105 research outputs found

    Determination of the working time requirement for suckling sows in the pen of Wels

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    These days, especially in organic piglet production, it is necessary to reduce the production costs to be competitive on the market. A large proportion of the production costs are caused by labor and construction costs to ensure a high level of animal welfare. The farrowing pen of Wels, currently existing in prototype form, was designed to fulfill organic farming requirements, improve animal welfare, and minimize the costs for construction and labor. The housing system is characterized by four separate functional areas: the lying area, the excretion and moving area, the feeding area for the sow, and a piglet nest. To identify the working time requirements of routine and special tasks, a time study, based on the work element method and an electronic time recording system (ortim b3) (a Pocket PC with time recording software), was conducted. The influencing variables and the time measurements were collected by directly observing work processes in the farrowing unit, which had 5 farrowing pens, over a period of 21 days at the “LFZ Raumberg Gumpenstein.” The data were descriptive and statistically analyzed to obtain planning data on the element basis. The time requirement was modeled according to the related task and in total over the suckling period. The routine tasks consisted in transporting the feed to the pen, feeding the sows, monitoring the sows and piglets, mucking out the dung corridor with a tractor and sprinkling straw in it, as well as filling up the hay rack. The labor input was 3.99 AKmin per sow and day in total. The special tasks included inoculating the piglets, marking with ear tags, castrating the male piglets, cleaning the whole pen and the dung corridor, and preparing the farrowing pen for the next sows. Special work required 25.9 MPmin per sow over the keeping period of 21 days. The total working time requirements over the period of 21 days were 1.82 MPh per sow. Overall, the farrowing pen of Wels has low time requirements and can be seen as a good alternative to the existing organic pens

    On-site early-warning system for bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

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    <p>In this work, the development of an on-site early warning system for Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) is outlined. Several low cost sensors equipped with MEMS accelerometers are installed in eight buildings distributed within the urban area. The different sensing units communicate each other via wireless links and the seismic data are streamed in real-time to the data center using internet. Since each single sensing unit has computing capabilities, software for data processing can be installed to perform decentralized actions. In particular, each sensing unit can perform event detection task and run software for on-site early warning. If a description for the vulnerability of the building is uploaded in the sensing unit, this piece of information can be exploited to introduce the expected probability of damage in the early-warning protocol customized for a specific structure.</p

    Effects of tillage systems and mechanization on work time, fuel and energy consumption for cereal cropping in Austria

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    The machinery stock, fuel consumption and work time are crucial economic factors for the profit potential in the arable farming sector.  The influence of five soil tillage systems (two conventional tillage systems and three conservation tillage systems) and two tractor sizes (92 kW-tractor and 59 kW-tractor) on work time, fuel and energy consumption was measured in the semi-arid region in Austria.  The tractors were equipped with a high-performance flow meter and a radar sensor to measure the fuel consumption (L h-1) and working speed (km h-1).  The conventional tillage with mouldboard plough has the highest working time and fuel consumption rate.  The replacement of plough with a cultivator, reduces the work time and fuel consumption for soil tillage as well as the energy consumption per moved soil matter to more than 50% roughly.  The highest saving effects (more than 85%) were achieved with the direct drilling without soil tillage system.  A well loaded engine in a small tractor with small implements is more fuel efficient than a worse loaded engine in a “big tractor”.  An adjusted tractor-implement combination, which is well implemented in the 59-kW mechanization, decreases the fuel consumption to up to 30% and 46%.  Due to lower field capacity in the 59-kW mechanization, the work time is higher between 2.4% and 11.7%.   Keywords: fuel consumption, mechanization, tillage system, work tim

    NERA project - Deliverable D11.4: Array measurements

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    The aim of this Task is to present the seismological data and some preliminary empirical results related to two deployed specific arrays; (a) the Argostoli seismological array and (b) the Fucino seismological array. Both experiment arrays provided high quality data that along with corresponding geological and geophysical measurements may serve to critical evaluation of site effects and basin effects. In addition, work on modelling of basin effects may be significantly benefited by the observed acquired in both sites. Given that the analyses of the data obtained during the aforementioned experimental arrays will be performed in close link with activity of NERA-JRA3, the following goals are set: To investigate the link between ground motion spatial variability, strains, seismic wavefield and subsurface properties To compare numerical estimates of ground strain with actual measurements To investigate the capability of estimating ground strains from noise correlation studies. In order to organize and accomplish the work according to the initial schedule, several meetings (actual or/and Skype) among the participants took place during the 2nd year of the NERA-JRA1 project. Minutes of these meetings are given in Appendices 1, 2, 3 and 4.Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation Project, Seventh Framework Programme EC project number: 262330Published4T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismic

    On the exploitation of differential aerodynamic lift and drag as a means to control satellite formation flight

