5,125 research outputs found

    Intra-cavitary uterine pathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding: a prospective study of 1220 women.

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    OBJECTIVES: Our primary aim was to assess how patients characteristics, bleeding pattern, sonographic endometrial thickness (ET) and additional features at unenhanced ultrasound examination (UTVS) and at fluid instillation sonography (FIS) contribute to the diagnosis of intracavitary uterine pathology in women presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). We further aimed to report the prevalence of pathology in women presenting with AUB. METHODS: 1220 consecutive women presenting with AUB underwent UTVS, colour Doppler imaging (CDI) and FIS. Most women (n = 1042) had histological diagnosis. RESULTS: Mean age was 50 years and 37% were postmenopausal. Of 1220 women 54% were normal, polyps were diagnosed in 26%, intracavitary fibroids in 11%, hyperplasia without atypia in 4% and cancer in 3%. All cancers were diagnosed in postmenopausal (7%) or perimenopausal (1%) women. ET had a low predictive value in premenopausal women (LR+ and LR- of 1.34 and 0.74, respectively), while FIS had a LR+ and LR- of 6.20 and 0.24, respectively. After menopause, ET outperformed all patient characteristics for the prediction of endometrial pathology (LR+ and LR- of 3.13 and 0.24). The corresponding LR+ and LR- were 10.85 and 0.71 for CDI and 8.23 and 0.26 for FIS. CONCLUSION: About half of the women presenting to a bleeding clinic will have pathology. In premenopausal women, benign lesions are often the cause of AUB. For the prediction of intracavitary pathology ET is of little value in premenopausal women. CDI and FIS substantially improve the diagnostic accuracy

    An unusual cause of shoulder pain: undisplaced Salter-Harris type I fracture of the coracoid process.

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    Obesity development during psychotropic treatments represents a major health issue in psychiatry. Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 2 (MCHR2) is a central receptor involved in energy homeostasis. MCHR2 shares its promoter region with MCHR2-AS1, a long antisense non-coding RNA. The aim of this study was to determine whether tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs) of MCHR2 and MCHR2-AS1 are associated with the body mass index (BMI) in the psychiatric and in the general population. The influence of MCHR2 and MCHR2-AS1 tSNPs on BMI was firstly investigated in a discovery psychiatric sample (n1 = 474). Positive results were tested for replication in two other psychiatric samples (n2 = 164, n3 = 178) and in two population-based samples (CoLaus, n4 = 5409; GIANT, n5 = 113809). In the discovery sample, TT carriers of rs7754794C>T had 1.08 kg/m2 (p = 0.04) lower BMI as compared to C-allele carriers. This observation was replicated in an independent psychiatric sample (-2.18 kg/m2; p = 0.009). The association of rs7754794C>T and BMI seemed stronger in subjects younger than 45 years (median of age). In the population-based sample, a moderate association was observed (-0.17 kg/m2; p = 0.02) among younger individuals (<45y). Interestingly, this association was totally driven by patients meeting lifetime criteria for atypical depression, i.e. major depressive episodes characterized by symptoms such as an increased appetite. Indeed, patients with atypical depression carrying rs7754794-TT had 1.17 kg/m2 (p = 0.04) lower BMI values as compared to C-allele carriers, the effect being stronger in younger individuals (-2.50 kg/m2; p = 0.03; interaction between rs7754794 and age: p-value = 0.08). This study provides new insights on the possible influence of MCHR2 and/or MCHR2-AS1 on obesity in psychiatric patients and on the pathophysiology of atypical depression

    What qualities in a potential HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis service are valued by black men who have sex with men in London? A qualitative acceptability study.

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    Black men who have sex with men (BMSM) have higher HIV incidence and prevalence when compared to other MSM, despite similar levels of condom use and testing. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) could be a useful intervention to reduce these inequalities. This research therefore aims to understand the dimensions of acceptability of a potential PrEP service for BMSM aged 18-45 years in London. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 PrEP-eligible BMSM between April and August 2016. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, then subject to a thematic framework analysis, informed by intersectionality theory. BMSM had distinct preferences for sexual health services, which have implications for PrEP service development. Three primary domains emerged in our analysis: proximity and anonymity; quality, efficiency and reassurance; and understanding, empathy and identity. These relate, respectively, to preferences regarding clinic location and divisions from community, features of service delivery and staff characteristics. Due to concerns about confidentiality, community-based services may not be useful for this group. Careful consideration in regards to components used in service development will facilitate ongoing engagement. Interpersonal skills of staff are central to service acceptability, particularly when staff are perceived to be from similar cultural backgrounds as their patients

    Supporting local students. An evaluation of the Office for Students Challenge Competition: Industrial strategy and skills support for local students and graduates'

