917 research outputs found

    To Conform or Not to Conform: An Examination of the Effects of Mock Jury Deliberation on Individual Jurors

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    The jury method is a unique social setting in the Criminal Justice system that provides opportunity for social influence to occur. Questions about the formation of jurors’ individual and collective decisions have stimulated a great deal of interest and research. This study is a review of the juror decision-making process and the various sources of influence that can affect it. Mock jurors were asked to review a mock criminal trial as well as the testimony of 2 witnesses. Upon reviewing the case, a predeliberation verdict (guilty or not guilty) and the degree of certainty of that decision was made. Once deliberation had occurred and ended, the jurors were asked to make a postdeliberation verdict. This study was conducted to see if conformity would take place during a mock jury deliberation, and how influential the actual deliberation was on the jurors. The results demonstrated that not only did jury deliberation influence individual juror’s verdicts, but it made their verdict confidence stronger as well

    Automatic pneumatic cutter

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Long-term observations of foraminifera in situ

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    Learning for Sustainability: Partnership for the Goals

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    An ectobiont-bearing foraminiferan, Bolivina pacifica, that inhabits microxic pore waters : cell-biological and paleoceanographic insights

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of John Wiley & Sons for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Environmental Microbiology 12 (2010): 2107-2119, doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.02073.x.The presence of tests (shells) in foraminifera could be taken as an indicator that this protist taxon is unlikely to possess ectosymbionts. Here, however, we describe an association between Bolivina pacifica, a foraminiferan with a calcareous test, and a rod-shaped microbe (bacterium or archaeon) that is directly associated with the pores of the foraminiferan’s test. In addition to these putative ectosymbionts, B. pacifica has previously undescribed cytoplasmic plasma membrane invaginations (PMIs). These adaptations (i.e., PMIs, ectobionts), along with the clustering of mitochondria under the pores and at the cell periphery, suggest active exchange between the host and ectobiont. The B. pacifica specimens examined were collected from sediments overlain by oxygen-depleted bottom waters (0.7 μM) of the Santa Barbara Basin (SBB; California, USA). An ultrastructural comparison between B. pacifica from the SBB and a congener (Bolivina cf. B. lanceolata) collected from well-oxygenated sediments (Florida Keys) suggests that PMIs, ectobionts, and peripherally distributed mitochondria are all factors that promote inhabitation of microxic environments by B. pacifica. The calcitic δ13C signatures of B. pacifica and a of co-occurring congener (B. argentea) that lacks ectobionts differ by >1.5‰, raising the possibility that the presence of ectobionts can affect incorporation of paleoceanographic proxies.This work was supported by a W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research Award through the Geological Society of America (to JMB), as well as by NASA Exobiology NRA-01-01-EXB-057 (to JMB), NSF MCB-0702491 (to JMB), and NSF DEB0445181 (to SSB and STG)


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    A Preliminary Manifesto for Christian Student Affairs Practitioners President\u27s Corner Editor\u27s Disk Christian vs. Secular Universities: Where Should You Work? CoCCA: Involvement through Campus Activities & Hot Ideas ACSD Placement Update & ACSD Electronic Discussion Group Book Review: The Fabric of Faithfulness by Steven Garberhttps://pillars.taylor.edu/acsd_koinonia/1029/thumbnail.jp

    Molecular evolution of foraminiferal tubulins

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    Allogromiid test construction

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    Medicines adherence: Involving patients in decisions about prescribed medicines and supporting adherence

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    It is thought that between a third and a half of all medicines1 There are many causes of non-adherence but they fall into two overlapping categories: intentional and unintentional. Unintentional non-adherence occurs when the patient wants to follow the agreed treatment but is prevented from doing so by barriers that are beyond their control. Examples include poor recall or difficulties in understanding the instructions, problems with using the treatment, inability to pay for the treatment, or simply forgetting to take it. prescribed for long-term conditions are not taken as recommended. If the prescription is appropriate, then this may represent a loss to patients, the healthcare system and society. The costs are both personal and economic. Adherence presumes an agreement between prescriber and patient about the prescriber’s recommendations. Adherence to medicines is defined as the extent to which the patient’s action matches the agreed recommendations. Non-adherence may limit the benefits of medicines, resulting in lack of improvement, or deterioration, in health. The economic costs are not limited to wasted medicines but also include the knock-on costs arising from increased demands for healthcare if health deteriorates. Non-adherence should not be seen as the patient’s problem. It represents a fundamental limitation in the delivery of healthcare, often because of a failure to fully agree the prescription in the first place or to identify and provide the support that patients need later on. Addressing non-adherence is not about getting patients to take more medicines per se. Rather, it starts with an exploration of patients’ perspectives of medicines and the reasons why they may not want or are unable to use them. Healthcare professionals have a duty to help patients make informed decisions about treatment and use appropriately prescribed medicines to best effec
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