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    For a satellite formation to maintain its intended design despite present perturbations (formation keeping), to change the formation design (reconfiguration) or to perform a rendezvous maneuver, control forces need to be generated. To do so, chemical and/or electric thrusters are currently the methods of choice. However, their utilization has detrimental effects on small satellites’ limited mass, volume and power budgets. Since the mid-80s, the potential of using differential drag as a means of propellant-less source of control for satellite formation flight is actively researched. This method consists of varying the aerodynamic drag experienced by different spacecraft, thus generating differential accelerations between them. Its main disadvantage, that its controllability is mainly limited to the in-plain relative motion, can be overcome using differential lift as a means to control the out-of-plane motion. Due to its promising benefits, a variety of studies from researchers around the world have enhanced the state-of-the-art over the past decades which results in a multitude of available literature. In this paper, an extensive literature review of the efforts which led to the current state-of-the-art of different lift and drag-based satellite formation control is presented. Based on the insights gained during the review process, key knowledge gaps that need to be addressed in the field of differential lift to enhance the current state-of-the-art are revealed and discussed. In closer detail, the interdependence between the feasibility domain/the maneuver time and increased differential lift forces achieved using advanced satellite surface materials promoting quasi-specular or specular reflection, as currently being developed in the course of the DISCOVERER project, is discussed

    Concepts and Applications of Aerodynamic Attitude and Orbital Control for Spacecraft in Very Low Earth Orbit

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    Spacecraft operations below 450km, namely Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO), can offer significant advantages over traditional low Earth orbits, for example enhanced ground resolution for Earth observation, improved communications latency and link budget, or improved signal-to-noise ratio. Recently, these lower orbits have begun to be exploited as a result of technology development, particularly component miniaturisation and cost-reduction, and concerns over the increasing debris population in commercially exploited orbits. However, the high cost of orbital launch and challenges associated with atmospheric drag, causing orbital decay and eventually re-entry are still a key barrier to their wider use for large commercial and civil spacecraft. Efforts to address the impact of aerodynamic drag are being sought through the development of novel drag-compensation propulsion systems and identification of materials which can reduce aerodynamic drag by specularly reflecting the incident gas. However, the presence of aerodynamic forces can also be utilised to augment or improve spacecraft operations at these very low altitudes by providing the capability to perform coarse pointing control and trim or internal momentum management for example. This paper presents concepts for the advantageous use of spacecraft aerodynamics developed as part of DISCOVERER, a Horizon 2020 funded project with the aim to revolutionise Earth observation satellite operations in VLEO. The combination of novel spacecraft geometries and use of aerodynamic control methods are explored, demonstrating the potential for a new generation of Earth observation satellites operating at lower altitudes

    Attitude control for satellites flying in VLEO using aerodynamic surfaces

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    This paper analyses the use of aerodynamic control surfaces, whether passive or active, in order to carry out very low Earth orbit (VLEO) attitude maneuver operations. Flying a satellite in a very low Earth orbit with an altitude of less than 450 km, namely VLEO, is a technological challenge. It leads to several advantages, such as increasing the resolution of optical payloads or increase signal to noise ratio, among others. The atmospheric density in VLEO is much higher than in typical low earth orbit altitudes, but still free molecular flow. This has serious consequences for the maneuverability of a satellite because significant aerodynamic torques and forces are produced. In order to guarantee the controllability of the spacecraft they have to be analyzed in depth. Moreover, at VLEO the density of atomic oxygen increases, which enables the use of air-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP). Scientists are researching in this field to use ABEP as a drag compensation system, and consequently an attitude control based on aerodynamic control could make sense. This combination of technologies may represent an opportunity to open new markets. In this work, several satellite geometric configurations were considered to analyze aerodynamic control: 3-axis control with feather configuration and 2-axis control with shuttlecock configuration. The analysis was performed by simulating the attitude of the satellite as well as the disturbances affecting the spacecraft. The models implemented to simulate the disturbances were the following: Gravitational gradient torque disturbance, magnetic dipole torque disturbance (magnetic field model IGRF12), and aerodynamic torque disturbances (aerodynamic model DTM2013 and wind model HWM14).The maneuvers analyzed were the following: detumbling or attitude stabilization, pointing and demisability. Different VLEO parameters were analyzed for every geometric configuration and spacecraft maneuver. The results determined which of the analyzed geometric configurations suits better for every maneuver

    Discoverer - Making commercial satellite operations in very low earth orbit a reality

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    DISCOVERER is a €5.7M European Commission funded Horizon 2020 project developing technologies to enable commercially-viable sustained-operation of satellites in very low Earth orbits. Why operate closer to the Earth? For communications applications latency is significantly reduced and link budgets improved, and for remote sensing improved link budgets allow higher resolution or smaller instruments, all providing cost benefits. In addition, all applications benefit from increased launch mass to lower altitudes, whilst end-of-life removal is ensured due to the increased atmospheric drag. However, this drag must also be minimised and compensated for. One of the key technologies being developed by DISCOVERER are materials that encourage specular reflection of the residual atmosphere at these altitudes. Combined with appropriate geometric designs these can significantly reduce drag, provide usable lift for aerodynamic attitude and orbit control, and improve the collection efficiency of aerodynamic intakes for atmosphere breathing electric propulsion systems, all of which are being developed as part of DISCOVERER. The paper provides highlights from the developments to date, and the potential for a new class of aerodynamic commercial satellites operating at altitudes below the International Space Station
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