17 research outputs found

    Value co-creation in healthcare: evidence from innovative therapeutic alternatives for hereditary angioedema

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    Abstract Background Our research focuses on the co-creation of value in healthcare with reference to a case of hereditary angioedema with C1 inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE). Our work is mainly based on the concept of value co-creation in healthcare. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of an alternative treatment strategy – self-administration – by focusing on treatment outcomes and costs to understand if innovative therapeutic solutions can create value for patients and healthcare systems. Methods This paper compares home-based and hospital-based therapeutic strategies (independent of treatment type) with a cost minimization analysis. It encompasses compliance issues and focuses on both payer and societal perspectives, also benefiting from an operationalization of the service-dominant logic model for healthcare delivery. Data were collected over a 6-month period (August 2014–January 2015) through monthly patient interviews. Archival data were used for variable measurement. Results Thirty-nine out of 62 patients enrolled in the study, experienced at least one HAE attacks, equally distributed between home and hospital-based strategies. No evidence of correlation between therapeutic strategy and disease severity score (p = 0.351), compliance (p = 0.399), and quality of life (p = 0.971), were found. Total direct cost per attack amounts to € 1224 for home-based strategy with respect to € 1454 for hospital-based strategy, with a savings of € 230. The economic advantage of the home-based strategy almost doubles if the societal perspective was considered due to a further savings of €169 (less missed work/school days and no travel expenses). Conclusions Our study suggests that home-based therapies represent a feasible strategy for managing C1-INH-HAE and may result in lower costs and increased value for both patients and the healthcare systems. The findings are relevant to the debate on and extend the extant literature to provide a broader view of value co-creation dynamics for home-based therapies in healthcare and their positive effects. The insights are relevant to practitioners and policy makers

    A task memory Network: approach for composite Web services selection

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    The typical activities of a Web service composition framework include : defining the structure of a composite Web service; selecting actual Web services to bind to a composite Web service; orchestrating a composite Web service execution; and handling runtime exceptions. A large body of research exists in the general area of Web services discovery, selection and composition. Generally, these approaches rely on the description of matching techniques (e. G. , whether descriptions of services and requests are compatible). Descriptions refer to meta-data such as service capabilities and non-functional properties (e. G. , quality of service properties). In this dissertation, we present an approach complementary to all classical Web service selection approaches. We first propose to add on top of Web service composition frameworks the knowledge on how the activity of Web service selection is carried out in the past. Then, to use this knowledge to improve the effectiveness of this activity. For this purpose, we introduce the concept of task memory. A task memory represents knowledge about the selected service configurations and the context in which these configurations are considered most appropriate by users. By leveraging the emerging wave of innovations in Web 2. 0 that promotes a new paradigm in which both providers and end-users (including non-expert users) can easily and freely share information and services over the Web, we introduce the concept of task forum. Essentially, a task forum provides a means to collect and share domain specific task definitions and task memories among users. This allows users to reuse and customize shared definitions instead of developing definitions of tasks from scratch. In addition, a task forum uses a publish and subscribe interaction model to support massive service selection recommendations. The techniques presented in this dissertation are implemented by reusing existing service composition techniques to support the definition and execution of composite services. A new prototype called YouMach´e is implemented to support tasks sharing and service selection using tasks forums and task memories. The implementation of this prototype relies on data services and software agentsLes activité typiques d'une structure qui réalise de la composition de services Web sont : la définition de la structure d'un service Web composite, la sélection de services Web courants à lier au service Web composite, l'orchestration de l'exécution d'un service Web composite. Beaucoup de travaux de recherche existent dans le domaine général de la découverte, sélection et composition de services Web. En général, ces approches se basent sur la description de techniques de matching. Dans cette thèse, on présente un approche qui est complémentaire à tous les approches classiques sur la sélection de services. En particulier, on propose d'ajouter la connaissance sur comment l'activité de sélection de services Web a été conduite dans le passé. Cette connaissance est utilisé pour améliorer l'efficacité de cette activité même. Pour cet objective, on définit le concept de Mémoire de la Tâche. La mémoire de la tâche représente la connaissance sur les configurations de services et le contexte dans lequel ces configurations ont été consideré s les plus approprié par les utilisateurs. En s'inspirant de la nouvelle vague apporté par le Web 2. 0 qui favorise un nouveau paradigme dans lequel les fournisseurs et les utilisateurs finals (y compris les utilisateurs pas experts) facilement et librement partagent de l'information et de services sur le Web, nous introduisons le concept de Forum de Tâches. Essentiellement, un forum de tâches ofreun moyen de collecter et partager des définitions de tâches et des mémoires de tâches, d'un domaine spécifique, entre les utilisateurs. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de réutiliser et personnaliser des définitions partagés au lieu de formuler des définitions de tâches à partir de zéro. Un nouveau prototype, appelé YouMaché, a été implémenté pour supporter le partage des tâches et la sélection de services en utilisant les forums de tâches et les mémoires de tâches. L'implémentation ce prototype s'appuie sur les données des services et des agents logiciel

