4,043 research outputs found

    Analytical solution for the electric field in a half space conductor due to alternating current injected at the surface

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    An analytical expression for the electric field in a half space conductor, due to alternating current injected at the surface, is derived. Assuming that the injected current flows in wires perpendicular to the surface of the test piece, the problem can be formulated in terms of a single, transverse magnetic, potential. Considering at first one wire, the cylindrical symmetry permits simplification of the calculation by use of the Hankel transform. The final result for a system with two current-carrying wires is obtained by superposition

    The environment and host haloes of the brightest z~6 Lyman-break galaxies

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    By studying the large-scale structure of the bright high-redshift Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) population it is possible to gain an insight into the role of environment in galaxy formation physics in the early Universe. We measure the clustering of a sample of bright (-22.7<M_UV<-21.125) LBGs at z~6 and use a halo occupation distribution (HOD) model to measure their typical halo masses. We find that the clustering amplitude and corresponding HOD fits suggests that these sources are highly biased (b~8) objects in the densest regions of the high-redshift Universe. Coupled with the observed rapid evolution of the number density of these objects, our results suggest that the shape of high luminosity end of the luminosity function is related to feedback processes or dust obscuration in the early Universe - as opposed to a scenario where these sources are predominantly rare instances of the much more numerous M_UV ~ -19 population of galaxies caught in a particularly vigorous period of star formation. There is a slight tension between the number densities and clustering measurements, which we interpret this as a signal that a refinement of the model halo bias relation at high redshifts or the incorporation of quasi-linear effects may be needed for future attempts at modelling the clustering and number counts. Finally, the difference in number density between the fields (UltraVISTA has a surface density ~1.8 times greater than UDS) is shown to be consistent with the cosmic variance implied by the clustering measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted MNRAS 23rd March 201

    Constraints on the Spin Evolution of Young Planetary-Mass Companions

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    Surveys of young star-forming regions have discovered a growing population of planetary-mass (<13 M_Jup) companions around young stars. There is an ongoing debate as to whether these companions formed like planets (that is, from the circumstellar disk), or if they represent the low-mass tail of the star formation process. In this study we utilize high-resolution spectroscopy to measure rotation rates of three young (2-300 Myr) planetary-mass companions and combine these measurements with published rotation rates for two additional companions to provide a look at the spin distribution of these objects. We compare this distribution to complementary rotation rate measurements for six brown dwarfs with masses <20 M_Jup, and show that these distributions are indistinguishable. This suggests that either that these two populations formed via the same mechanism, or that processes regulating rotation rates are independent of formation mechanism. We find that rotation rates for both populations are well below their break-up velocities and do not evolve significantly during the first few hundred million years after the end of accretion. This suggests that rotation rates are set during late stages of accretion, possibly by interactions with a circumplanetary disk. This result has important implications for our understanding of the processes regulating the angular momentum evolution of young planetary-mass objects, and of the physics of gas accretion and disk coupling in the planetary-mass regime.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, published in Nature Astronomy, DOI:10.1038/s41550-017-0325-

    Dynamical Mass of the Young Brown Dwarf Companion PZ Tel B

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    Dynamical masses of giant planets and brown dwarfs are critical tools for empirically validating substellar evolutionary models and their underlying assumptions. We present a measurement of the dynamical mass and an updated orbit of PZ Tel B, a young brown dwarf companion orbiting a late-G member of the Ξ²\beta Pic moving group. PZ Tel A exhibits an astrometric acceleration between Hipparcos and Gaia EDR3, which enables the direct determination of the companion's mass. We have also acquired new Keck/NIRC2 adaptive optics imaging of the system, which increases the total baseline of relative astrometry to 15 years. Our joint orbit fit yields a dynamical mass of 27βˆ’9+25 MJup27^{+25}_{-9} \, M_{\mathrm{Jup}}, semi-major axis of 27βˆ’4+14 au27^{+14}_{-4} \, \mathrm{au}, eccentricity of 0.52βˆ’0.10+0.080.52^{+0.08}_{-0.10}, and inclination of 91.73βˆ’0.32+0.36∘91.73^{+0.36}_{-0.32} {}^\circ. The companion's mass is consistent within 1.1Οƒ1.1\sigma of predictions from four grids of hot-start evolutionary models. The joint orbit fit also indicates a more modest eccentricity of PZ Tel B than previous results. PZ Tel joins a small number of young (<200 Myr{<}200 \, \mathrm{Myr}) systems with benchmark substellar companions that have dynamical masses and precise ages from moving group membership.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted to A

    Planet Hunters. VIII. Characterization of 41 Long-Period Exoplanet Candidates from Kepler Archival Data

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    The census of exoplanets is incomplete for orbital distances larger than 1 AU. Here, we present 41 long-period planet candidates in 38 systems identified by Planet Hunters based on Kepler archival data (Q0–Q17). Among them, 17 exhibit only one transit, 14 have two visible transits, and 10 have more than three visible transits. For planet candidates with only one visible transit, we estimate their orbital periods based on transit duration and host star properties. The majority of the planet candidates in this work (75%) have orbital periods that correspond to distances of 1–3 AU from their host stars. We conduct follow-up imaging and spectroscopic observations to validate and characterize planet host stars. In total, we obtain adaptive optics images for 33 stars to search for possible blending sources. Six stars have stellar companions within 4''. We obtain high-resolution spectra for 6 stars to determine their physical properties. Stellar properties for other stars are obtained from the NASA Exoplanet Archive and the Kepler Stellar Catalog by Huber et al. We validate 7 planet candidates that have planet confidence over 0.997 (3Οƒ level). These validated planets include 3 single-transit planets (KIC-3558849b, KIC-5951458b, and KIC-8540376c), 3 planets with double transits (KIC-8540376b, KIC-9663113b, and KIC-10525077b), and 1 planet with four transits (KIC-5437945b). This work provides assessment regarding the existence of planets at wide separations and the associated false positive rate for transiting observation (17%–33%). More than half of the long-period planets with at least three transits in this paper exhibit transit timing variations up to 41 hr, which suggest additional components that dynamically interact with the transiting planet candidates. The nature of these components can be determined by follow-up radial velocity and transit observations
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