1,112 research outputs found

    Trajectory-based interpretation of Young's experiment, the Arago-Fresnel laws and the Poisson-Arago spot for photons and massive particles

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    We present a trajectory based interpretation for Young's experiment, the Arago-Fresnel laws and the Poisson-Arago spot. This approach is based on the equation of the trajectory associated with the quantum probability current density in the case of massive particles, and the Poynting vector for the electromagnetic field in the case of photons. Both the form and properties of the evaluated photon trajectories are in good agreement with the averaged trajectories of single photons observed recently in Young's experiment by Steinberg's group at the University of Toronto. In the case of the Arago-Fresnel laws for polarized light, the trajectory interpretation presented here differs from those interpretations based on the concept of "which-way" (or "which-slit") information and quantum erasure. More specifically, the observer's information about the slit that photons went through is not relevant to the existence of interference; what is relevant is the form of the electromagnetic energy density and its evolution, which will model consequently the distribution of trajectories and their topology. Finally, we also show that the distributions of end points of a large number of evaluated photon trajectories are in agreement with the distributions measured at the screen behind a circular disc, clearly giving rise to the Poisson-Arago spot.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Evolution of the wave function of an atom hit by a photon in a three-grating interferometer

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    In 1995, Chapman et al. (1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 2783) showed experimentally that the interference contrast in a three-grating atom interferometer does not vanish under the presence of scattering events with photons, as required by the complementarity principle. In this work we provide an analytical study of this experiment, determining the evolution of the atom wave function along the three-grating Mach-Zehnder interferometer under the assumption that the atom is hit by a photon after passing through the first grating. The consideration of a transverse wave function in momentum representation is essential in this study. As is shown, the number of atoms transmitted through the third grating is given by a simple periodic function of the lateral shift along this grating, both in the absence and in the presence of photon scattering. Moreover, the relative contrast (laser on/laser off) is shown to be a simple analytical function of the ratio d_p/\lambda_i, where d_p is the distance between atomic paths at the scattering locus and \lambda_i the scattered photon wavelength. We argue that this dependence, being in agreement with experimental results, can be regarded to show compatibility of the wave and corpuscle properties of atoms.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Should particle trajectories comply with the transverse momentum distribution?

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    The momentum distributions associated with both the wave function of a particle behind a grating and the corresponding Bohmian trajectories are investigated and compared. Near the grating, it is observed that the former does not depend on the distance from the grating, while the latter changes with this distance. However, as one moves further apart from the grating, in the far field, both distributions become identical.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Brain Network Connectivity During Language Comprehension: Interacting Linguistic and Perceptual Subsystems.

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    The dynamic neural processes underlying spoken language comprehension require the real-time integration of general perceptual and specialized linguistic information. We recorded combined electro- and magnetoencephalographic measurements of participants listening to spoken words varying in perceptual and linguistic complexity. Combinatorial linguistic complexity processing was consistently localized to left perisylvian cortices, whereas competition-based perceptual complexity triggered distributed activity over both hemispheres. Functional connectivity showed that linguistically complex words engaged a distributed network of oscillations in the gamma band (20-60 Hz), which only partially overlapped with the network supporting perceptual analysis. Both processes enhanced cross-talk between left temporal regions and bilateral pars orbitalis (BA47). The left-lateralized synchrony between temporal regions and pars opercularis (BA44) was specific to the linguistically complex words, suggesting a specific role of left frontotemporal cross-cortical interactions in morphosyntactic computations. Synchronizations in oscillatory dynamics reveal the transient coupling of functional networks that support specific computational processes in language comprehension.This work was supported by an EPSRC grant to W.M.-W. (EP/F030061/1), an ERC Advanced Grant (Neurolex) to W.M.-W., and by MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) funding to W.M.-W. (U.1055.04.002.00001.01). Computing resources were provided by the MRC-CBU. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the Advanced Investigator Grant (Neurolex) to W.D.M.-W.This is the final published version which appears at http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhu28

    Cross-linguistic parallels in processing derivational morphology: evidence from Polish.

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    Neuroimaging evidence in English suggests that the neurocognitive processing of derivationally complex words primarily reflects their properties as whole forms. The current experiment provides a cross-linguistic examination of these proposals by investigating the processing of derivationally complex words in the rich morphological system of Polish. Within the framework of a dual language system approach, we asked whether there is evidence for decompositional processing of derivationally complex Polish stems - reflected in the activation of a linguistically specific decompositional system in the left hemisphere - or for increased competition between the derived stem and its embedded base stem in the bilateral system. The results showed activation in the bilateral system and no evidence for selective engagement of the left hemisphere decompositional system. This provides a cross-linguistic validation for the hypothesis that the neurocognitive processing of derived stems primarily reflects their properties as stored forms

    Is periodontitis and its treatment capable of changing the quality of life of a patient?

