257 research outputs found

    Проблема уголовно-правового базиса особого порядка судебного разбирательства, предусмотренного гл. 40 Уголовно-процессуального кодекса Российской Федерации

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    The subject of study is the criminal-legal basis for an expedited procedure for adopting a court ruling when the accused person agrees with the charge. These issues are relevant, since in July 2020 the substantive legal basis of the expedited procedure in Russia was changed and now this procedure can only be applied in criminal cases of small and medium gravity.The aim of this work is to study the substantive legal basis of an expedited procedure of litigation from the point of view of the changes were made to it. The author expresses the thesis that the legislators did not quite reasonably link criminal-legal grounds of the expedited procedure with the system of categories of crimes.The methodology. The author used general scientific methods (dialectical, historical, methods of formal logic, system analysis) as well as method of formal legal interpretation of Russian Criminal Code and judicial decisions of Russian courts.The main results, scope of application. The criminal and legal basis of certain criminal procedure is a package of criminal law standards, for the implementation of which a certain criminal and procedural form is intended. The parameters of the substantive basis of criminal proceedings are set with the signs that shall be indicated in the Code of Criminal Procedure and may change. It directly refers to the expedited procedure for adopting a court ruling, by Chapter 40 of the Russian Criminal Procedure Code. Initially, it was assumed that the application of this procedure is permissible in criminal cases concerning crimes the punishment for which does not exceed 5 years imprisonment in accordance with the Russian Criminal Code. The expedited court proceedings began to be applied in criminal cases concerning crimes, the punishment for which does not exceed 10 years imprisonment in accordance with the Russian Criminal Code, since 2003. The Russian Supreme Court made an attempt to reduce the application of court proceedings provided by Chapter 40 of the Russian Criminal Procedure Code in 2019. It turned out to be successful. Legislators have changed the basic criterion that determines the substantive basis for an expedited procedure for adopting a court ruling. Now the system of categories of crimes is this basis. The system of categories of crimes presented in Article 15 of the Russian Criminal Code is not stable enough and is based on a set of provisions of this Code, but the sanctions for many crimes are not scientifically and practically grounded in this Code. In addition, the classification of crimes enshrined in Article 15 of the Russian Criminal Code is based on such a criterion as the nature and degree of public danger of the crime. These categories are among the most complex in the science of criminal law.Conclusions. The use of categories of crimes as a criterion for determining the criminal legal basis of the expedited procedure for making a court decision significantly complicates the application of the expedited procedure.Изучается уголовно-правовой базис особого порядка принятия судебного решения при согласии обвиняемого с предъявленным ему обвинением. Актуальность исследования обусловлена изменением в июле 2020 г. материально-правового базиса особого порядка. Сейчас соответствующая процедура может применяться только по уголовным делам о преступлениях небольшой и средней тяжести. Законодателями был преобразован нормативный критерий, очерчивающий границы применения судебного производства, предусмотренного гл. 40 Уголовно-процессуального кодекса РФ. Сейчас таковым выступает система категорий преступлений. При этом представленная в ст. 15 Уголовного кодекса РФ классификация преступлений нестабильна и основывается на комплексе норм Особенной части Уголовного кодекса РФ, санкции многих из которых не являются научно и практически обоснованными

    Roman et théorie, Boulgakov et Bakhtine : éclairages réciproques : Le Maître et Marguerite, le carnaval, la ménipée = Roman i teorii︠a︡, Bulgakov i Bakhtin : vzaimnoe osveshchenie : Master i Margarita, karnaval, menippei︠a︡

