5 research outputs found

    A detailed mapping of hist amine H1-receptors in guinea-pig central nervous system established by autoradiography with [125I]iodobolpyramine

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    International audience[125I]Iodobolpyramine, a potent and selective histamine H1-receptor antagonist derived from mepyramine, was used to generate light microscopic autoradiograms on sections of guinea-pig brain and spinal cord. Histamine H1-receptors were labelled with high sensitivity over a low background as determined using mianserin or other H1-receptor antagonists as competing agents. An atlas of H1-receptors was established using five sagittal sections and 39 frontal sections, the latter serially prepared at 50 micron intervals. Labelled areas were identified by comparison with corresponding, classically stained sections and their density was rated according to an arbitrary scale. Autoradiographic grains were detected in a large variety of gray matter areas whereas they were generally absent from white matter areas. In the cerebral cortex, H1-receptors are present in all areas and layers with a higher density in lamina IV. In the hippocampal formation, H1-receptors display a laminated pattern of distribution and are the most abundant in the dentate gyrus (hilus and molecular layer) and in several areas of the subiculum and commissural complex. In the amygdaloid complex, the highest densities are found in the medial group of nuclei. In the basal forebrain, the striatum is moderately labelled whereas the nucleus accumbens, islands of Calleja and most septal nuclei are highly labelled. In the thalamus, H1-receptors are present in high density, particularly in the anterior, median and lateral groups of nuclei. In the hypothalamus the labelling is highly heterogeneous with high densities in, for example, medial preoptic area, dorsomedial, ventromedial and most posterior nuclei, including the tuberomammillary complex in which histaminergic perikarya and short axons are present.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Detailed mapping of the histamine H2 receptor and its gene transcripts in guinea-pig brain

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    International audienceAutoradiographic studies of the distribution of the histamine H2 receptor and its messenger RNAs were performed on serial frontal and a few sagittal sections of guinea-pig brain using [(125)I]iodoaminopotentidine for radioligand binding and a 33P-labelled complementary RNA probe for in situ hybridization, respectively. Both probes were validated by assessing non-specific labelling using non-radioactive competing H2 receptor ligands and a sense probe for binding sites and gene transcripts, respectively. In some areas, e.g., cerebral cortex, hippocampal complex or cerebellum, such studies were completed by identification of neurons expressing the H2 receptor messenger RNAs on emulsion-dipped sections. Nissl-stained sections from comparable levels were used to localize brain structures. In many brain areas, the distribution of the H2 receptor and its messenger RNAs appeared to parallel that known for histaminergic axons. For instance. high levels of both H2 receptor markers were detected in striatal and limbic areas known to receive abundant histaminergic projections. In contrast, in septum, hypothalamic, pontine and several thalamic nuclei, a comparatively low density of both H2 receptor markers was detected, suggesting that histamine actions in these areas are mediated by H1 and/or H3 receptors. Generally, the distribution of H2 receptor messenger RNA correlates well with that of [(125)I]iodoaminopotentidine binding sites, although some differences were observed. In a few regions (e.g., substantia nigra, locus coeruleus) high or moderate densities of binding sites were accompanied by a much more restricted expression of H2 receptor transcripts. Conversely, the mammillary region and the pontine nucleus exhibited higher levels of hybridization than of binding sites. In hippocampus, cerebral and cerebellar cortex there was a selective localization of the H2 receptor messenger RNA in the granule cells of dentate gyrus, pyramidal cells of the Ammon's horn and cerebral cortex, and Purkinje cells of cerebellum, whereas [(125)I]iodoaminopotentidine binding sites were located in layers where the dendritic trees of these messenger RNA-expressing neurons extend. The same discrepancy between messenger RNAs and binding sites suggests that striatonigral endings are endowed with the H2 receptor. The histamine H1 and H2 receptors both appear to be present in several brain areas, in some cases in a way suggesting their potential co-expression by the same neuronal populations, e.g., in granule and pyramidal cells in the hippocampal formation. This co-expression accounts for synergic responses, e.g., on cAMP generation, previously observed upon co-stimulation of both receptor subtypes. The widespread distribution of the H2 receptor, namely in thalamic nuclei or in telencephalic areas such as most layers of the cerebral cortex, together with its excitatory role previously established in electrophysiological studies, support its alleged function in mediating the histamine-driven control of arousal mechanisms. In addition, the detection of H2 receptor expression in brainstem areas from which other monoaminergic pathways involved in the control of states of sleep and wakefulness emanate, e.g., several raphe nuclei, locus coeruleus or substantia innominata, suggests possible interrelationships between all of these systems with highly divergent projections to the thalamus and telencephalon. The present mapping of the H2 receptor and its gene transcripts should facilitate neurochemical, neurophysiological and behavioural studies aimed at clarifying the role of histaminergic systems in brain

    Dopamine Receptor Alternative Splicing

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