136 research outputs found

    The timescale for giant planet formation : constraints from the rotational evolution of exoplanet host stars

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    The timescale over which planets may form in the circumstellar disks of young stars is one of the main issues of current planetary formation models. We present here new constraints on planet formation timescales derived from the rotational evolution of exoplanet host stars.Comment: SF2A 2008, Journees de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Paris : France (2008

    The rotational evolution of young low mass stars

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    10 pagesInternational audienceStar-disk interaction is thought to drive the angular momentum evolution of young stars. In this review, I present the latest results obtained on the rotational properties of low mass and very low mass pre-main sequence stars. I discuss the evidence for extremely efficient angular momentum removal over the first few Myr of pre-main sequence evolution and describe recent results that support an accretion-driven braking mechanism. Angular momentum evolution models are presented and their implication for accretion disk lifetimes discussed

    Modeling of CoRoT and Spitzer lightcurves in NGC 2264 caused by an optically thick warp

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    Aims: We present an analysis of simultaneously observed CoRoT and Spitzer lightcurves for 44 systems in the stellar forming region NGC 2264: Mon-660, Mon-811, Mon-1140 and Mon-1308. These objects share in common a high resemblance between the optical and infrared lightcurves, such that the mechanism responsible to produce them is the same. The aim of this paper is to explain both lightcurves simultaneously with only one mechanism. Methods: We have modeled the infrared emission as coming from a warp composed of an optically thick wall and an optically thick asymmetric disk beyond this location. We have modeled the optical emission mainly by partial stellar occultation by the warp. Results: The magnitude amplitude of the CoRoT and Spitzer observations for all the objects can be described with the emission coming from the system components. The difference between them is the value of the disk flux compared with the wall flux and the azimuthal variations of the former. This result points out the importance of the hydrodynamical interaction between the stellar magnetic field and the disk. Conclusions: CoRoT and Spitzer lightcurves for the stellar systems Mon-660, Mon-811, Mon-1140 and Mon-1308 can be simultaneously explained using the emission coming from an asymmetric disk and emission with stellar occultation by an optically thick wall.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    The dipper light curve of V715 Per: is there dust in the magnetosphere?

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    The dipper optical light curves in young stellar objects are commonly interpreted as partial or total occultation of the stellar radiation by dust surrounding the star. In this work, we analyze the amplitude of the optical light curve of V715 Per, located in the young star forming region IC 348. Observations gathered over the years suggest that the light curve can be explained by dust extinction events. In our model, the dust is distributed inside the magnetosphere according to the strength of the stellar magnetic field. The dust distribution is modulated by the vertical component of the field, whose axis is misaligned with respect to the rotational axis. We include a model for the evaporation of the dust reaching the magnetosphere in order to consistently calculate its distribution. For V715 Per, there is dust in the optically thick warp at the disk truncation radius. We suggest that the optical light curve is explained by extinction caused by dust reaching inside the magnetosphere. The dust distribution is optically thin and due to the high temperature and low density, it cannot survive for a long time. However because the grains rapidly move towards the stellar surface and the sublimation is not instantaneous, there is a layer of dust covering the magnetosphere responsible for the extinction. Dust surviving the harsh conditions of the magnetospheric accretion flow may be responsible for some of the dipper light curves.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics 20 pages, 7 figure

    Rotation in NGC 2264: a study based on CoRoT photometric observations

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    Rotation is one of the key stellar parameters which undergo substantial evolution during the stellar lifetime, in particular during the early stages. Stellar rotational periods can be determined on the basis of the periodic modulation of starlight produced by non-uniformities on the surface of the stars, due to manifestation of stellar activity. We present the results of an extensive search for rotational periods among NGC 2264 cluster members, based on photometric monitoring using the CoRoT satellite, with a particular attention to the distribution of classical and weak-line T-Tauri stars. NGC 2264 is one of the nearest and best studied star forming region in the solar neighbourhood, with an estimated age of 3 Myr, and is the object of a recent simultaneous multiband campaign including a new CoRoT observation with the aim to assess the physical origin of the observed variability. We find that the rotational distributions of classical and weak-line T-Tauri star are different, suggesting a difference in the rotational properties of accreting and non-accreting stars.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    The XMM-Newton Optical Monitor Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud

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    The Optical Monitor (OM) on-board XMM-Newton obtained optical/ultraviolet data for the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (XEST), simultaneously with the X-ray detectors. With the XEST OM data, we aim to study the optical and ultraviolet properties of TMC members, and to do correlative studies between the X-ray and OM light curves. In particular, we aim to determine whether accretion plays a significant role in the optical/ultraviolet and X-ray emissions. The Neupert effect in stellar flares is also investigated. Coordinates, average count rates and magnitudes were extracted from OM images, together with light curves with low time resolution (a few kiloseconds). For a few sources, OM FAST mode data were also available, and we extracted OM light curves with high time resolution. The OM data were correlated with Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) data and with the XEST catalogue in the X-rays. The XEST OM catalogue contains 2,148 entries of which 1,893 have 2MASS counterparts. However, only 98 entries have X-ray counterparts, of which 51 of them are known TMC members and 12 additional are TMC candidates. The OM data indicate that accreting stars are statistically brighter in the U band than non-accreting stars after correction for extinction, and have U-band excesses, most likely due to accretion. The OM emission of accreting stars is variable, probably due to accretion spots, but it does not correlate with the X-ray light curve, suggesting that accretion does not contribute significantly to the X-ray emission of most accreting stars. In some cases, flares were detected in both X-ray and OM light curves and followed a Neupert effect pattern, in which the optical/ultraviolet emission precedes the X-ray emission of a flare, whereas the X-ray flux is proportional to the integral of the optical flux.Comment: Accepted by A&A, to appear in a special section/issue dedicated to the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (XEST). Version with higher resolution figures available at this http://www.issibern.ch/teams/Taurus/papers.htm
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