3 research outputs found

    Developing critical pitter thresholds for canning peaches using the nondestructive Sinclair firmness sensor

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    The rclationship bctwccn mechanical pitting damage using ihe Alias piner (Atlas Pacific Engineering Ca, l»c > Pueblo, Colorado) over a range of nondestmetive and destruciive firmness measuremems for 'Andross*, Caron and∗Roson\ and *Ros* clingsíone peaches was studied, During the two years of woifc, (he percentage of 'Aodiosa1, *Car$on\ and 'Rou' fmit wiih pitung damage increased sharply as nondestmetive firmness sensor Sinclair firmness index valúes fell below 7 0 (SFI) and \\hcn dostructive penelromeief readings fell bdow 3 S pounds (17 N) Even ihough ihere was a low correlation between nondesiruciive and desinictive firmness measuremems. nondestmetive mcasuremcnte appcar to be wcll lelated lo (he piíüng damage These preliminary results encourage ihat further research to ímprove the relationship belween an automatic nondestmetive systcm could give processors ihe opüon to segiegate peaches susceptible lo pitting prior lo processin