    A task memory Network (approach for composite Web services selection)

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    Les activité typiques d'une structure qui réalise de la composition de services Web sont : la définition de la structure d'un service Web composite, la sélection de services Web courants à lier au service Web composite, l'orchestration de l'exécution d'un service Web composite. Beaucoup de travaux de recherche existent dans le domaine général de la découverte, sélection et composition de services Web. En général, ces approches se basent sur la description de techniques de matching. Dans cette thèse, on présente un approche qui est complémentaire à tous les approches classiques sur la sélection de services. En particulier, on propose d'ajouter la connaissance sur comment l'activité de sélection de services Web a été conduite dans le passé. Cette connaissance est utilisé pour améliorer l'efficacité de cette activité même. Pour cet objective, on définit le concept de Mémoire de la Tâche. La mémoire de la tâche représente la connaissance sur les configurations de services et le contexte dans lequel ces configurations ont été consideré s les plus approprié par les utilisateurs. En s'inspirant de la nouvelle vague apporté par le Web 2.0 qui favorise un nouveau paradigme dans lequel les fournisseurs et les utilisateurs finals (y compris les utilisateurs pas experts) facilement et librement partagent de l'information et de services sur le Web, nous introduisons le concept de Forum de Tâches. Essentiellement, un forum de tâches ofreun moyen de collecter et partager des définitions de tâches et des mémoires de tâches, d'un domaine spécifique, entre les utilisateurs. Cela permet aux utilisateurs de réutiliser et personnaliser des définitions partagés au lieu de formuler des définitions de tâches à partir de zéro. Un nouveau prototype, appelé YouMaché, a été implémenté pour supporter le partage des tâches et la sélection de services en utilisant les forums de tâches et les mémoires de tâches. L'implémentation ce prototype s'appuie sur les données des services et des agents logicielsThe typical activities of a Web service composition framework include : defining the structure of a composite Web service; selecting actual Web services to bind to a composite Web service; orchestrating a composite Web service execution; and handling runtime exceptions. A large body of research exists in the general area of Web services discovery, selection and composition. Generally, these approaches rely on the description of matching techniques (e.g., whether descriptions of services and requests are compatible). Descriptions refer to meta-data such as service capabilities and non-functional properties (e.g., quality of service properties). In this dissertation, we present an approach complementary to all classical Web service selection approaches. We first propose to add on top of Web service composition frameworks the knowledge on how the activity of Web service selection is carried out in the past. Then, to use this knowledge to improve the effectiveness of this activity. For this purpose, we introduce the concept of task memory. A task memory represents knowledge about the selected service configurations and the context in which these configurations are considered most appropriate by users. By leveraging the emerging wave of innovations in Web 2.0 that promotes a new paradigm in which both providers and end-users (including non-expert users) can easily and freely share information and services over the Web, we introduce the concept of task forum. Essentially, a task forum provides a means to collect and share domain specific task definitions and task memories among users. This allows users to reuse and customize shared definitions instead of developing definitions of tasks from scratch. In addition, a task forum uses a publish and subscribe interaction model to support massive service selection recommendations. The techniques presented in this dissertation are implemented by reusing existing service composition techniques to support the definition and execution of composite services. A new prototype called YouMach e is implemented to support tasks sharing and service selection using tasks forums and task memories. The implementation of this prototype relies on data services and software agentsLYON1-BU.Sciences (692662101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    An Immune System-Inspired Approach for Composite Web Services Reuse

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    National audienceRecently, several web services composition solutions have been proposed. However, few existing solutions address the issue of service composition reuse and specialization, i.e, how applications can be built upon existing simple or composite web services by reuse, restriction, or extension. In this paper, we introduce the concept of abstract composite web service, that can be specialized to particular concrete compositions, and that can be reused in the construction of larger or extended compositions. We propose an approach inspired by immune systems which combines structural and usage information in order to find and reify stable web services composites by an affinity maturation process.RĂ©cemment, plusieurs solutions ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es pour composer des services web. Cependant, peu de solutions connues abordent la question de la rĂ©utilisation et de la spĂ©cia-lisation d’une composition de service donnĂ©e, c.-Ă -d., comment des applications peuvent ĂŞtre rĂ©alisĂ©es par rĂ©utilisation, restriction, ou extension de services simples ou composites exis-tants. Dans cet article, nous introduisons la notion de services web composites abstraits, pouvant ĂŞtre Ă  la fois spĂ©cialisĂ©s et instanciĂ©s Ă  des compositions concrètes particulières, et rĂ©utilisĂ©s dans la construction de compositions plus complexes ou Ă©tendues. Nous proposons une approche inspirĂ©e des systèmes immunitaires, dans laquelle nous combinons des infor-mations de structure et des informations d’usage, afin de faire Ă©merger des services web composites stables par maturation d’affinitĂ©