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    Cette thèse met en lumière les relations réciproques entre les deux artefacts‐clés de la culture russe et mondiale du XXe siècle : la théorie du carnaval et de la ménippée de Mikhaïl Bakhtine et le dernier roman de Mikhaïl Boulgakov. Les chercheurs n'ont pas tardé à remarquer leur étonnante synthonie après leur sortie de l'oubli qui a eu lieu presque en même temps et qui a été marquée par la publication des ouvrages de Bakhtine Problèmes de la poétique de Dostoïevski (1963), L'oeuvre de François Rabelais et la culture populaire au Moyen Âge et sous la Renaissance (1965) et par la parution du roman de Boulgakov Le Maître et Marguerite (1966-1967). C'est déjà dans la postface de la première édition du roman que Le Maître et Marguerite reçoit le nom de «ménippée de Bakhtine». Un tel rapprochement entre la théorie de Bakhtine et le roman de Boulgakov s'explique par leur intérêt simultané pour différentes manifestations de la poétique du carnaval qui s'appuie sur des traditions portant l'empreinte des conceptions du temps cyclique et de l'éternel retour par le biais de la mort, propres aux rituels agraires de l'époque archaïque et aux fêtes du Nouvel An de l'Antiquité. A partir du début du XXe siècle et jusqu'aux années 40, la notion de carnavalesque en Russie est un ensemble d'idées unique, un concept doté d'un caractère d'universalité culturelle de son temps: le carnavalesque attire l'attention non seulement de Bakhtine et de Boulgakov, mais aussi de presque tous les modernistes russes et de certains philologues de l'époque. Dans notre travail, l'étude de la ressemblance des approches du problème du carnaval chez Boulgakov et chez Bakhtine s'organise selon deux axes de recherche. Le premier est lié à la théorie des genres moderne et à son développement dans la philosophie de Bakhtine. C'est dans ce contexte que nous examinons la notion antique de la satire ménippée (ou de la ménippée), considérée par Bakhtine en tant que genre littéraire qui reflète le mieux la poétique du carnaval. C'est également ce contexte qui nous permet d'analyser l'évolution de la théorie du carnaval et de la ménippée chez Bakhtine depuis ses travaux des années 30 jusqu'à la parution du « quatrième chapitre célèbre » de la deuxième édition de son ouvrage consacré à Dostoïevski. Le même contexte sert à délimiter l'emploi de la théorie du carnaval et de la ménippée dans la critique littéraire et à déterminer l'efficacité de cet outil théorique que nous utilisons lors de l'analyse du roman Le Maître et Marguerite. Le second axe de notre recherche est lié à l'étude des traditions du carnaval, à l'examen de leurs sources mythologiques et de leurs sources relatives aux mystères. Ces sources sont considérées telles qu'elles se présentent dans les manières de concevoir le carnaval propres à Bakhtine et à Boulgakov que nous avons nommées, respectivement, le carnaval de Bakhtine et le carnaval de Boulgakov. La reconstruction du carnaval de Bakhtine a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs approches du thème du carnaval présentes dans ses ouvrages. La distinction de ces approches est d'autant plus importante que son oubli peut causer de fausses interprétations des idées de Bakhtine exprimées dans L'oeuvre de François Rabelais et mener à des critiques injustes de son auteur. Nous avons également tenu compte des théories avec lesquelles dialogue la philosophie du carnaval de Bakhtine : nous l'avons examinée en relation avec des études de la fête, du carnaval et du sacrifice caractéristiques du paysage scientifique des premières décennies du XXe siècle. Nous avons également comparée la philosophie du carnaval aux théories des philosophes européens contemporains de Bakhtine qui se sont intéressés à la même problématique, mais qu'on n'a pas l'habitude de mentionner à ce propos. En ce qui concerne l'étude du roman Le Maître et Marguerite et l'analyse du carnaval de Boulgakov, nous avons tâché d'unir deux approches. D'une part, nous avons mis au jour les sources de l'auteur ; d'autre part, nous avons examiné cette oeuvre dans une perspective dont le but est d'aider à comprendre la spécificité du carnavalesque chez Boulgakov en s'appuyant sur des travaux d'éminents spécialistes du folklore, de la mytho-archéologie, de la mytho-critique et de la sémiotique moderne. Notre recherche a permis de mettre en évidence les manifestations caractéristiques de la poétique du carnaval dans Le Maître et Marguerite, auparavant négligées par la critique. En outre, nous avons prêté une attention particulière à la façon dont Boulgakov utilise des éléments et modèles mythologiques « pré-carnavalesques » qui n'ont pas été étudiés de manière suffisante dans l'oeuvre de Bakhtine. Cela nous a permis non seulement de voir sous un autre jour les scènes-clés du roman, mais aussi d'avoir la connaissance plus approfondie du carnaval de Bakhtine à travers le carnaval de Boulgakov

    P. Merime’s Essay “Nikolai Gogol”

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    Merimee’s essay “Nikolai Gogol”, in which the author presented the Russian writer as an imitator of European models, a satirist who focused on portraying the flaws of Russian life, a writer who neglects the plausibility of the overall composition is considered in the article. The author of this article shows that such a superficial and biased approach to Gogol’s texts aroused indignation among Russian journalists in both 19th century capitals and continues to be criticized by Russian and French literary critics. The results of a comparative analysis of the essay “Nikolai Gogol” with reviews of French-speaking journalists who wrote about the author of “The Inspector General” and “Dead Souls” in Parisian magazines of the 1840s are presented in the article. The question is raised that the motives that prompted Merimee to turn to the work of Gogol, and the reasons for the bias in relation to his work are still unrevealed. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the essay by Mérimée is for the first time considered as a commentary on the stable aesthetic position of the French writer, discordant with the poetics of romanticism and realism. The author dwells on the study of a number of artistic devices of the works of Merimee in the 1820—1840s and his genre preferences in the 1850s

