470 research outputs found

    Random close packing of granular matter

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    We propose an interpretation of the random close packing of granular materials as a phase transition, and discuss the possibility of experimental verification.Comment: 6 page

    Experimental investigation of continuous variable quantum teleportation

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    We report the experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation of the quadrature amplitudes of a light field. Our experiment was stably locked for long periods, and was analyzed in terms of fidelity, F; and with signal transfer, T_{q}=T^{+}+T^{-}, and noise correlation, V_{q}=V_{in|out}^{+} V_{in|out}^{-}. We observed an optimum fidelity of 0.64 +/- 0.02, T_{q}= 1.06 +/- 0.02 and V_{q} =0.96 +/- 0.10. We discuss the significance of both T_{q}>1 and V_{q}<1 and their relation to the teleportation no-cloning limit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Preparation of polarization entangled mixed states of two photons

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    We propose a scheme for preparing arbitrary two photons polarization entangled mixed states via controlled location decoherence. The scheme uses only linear optical devices and single-mode optical fibers, and may be feasible in experiment within current optical technology.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figs. The article has been rewritten. Discussion about experiment are added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Relations between entanglement, Bell-inequality violation and teleportation fidelity for the two-qubit X states

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    Based on the assumption that the receiver Bob can apply any unitary transformation, Horodecki {\it et al.} [Phys. Lett. A {\bf 222}, 21 (1996)] proved that any mixed two spin-1/2 state which violates the Bell-CHSH inequality is useful for teleportation. Here, we further show that any X state which violates the Bell-CHSH inequality can also be used for nonclassical teleportation even if Bob can only perform the identity or the Pauli rotation operations. Moreover, we showed that the maximal difference between the two average fidelities achievable via Bob's arbitrary transformations and via the sole identity or the Pauli rotation is 1/9.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in "Quantum Information Processing

    Modeling User Search Behavior for Masquerade Detection

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    Masquerade attacks are a common security problem that is a consequence of identity theft. This paper extends prior work by modeling user search behavior to detect deviations indicating a masquerade attack. We hypothesize that each individual user knows their own file system well enough to search in a limited, targeted and unique fashion in order to find information germane to their current task. Masqueraders, on the other hand, will likely not know the file system and layout of another user's desktop, and would likely search more extensively and broadly in a manner that is different than the victim user being impersonated. We identify actions linked to search and information access activities, and use them to build user models. The experimental results show that modeling search behavior reliably detects all masqueraders with a very low false positive rate of 1.1%, far better than prior published results. The limited set of features used for search behavior modeling also results in large performance gains over the same modeling techniques that use larger sets of features

    Relativistic Hydrodynamic Evolutions with Black Hole Excision

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    We present a numerical code designed to study astrophysical phenomena involving dynamical spacetimes containing black holes in the presence of relativistic hydrodynamic matter. We present evolutions of the collapse of a fluid star from the onset of collapse to the settling of the resulting black hole to a final stationary state. In order to evolve stably after the black hole forms, we excise a region inside the hole before a singularity is encountered. This excision region is introduced after the appearance of an apparent horizon, but while a significant amount of matter remains outside the hole. We test our code by evolving accurately a vacuum Schwarzschild black hole, a relativistic Bondi accretion flow onto a black hole, Oppenheimer-Snyder dust collapse, and the collapse of nonrotating and rotating stars. These systems are tracked reliably for hundreds of M following excision, where M is the mass of the black hole. We perform these tests both in axisymmetry and in full 3+1 dimensions. We then apply our code to study the effect of the stellar spin parameter J/M^2 on the final outcome of gravitational collapse of rapidly rotating n = 1 polytropes. We find that a black hole forms only if J/M^2<1, in agreement with previous simulations. When J/M^2>1, the collapsing star forms a torus which fragments into nonaxisymmetric clumps, capable of generating appreciable ``splash'' gravitational radiation.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, submitted to PR

    Improved numerical stability of stationary black hole evolution calculations

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    We experiment with modifications of the BSSN form of the Einstein field equations (a reformulation of the ADM equations) and demonstrate how these modifications affect the stability of numerical black hole evolution calculations. We use excision to evolve both non-rotating and rotating Kerr-Schild black holes in octant and equatorial symmetry, and without any symmetry assumptions, and obtain accurate and stable simulations for specific angular momenta J/M of up to about 0.9M.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 1 typo in Eq. (20) correcte

    Topological defects: A problem for cyclic universes?

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    We study the behaviour of cosmic string networks in contracting universes, and discuss some of their possible consequences. We note that there is a fundamental time asymmetry between defect network evolution for an expanding universe and a contracting universe. A string network with negligible loop production and small-scale structure will asymptotically behave during the collapse phase as a radiation fluid. In realistic networks these two effects are important, making this solution only approximate. We derive new scaling solutions describing this effect, and test them against high-resolution numerical simulations. A string network in a contracting universe, together with the gravitational radiation background it has generated, can significantly affect the dynamics of the universe both locally and globally. The network can be an important source of radiation, entropy and inhomogeneity. We discuss the possible implications of these findings for bouncing and cyclic cosmological models.Comment: 11 RevTeX 4 pages, 6 figures; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Classical capacity of quantum channels with general Markovian correlated noise

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    The classical capacity of a quantum channel with arbitrary Markovian correlated noise is evaluated. For the general case of a channel with long-term memory, which corresponds to a Markov chain which does not converge to equilibrium, the capacity is expressed in terms of the communicating classes of the Markov chain. For an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain, the channel is forgetful, and one retrieves the known expression for the capacity

    Soil penetration resistance analysis by multivariate and geostatistical methods

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    The penetration resistance (PR) is a soil attribute that allows identifies areas with restrictions due to compaction, which results in mechanical impedance for root growth and reduced crop yield. The aim of this study was to characterize the PR of an agricultural soil by geostatistical and multivariate analysis. Sampling was done randomly in 90 points up to 0.60 m depth. It was determined spatial distribution models of PR, and defined areas with mechanical impedance for roots growth. The PR showed a random distribution to 0.55 and 0.60 m depth. PR in other depths analyzed showed spatial dependence, with adjustments to exponential and spherical models. The cluster analysis that considered sampling points allowed establishing areas with compaction problem identified in the maps by kriging interpolation. The analysis with main components identified three soil layers, where the middle layer showed the highest values of PR.La resistencia a la penetración (RP) es un atributo del suelo que permite identificar zonas con restricciones debido a la compactación, que se traduce en impedancia mecánica para el desarrollo de las raíces y en una menor productividad de los cultivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar la RP de un suelo agrícola, mediante análisis geoestadístico y multivariado. El muestreo se realizó de manera aleatoria en 90 puntos, hasta una profundidad de 0,60 m. Se determinaron los modelos de distribución espacial de la RP y se delimitaron áreas con problemas de impedancia mecánica de las raíces. La RP presentó distribución aleatoria a 0,55 y 0,60 m de profundidad. La RP en las otras profundidades analizadas mostraron dependencia espacial, con ajustes a modelos exponenciales y esféricos. El análisis jerárquico que consideró puntos de muestreo, permitió establecer zonas con problemas de compactación, identificadas en los mapas obtenidos mediante interpolación por kriging. El análisis de componentes principales permitió identificar tres capas de suelo, donde la capa intermedia fue la que presentó los mayores valores de RP