13,393 research outputs found

    Propagation and secondary production of low energy antiprotons in the atmosphere

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    Current theories, in which the observed antiproton component is attributed strictly to secondary production in high energy inelastic collisions of protons with the interstellar medium or the atmosphere, apparently fail to explain the relatively high p vertical intensities measured at mountain and balloon altitudes. Therefore, a more careful calculation of the theoretical secondary intensity spectra is required before more exotic sources for these excess p's can be explored. A one dimensional diffusion equation is used to calculate the expected vertical intensity of p's due only to secondary production in the atmosphere; any assumed primary p spectrum is also included. Two adjustable parameters, the inelasticity and charge exchange in nucleon-nucleus collisions, were included in the algorithm. In order to obtain an independent estimate of their values the proton vertical intensities in the atmosphere were calculated, adjusting the parameters until the curves fit the experimental proton data, and then assumed that these values were identical in antinucleon-nucleus collisions

    Teleportation of continuous variable polarisation states

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    This paper discusses methods for the optical teleportation of continuous variable polarisation states. We show that using two pairs of entangled beams, generated using four squeezed beams, perfect teleportation of optical polarisation states can be performed. Restricting ourselves to 3 squeezed beams, we demonstrate that polarisation state teleportation can still exceed the classical limit. The 3-squeezer schemes involve either the use of quantum non-demolition measurement or biased entanglement generated from a single squeezed beam. We analyse the efficacies of these schemes in terms of fidelity, signal transfer coefficients and quantum correlations

    Finite amplitude edge waves

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    Large amplitude edge waves are shown to be modified by nonlinear effects in a way very similar to surface waves in deep water (Stokes, 1847); trapped harmonics tend to sharpen the wave crests and the natural frequency increases with wave amplitude, progressive edge waves propagating faster at large amplitude. A standing edge wave exhibits additional properties due to interaction between its two constituent progressive waves...

    Standard Model Top Quark Asymmetry at the Fermilab Tevatron

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    Top quark pair production at proton-antiproton colliders is known to exhibit a forward-backward asymmetry due to higher-order QCD effects. We explore how this asymmetry might be studied at the Fermilab Tevatron, including how the asymmetry depends on the kinematics of extra hard partons. We consider results for top quark pair events with one and two additional hard jets. We further note that a similar asymmetry, correlated with the presence of jets, arises in specific models for parton showers in Monte Carlo simulations. We conclude that the measurement of this asymmetry at the Tevatron will be challenging, but important both for our understanding of QCD and for our efforts to model it.Comment: 26 p., 10 embedded figs., comment added, version to appear in PR

    A quantum study of multi-bit phase coding for optical storage

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    We propose a scheme which encodes information in both the longitudinal and spatial transverse phases of a continuous-wave optical beam. A split detector-based interferometric scheme is then introduced to optimally detect both encoded phase signals. In contrast to present-day optical storage devices, our phase coding scheme has an information storage capacity which scales with the power of the read-out optical beam. We analyse the maximum number of encoding possibilities at the shot noise limit. In addition, we show that using squeezed light, the shot noise limit can be overcome and the number of encoding possibilities increased. We discuss a possible application of our phase coding scheme for increasing the capacities of optical storage devices.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures (Please email author for a PDF file if the manuscript does not turn out properly

    Corporate integration in the EU: Recent developments

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    Corporate integration was expected to play a central role in the process of industrial reorganisation which would follow the creation of the Single European Market. This article investigates the development of corporate integration in the EU and the likely impact of the Single European Market on the pattern of corporate integration

    Fundamental constraints on particle tracking with optical tweezers

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    A general quantum limit to the sensitivity of particle position measurements is derived following the simple principle of the Heisenberg microscope. The value of this limit is calculated for particles in the Rayleigh and Mie scattering regimes, and with parameters which are relevant to optical tweezers experiments. The minimum power required to observe the zero-point motion of a levitating bead is also calculated, with the optimal particle diameter always smaller than the wavelength. We show that recent optical tweezers experiments are within two orders of magnitude of quantum limited sensitivity, suggesting that quantum optical resources may soon play an important role in high sensitivity tracking applications

    Finite type approximations of Gibbs measures on sofic subshifts

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    Consider a H\"older continuous potential Ď•\phi defined on the full shift A^\nn, where AA is a finite alphabet. Let X\subset A^\nn be a specified sofic subshift. It is well-known that there is a unique Gibbs measure ÎĽĎ•\mu_\phi on XX associated to Ď•\phi. Besides, there is a natural nested sequence of subshifts of finite type (Xm)(X_m) converging to the sofic subshift XX. To this sequence we can associate a sequence of Gibbs measures (ÎĽĎ•m)(\mu_{\phi}^m). In this paper, we prove that these measures weakly converge at exponential speed to ÎĽĎ•\mu_\phi (in the classical distance metrizing weak topology). We also establish a strong mixing property (ensuring weak Bernoullicity) of ÎĽĎ•\mu_\phi. Finally, we prove that the measure-theoretic entropy of ÎĽĎ•m\mu_\phi^m converges to the one of ÎĽĎ•\mu_\phi exponentially fast. We indicate how to extend our results to more general subshifts and potentials. We stress that we use basic algebraic tools (contractive properties of iterated matrices) and symbolic dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Sagnac Interferometer Enhanced Particle Tracking in Optical Tweezers

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    A setup is proposed to enhance tracking of very small particles, by using optical tweezers embedded within a Sagnac interferometer. The achievable signal-to-noise ratio is shown to be enhanced over that for a standard optical tweezers setup. The enhancement factor increases asymptotically as the interferometer visibility approaches 100%, but is capped at a maximum given by the ratio of the trapping field intensity to the detector saturation threshold. For an achievable visibility of 99%, the signal-to-noise ratio is enhanced by a factor of 200, and the minimum trackable particle size is 2.4 times smaller than without the interferometer

    Continuous-Variable Spatial Entanglement for Bright Optical Beams

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    A light beam is said to be position squeezed if its position can be determined to an accuracy beyond the standard quantum limit. We identify the position and momentum observables for bright optical beams and show that position and momentum entanglement can be generated by interfering two position, or momentum, squeezed beams on a beam splitter. The position and momentum measurements of these beams can be performed using a homodyne detector with local oscillator of an appropriate transverse beam profile. We compare this form of spatial entanglement with split detection-based spatial entanglement.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR
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