    Communication of COVID-19 consequences in the Baltic States inforsphere

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    This article seeks to describe the dynamics of COVID-19 in the Baltic States and to analyse the ways of communicating the threat and its consequences. Particular attention is paid to the media strategies pursued in the study area. The research is based on Russian and English texts from the Baltic media, WHO official documents and datasets, as well as initiatives of the Baltic Sea region organisations (2020) counteracting COVID-19. A combination of these sources builds up an objective view of the situation and demonstrates how the pandemic and its consequences are represented in public consciousness given a certain pragmatic goal. The pandemic is a new type of threat; its consequences demonstrate a tendency towards negative synergy and a category shift from soft threats to hard ones. The research shows that several key strategies - counter-active, projective, conservative, mobilising, resilient, and reflective - are used to communicate the threat and its consequences in the media


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    The subject. The article is devoted to the investigation of the main direct object and the circle of victims are subjected of harm by criminal acts stipulated by pts. 1, 2 of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.The purpose of the paper is to identify does the art. 294 of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation meets the other provisions of criminal procedure legislation.The methodology of research includes methods of complex analysis, synthesis, as well as formal-logical, comparative legal and formal-legal methods.Results and scope of application. The content of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not comply with the provisions of the criminal procedure law. The discrep-ancy lies in terms of the range of participants in criminal proceedings and the functions performed by them, as well as the actual content and correlation of such stages of criminal proceedings as the initiation of criminal proceedings and preliminary investigation. In addi-tion, the current state of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not take into account the ever-widening differentiation of criminal proceedings.The circle of victims listed in pt. 2 of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should be supplemented by such participants in the criminal process as a criminal investi-gator, the head of the investigative body, the head of the inquiry department, the head of the body of inquiry. At the same time, the author supports the position that the criminal-legal protection of the said persons should cover not only their activities at the stage of preliminary investigation, but also of the entire pre-trial proceedings as a whole.The circle of criminal acts provided for in art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Fed-eration, should also be specified with an indication of encroachment in the form of kidnapping, destruction or damage to such a crime as materials of criminal, civil and other cases, as well as material evidence.Conclusions. The content of art. 294 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not comply with the provisions of the criminal procedure law. The author formulates the conclusion that the circle of victims listed in pt. 2 of art. 294 of the Criminal Code should be broadened and joins the position that the criminal-legal protection of these persons should cover not only their activities at the stage of preliminary investigation, but also of the entire pre-trial proceedings as a whole.Исследуются основной непосредственный объект и круг лиц, которым может быть причинен вред преступными деяниями, предусмотренными ч. 1, 2 ст. 294 УК РФ. Де-лается вывод, что содержание ст. 294 УК РФ не соответствует положениям уголовно-процессуального законодательства, а круг потерпевших, перечисленных в ч. 2 ст. 294 УК РФ, должен быть расширен – тем самым подтверждается позиция, что уголовно-правовая охрана указанных лиц должна охватывать не только их деятельность на ста-дии предварительного расследования, но и всего досудебного производства в целом

    Analysis of The Use of PCSK9 Inhibitors in Clinical Practice

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    Aim. The analysis of the experience of using PCSK9 inhibitors (alirocumab) in patients with very high cardiovascular risk, аccording to long observations in real clinical practice.Material and methods. In study evaluated the data for 31  people (23 men and 8 women, the average  age of those surveyed was 59.4±5.8 years) of very high cardiovascular risk with atherogenic dyslipidemia  and no achievement  of the target lipid levels. Alirokumab was administered  in a dose of 150 mg subcutaneously once every 2 weeks in the day hospital of a multidisciplinary clinic. The primary endpoint was reached the target level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol (HS-LDL) level and/or reduce HS-LDL levels by 50% or more. Liver tests, level of creatinine and glycemia  were studied to assess safety; side effects studied/Results. The long-term use of alirocumab  (on average 7,5±2,3 months) is well tolerated without adverse reactions and withdrawal syndrome, in the day hospital of a multidisciplinary clinic. 90% of patient have achieved either a target level of HS-LDL less than 1.4 mmol/l or a reduction in HS-LDL by 50% or more. The remaining  third of patients achieved both target levels. It can be distinguished a group of patients with a good response to the medication, in the first months of administration of alirokumab.Conclusion. The results of conducting an efficiency  assessment  for use of the alirocumab  in a dose of 150 mg  subcutaneously within two weeks showed  that this therapy has the high efficacy and good tolerability without any adverse reactions,  in the day hospital of a multidisciplinary clinic

    Проблемы судебного толкования признаков легализации (отмывания) денежных средств или иного имущества, приобретенного преступным путем