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    While clinical indicators, or so-called surrogate outcomes in periodontology, allow us to assess periodontal health and evaluate outcomes of periodontal therapy from a clinician's perspective, they cannot be used to evaluate patients' subjective perceptions of their health status or satisfaction with the received treatment. These can be assessed through patient-based outcomes, such as quality of life. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the multidimensional concept of oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), its measures and association with plaque-induced, inflammatory periodontal diseases. Periodontitis and its clinical consequences, such as tooth loss, have a considerable negative effect on OHRQoL, while periodontal treatment and alleviation of the symptoms can lead to improvement in OHRQoL. Implant rehabilitation of missing teeth also seems to positively influence OHRQo

    Grammatical analysis as a distributed neurobiological function.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from [publisher] via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hbm.22696Language processing engages large-scale functional networks in both hemispheres. Although it is widely accepted that left perisylvian regions have a key role in supporting complex grammatical computations, patient data suggest that some aspects of grammatical processing could be supported bilaterally. We investigated the distribution and the nature of grammatical computations across language processing networks by comparing two types of combinatorial grammatical sequences--inflectionally complex words and minimal phrases--and contrasting them with grammatically simple words. Novel multivariate analyses revealed that they engage a coalition of separable subsystems: inflected forms triggered left-lateralized activation, dissociable into dorsal processes supporting morphophonological parsing and ventral, lexically driven morphosyntactic processes. In contrast, simple phrases activated a consistently bilateral pattern of temporal regions, overlapping with inflectional activations in L middle temporal gyrus. These data confirm the role of the left-lateralized frontotemporal network in supporting complex grammatical computations. Critically, they also point to the capacity of bilateral temporal regions to support simple, linear grammatical computations. This is consistent with a dual neurobiological framework where phylogenetically older bihemispheric systems form part of the network that supports language function in the modern human, and where significant capacities for language comprehension remain intact even following severe left hemisphere damage.Computing resources were provided by the MRC-CBU. Li Su was partly supported by the Cambridge Dementia Biomedical Research Unit

    The Influence of Fatteners Dry and Liquid Diet on Slaughter Traits of Carcass Sides

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    The study was conducted on 700 fattening pigs, three breed half blood with Duroc as a terminal breed ((Large White x Landrace) x Duroc). The pigs were divided into the two groups according to diet: dry and liquid nutrition. Each group consisted of 350 fattening pigs and used the same feed mixtures in prefattening (CP-3) and fattening (ST). During the period from 24.8 to 60kg they were fed with a CP-3, a crude protein content of 16.37%. During the period from 60kg until the end they were fed with ST, a crude protein content of 15.3%. Muscle tissue processed half-carcasses in slaughterhouses were determined by a device that determines the value of S (fat thickness) and M (muscle thickness) using "method one point." Fat thickness skin in mm, measured 7 cm lateral to the central (median) cutting, in the amount between the second and third ribs of the tail. The thickness of the muscle in mm was measured at the same place as the thickness of the bacon. The results show that the fatling fed dry food had significantly higher carcass weight (80.41: 78.51 kg, p<0.05), backfat thickness (16.55: 15.31 mm, p<0.05), weight (muscle 55.80: 53.82, p<0.05), but a lower percentage of meat (56.6: 57.3, p<0.05) as compared to pigs fed liquid food. In finishing pigs fed dry food, between carcass weight and backfat thickness and muscle thickness a positive and significant correlation (0.4267 and 0.4290, p<0.05) was found and between carcass weight and lean meat a significant negative correlation (-0. 4236 and p<0.05). Between backfat thickness and lean meat in the carcass a negative and significant correlation (-0.8534, p<0.05) was found and between muscle thickness and lean meat a positive and significant correlation (0.2857, p<0.05). In finishing pigs fed liquid food, between carcass weight and backfat thickness and muscle thickness a positive and significant correlation (0.1800 and 0.3705, p<0.05) was found and between carcass weight and lean meat a significant negative correlation (-0. 2178; p <0.05). Between backfat thickness and percentage of meat in the carcass negative and significant correlation (-0.8692, p<0.05) was found and between muscle thickness and lean meat a positive and significant correlation (0.3168, p<0.05)
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