    Réutilisation de services web composites par la métaphore du système immunitaire

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    National audienceRecently, several web services composition solutions have been proposed. However, few existing solutions address the issue of service composition reuse and specialization, i.e, how applications can be built upon existing simple or composite web services by reuse, restriction, or extension. In this paper, we introduce the concept of abstract composite web service, that can be specialized to particular concrete compositions, and that can be reused in the construction of larger or extended compositions. We propose an approach inspired by immune systems which combines structural and usage information in order to find and reify stable web services composites by an affinity maturation process.RĂ©cemment, plusieurs solutions ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es pour composer des services web. Cependant, peu de solutions connues abordent la question de la rĂ©utilisation et de la spĂ©cia-lisation d’une composition de service donnĂ©e, c.-Ă -d., comment des applications peuvent ĂŞtre rĂ©alisĂ©es par rĂ©utilisation, restriction, ou extension de services simples ou composites exis-tants. Dans cet article, nous introduisons la notion de services web composites abstraits, pouvant ĂŞtre Ă  la fois spĂ©cialisĂ©s et instanciĂ©s Ă  des compositions concrètes particulières, et rĂ©utilisĂ©s dans la construction de compositions plus complexes ou Ă©tendues. Nous proposons une approche inspirĂ©e des systèmes immunitaires, dans laquelle nous combinons des infor-mations de structure et des informations d’usage, afin de faire Ă©merger des services web composites stables par maturation d’affinitĂ©

    WS-Advisor: A Task Memory for ServiceComposition Frameworks

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    International audienceWith the proliferation of Web services, it is becomingincreasingly important to support the users in selecting themost appropriate compositions of services for a task. We proposea new service discovery and selection framework that utilises theconcept of task memories and a social network of task memories.A task memory captures the service composition history and theirmeta-data such as associated context and user rating. A networkof task memories is formed to realise an effective task memorysharing platform among the users. The service selection processrecommends combinations of services that are most appropriatein a given context by consulting the network of task memories.The continuous updates of the task memories over time will resultin more fine-tuned recommendations for composite services

    B.: WS-Advisor: A Task Memory for Service Composition Frameworks

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    Abstract — With the proliferation of Web services, it is becoming increasingly important to support the users in selecting the most appropriate compositions of services for a task. We propose a new service discovery and selection framework that utilises the concept of task memories and a social network of task memories. A task memory captures the service composition history and their meta-data such as associated context and user rating. A network of task memories is formed to realise an effective task memory sharing platform among the users. I

    Task Memories & Task Forums : A Foundation for Sharing Service-based Personal Processes

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    International audienceThe growing number of online accessible services call for effective techniques to support users in discovering, selecting, and aggregating services. We present WS-Advisor, a framework for enabling users to capture and share task memories. A task memory represents knowledge (e.g., context and user rating) about services selection history for a given task. WS-Advisor provides a declarative language that allows users to share task definitions and task memories with other users and communities. The service selection component of this framework enables a user agent to improve its service selection recommendations by leveraging task memories of other user agents with which the user share tasks in addition to the local task memories

    On Embedding Task Memory in Services Composition Frameworks

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    Abstract. With the increasing availability of Web services and adoption of services oriented paradigm, there is a growing need to dynamically compose services for realizing complex user tasks. While service composition is itself an important problem, a key issue is also how to support users in selecting the most appropriate compositions of services to fulfill a task. In existing dynamic services selection approaches, combinations of services are repeatedly discovered (e.g., using ontology-based matching techniques) and selected by users whenever needed. To improve their effectiveness, we propose a new technique that provides an efficient access to what is named a “task memory”. A task memory is used to provide users with a context-aware service selection by recommending combinations of services that are most appropriate in a given context. A task memory is formed using the service composition history and their metadata. We present an incremental approach for building the task memory in which we monitor how users use and rank the services. The continuous updates of the task memory over time will result in more fine-tuned recommendations for composite services

    Task Memories & Task Forums: A Foundation for Sharing Service-based Personal Processes

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    Abstract. The growing number of online accessible services call for effective techniques to support users in discovering, selecting, and aggregating services. We present WS-Advisor, a framework for enabling users to capture and share task memories. A task memory represents knowledge (e.g., context and user rating) about services selection history for a given task. WS-Advisor provides a declarative language that allows users to share task definitions and task memories with other users and communities. The service selection component of this framework enables a user agent to improve its service selection recommendations by leveraging task memories of other user agents with which the user share tasks in addition to the local task memories.