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    This paper explores the image of the OfS' funding competition for universities and colleges looking for innovative ways to help students find graduate-level employment close to home. Universities, colleges and employers are found to be taking steps to provide students with skills and knowledge to enhance their employability in their local areas, with 89 per cent of student participants positive about their engagement. The evaluation shows that 89 per cent of student or graduate participants were positive about their participation and 87 per cent of employers participating in the programme reported that their participation had brought value to their business. Through the projects, students have gained confidence in their ability to pursue their desired career, developed clarity of career intention, employability technical skills, and an understanding of local labour markets. Employers found that the project improved recruitment processes supporting graduate applicants from diverse backgrounds and improved awareness of the value of employing graduates. The project also improved market insights, particularly relating to young people’s perspectives and interests, and created new skills leading to business improvements, notably technical and digital skills

    Water: a neglected nutrient in the young child? A South African perspective

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    Water is considered an essential nutrient because the body cannot produce enough water itself, by metabolism of food, to fulfil its need.When the quantity or quality of water is inadequate, health problems result, most notably dehydration and diarrhoea. As a result of contaminated water and poor hygiene, related infections are still a serious problem. Indeed, in the South African setting water availability and sanitation are critical issues because of the prevalence of childhood diarrhoea and also the HIV/AIDS crisis.Though considerable efforts have been made to improve the water and sanitation problems in South Africa – especially with regard to water supply infrastructure – there is still room for much improvement.Water is a healthy alternative to calorie-dense, non-nutritive beverages, such as artificial fruit drinks and soda. The latter should be avoided as they contribute little other than energy and may contribute to overweight and obesity.Also, they displace more nutritious foods from the child’s diet. Consumption of fruit juice should also be limited. These issues highlight the need for a specific guideline relating to water intake in the paediatric food-based dietary guidelines

    T-PHOT version 2.0: improved algorithms for background subtraction, local convolution, kernel registration, and new options

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    We present the new release v2.0 of T-PHOT, a publicly available software package developed to perform PSF-matched, prior-based, multiwavelength deconfusion photometry of extragalactic fields. New features included in the code are presented and discussed: background estimation, fitting using position dependent kernels, flux prioring, diagnostical statistics on the residual image, exclusion of selected sources from the model and residual images, individual registration of fitted objects. These new options improve on the performance of the code, allowing for more accurate results and providing useful aids for diagnostics.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Where does the black population of South Africa stand on the nutrition transition?

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    OBJECTIVE: To review data on selected risk factors related to the emergence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the black population of South Africa. METHODS: Data from existing literature on South African blacks were reviewed with an emphasis placed on changes in diet and the emergence of obesity and related NCDs. DESIGN: Review and analysis of secondary data over time relating to diet, physical activity and obesity and relevant to nutrition-related NCDs. SETTINGS: Urban, peri-urban and rural areas of South Africa. National prevalence data are also included. SUBJECTS: Black adults over the age of 15 years were examined. RESULTS: Shifts in dietary intake, to a less prudent pattern, are occurring with apparent increasing momentum, particularly among blacks, who constitute three-quarters of the population. Data have shown that among urban blacks, fat intakes have increased from 16.4% to 26.2% of total energy (a relative increase of 59.7%), while carbohydrate intakes have decreased from 69.3% to 61.7% of total energy (a relative decrease of 10.9%) in the past 50 years. Shifts towards the Western diet are apparent among rural African dwellers as well. The South African Demographic and Health Survey conducted in 1998 revealed that 31.8% of African women (over the age of 15 years) were obese (body mass index (BMI) > or = 30kg m(-2)) and that a further 26.7% were overweight (BMI > or = 25 to <30 kg m(-2)). The obesity prevalence among men of the same age was 6.0%, with 19.4% being overweight. The national prevalence of hypertension in blacks was 24.4%, using the cut-off point of 140/90 mmHg. There are limited data on the population's physical activity patterns. However, the effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic will become increasingly important. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing emergence of NCDs in black South Africans, compounded by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, presents a complex picture for health workers and policy makers. Increasing emphasis needs to be placed on healthy lifestyles

    Effect of a weightlifting belt on spinal shrinkage

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    Spinal loading during weightlifting results in a loss of stature which has been attributed to a decrease in height of the intervertebral discs - so-called 'spinal shrinkage'. Belts are often used during the lifting of heavy weights, purportedly to support, stabilize and thereby attenuate the load on the spine. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a standard weightlifting belt in attenuating spinal shrinkage. Eight male subjects with a mean age of 24.8 years performed two sequences of circuit weight-training, one without a belt and on a separate occasion with a belt. The circuit training regimen consisted of six common weight-training exercises. These were performed in three sets of ten with a change of exercise after each set of ten repetitions. A stadiometer sensitive to within 0.01 mm was used to record alterations in stature. Measurements of stature were taken before and after completion of the circuit. The absolute visual analogue scale (AVAS) was used to measure the discomfort and pain intensity resulting from each of the two conditions. The circuit weight-training caused stature losses of 3.59mm without the belt and 2.87mm with the belt (P>0.05). The subjects complained of significantly less discomfort when the belt was worn (P<0.05). The degree of shrinkage was significantly correlated (r=0.752, P<0.05) with perceived discomfort but only when the belt was not worn. These results suggest the potential benefits of wearing a weightlifting belt and support the hypothesis that the belt can help in stabilizing the trunk