 90 months of operation from 2001 to 2008 (the observation period in this study), the population-based Piedmont Canine Cancer Registry collected data on 1175 tumours confirmed by histopathological diagnosis. The incidence rate was 804 per 100,000 dog-years for malignant tumours and 897 per 100,000 dog-years for benign tumours. Higher rates for all cancers were observed in purebred dogs, particularly in Yorkshire terrier and Boxer. The most prevalent malignant neoplasms were cutaneous mastocytoma and hemangiopericytoma, and mammary gland complex carcinoma and simplex carcinoma. Conclusions: The Piedmont canine cancer registry is one of few of its kind whose operations have been consistently supported by long-term public funding. The registry-based cancer incidence rates were estimated with particular attention to the validity of data collection, thus minimizing the potential for bias. The findings on cancer incidence rates may provide a reliable reference for comparison studies. Researches conducted on dogs, used as sentinels for community exposure to environmental carcinogens, can be useful to detect excess risks in the incidence of malignant tumours in the human population

    Near infrared spectroscopy as a novel non-invasive tool for the detection of lactococcosis in rainbow trout

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    Lactococcosis, mainly sustained by the warm-water bacterium Lactococcus garvieae, is a disease associated with evident mortalities and economic lossed. Main disease signs are commonly bilateral exophthalmia, hyperpigmentation in the body, haemorrhages around the eye area, opercula, and mouth region, swollen abdomen, and anal prolapse. An effective monitoring system of fish diseases relies on rapid techniques for the timely management of infection outbreaks. We evaluated the potential of the SCiO sensor, a portable near infrared spectroscope, to assess in field the health status of rainbow trout. The study sample was composed of 20 symptomatic and 20 asymptomatic rainbow trout obtained from an aquaculture farm and submitted to molecular detection of L. garvieae and SCiO examination. In order to detect presence or absence of septicaemia condition, blood smears were prepared from peripheral blood. Part of the symptomatic individuals (9/20) showed septicaemia, whereas no bacteria were found in the asymptomatic individuals. PCR assay of bacterial DNA was positive in spleen and kidney of 19/20 symptomatic and in 1/20 asymptomatic individuals. Bacteriological analysis revealed L. garvieae in 18/20 symptomatic samples and in 2/20 asymptomatic samples. The SCiO sensor was found to be able to discriminate between healthy and sick fish [sensibility 0.95 (0.75–1.00 I.C. 95%), specificity 0.80 (0.56–0.94 I.C. 95%)]. By virtue of rapid acquisition, low cost and use on site, the SCiO was considered as a useful diagnostic tool for monitoring L. garvieae infection in rainbow trout
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