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    The subject. The article is devoted to analysis of the crime - laundering of money or other property obtained by criminal means,-  punished by art. 174, 174.1 of the Russian Criminal Code.The purpose of the article is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that the current Supreme Court’s official legal interpretation of the rules on the laundering of criminal incomes is too narrow; this interpretation is based on a distorted understanding of the objectives of the analyzed criminal acts.The main results and scope of their application. According to judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, firstly, when the money obtained by illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs were cashed by accused person using electronic payment systems, bank accounts or debit cards, and subsequently were spent there is no corpus delicti of money laundering. Secondly, the corpus delicti of money laundering exists in cases when money obtained by criminal means, are invested to capital stock or companies, to a bank deposit, to purchase of income-generating assets, goods or property.Conclusions. The specificity of the situation with criminal responsibility for the legalization of criminal incomes is in the fact that it is possible to use criminal income for personal needs for the purchase of luxury goods directly and without legalization due to the lack of control over the citizens expenditures in the Russian Federation. So direct disposal and personal use of property obtained during a crime by criminal in his own needs should not be qualified under art. 174, 174.1 of the RF Criminal Code as money laundering if the purpose of concealing the criminal nature of assets was not proven. However, when making financial transactions or other transactions designed to disguise the criminal source of income, the intention of criminal to spend them on personal needs should not exclude the application of the analyzed norms of criminal law.Дается критический анализ судебной практики Верховного Суда РФ, в соответствии с которой по уголовным делам о преступлениях, связанных с незаконным оборотом наркотических средств и психотропных веществ, где обвиняемыми денежные средства, полученные преступным путем, обналичивались с использованием электронных платежных систем, банковских счетов и карт и в последующем расходовались на личные нужды, состав преступления, предусмотренный ст. 174.1 УК РФ, отсутствует. Обосновывается точка зрения, что соответствующее толкование норм о легализации преступных доходов является слишком узким, основанным на искаженном понимании целей анализируемых преступных деяний

    Судебный штраф: проблемы материально-правового базиса и правоприменения

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    The subject of the article is the grounds for exemption from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine are being considered.The purpose of the article is to reveal the systemic links between Art. 76.2 and 75-76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as well as prospects of judicial fine in criminal law.The methodology of research includes methods of complex analysis, synthesis, as well as formal-logical, comparative legal and formal-legal methods.Results, scope of application. The author analyzes the practice of applying Art. 76.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on criminal cases concerning crimes with a formal composition, when the defendants did not make any compensation for damage or other reparation for damage caused by the criminal act.The author notes that the institution of release from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine is controversial. On the one hand, it has positive aspects, as it directly and unambiguously aims at compensation for damage or other smoothing of the harm caused by the crime. Сriminal legislation of the Russian Federation should more actively provide for the interests of the victim.However, fine also has a number of shortcomings related to the contradictory nature of his normative definition. The institution in question does not have its own substantive legal basis, it is applied to the same range of cases as the grounds for exemption from criminal liability provided for in Art. 75, 76 and partially Art. 76.1 of the Criminal Code. Consequently, its appearance can make a system of measures that stimulate positive postcriminal behavior only more contradictory.The introduction of this institution can contribute to an increase in manifestations of corruption. Judicial fine is appointed only by the court, but the court to exercise its functions in this case does not have the ability to verify the truthfulness of the information on the participation of the accused in the committed crime. So, there is a risk of applying this institution to persons who should be brought to criminal responsibility.This institution is available primarily for wealthy suspects (accused persons) who are capable to reimburse the damage caused by crime immediately and, in addition, within the time limits established by the court to pay a judicial fine.Conclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that the exemption from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine is a truncated form of active repentance.Рассматривается основание освобождения от уголовной ответственности с назначением судебного штрафа. Исследуются системные связи ст. 76.2 со ст. 75 и 76 УК РФ. Анализируется практика применения ст. 76.2 УК РФ по уголовным делам о преступлениях с формальным составом, по которым подсудимым не было произведено какое-либо возмещение ущерба либо иное заглаживание вреда, причиненного преступным деянием. Делается вывод, что освобождение от уголовной ответственности с назначением судебного штрафа является усеченной формой деятельного раскаяния

    Structures and photophysical properties of 3,4-diaryl-1H-pyrrol-2,5-diimines and 2,3-diarylmaleimides

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    Structural features of 3,4-diaryl-1H-pyrrol-2,5-diimines and their derivatives have been studied by molecular spectroscopy techniques, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and DFT calculations. According to the theoretical calculations, the diimino tautomeric form of 3,4-diaryl-1H-pyrrol-2,5-diimines is more stable in solution than the imino-enamino form. We also found that the structurally related 2,3 exist in the solid state in the dimeric diketo form. 3,4-Diary1-1H-pyrrol-2,5-diimines and 2,3-diarylmaleimides exhibit fluorescence in the blue region of the visible spectrum. The fluorescence spectra have large Stokes shifts. Aryl substituents at the 3,4-positions of 1H-pyrrol-2,5-diimine do not significantly affect fluorescence properties. The insertion of donor substituents into 2,3diarylmaleimides leads to bathochromic shift of emission bands with hyperchromic effect. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved