31 research outputs found

    Turbulent pair dispersion as a ballistic cascade phenomenology

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    Since the pioneering work of Richardson in 1926, later refined by Batchelor and Obukhov in 1950, it is predicted that the rate of separation of pairs of fluid elements in turbulent flows with initial separation at inertial scales, grows ballistically first (Batchelor regime), before undergoing a transition towards a super-diffusive regime where the mean-square separation grows as t^3 (Richardson regime). Richardson empirically interpreted this super-diffusive regime in terms of a non-Fickian process with a scale dependent diffusion coefficient (the celebrated Richardson's "4/3rd" law). However, the actual physical mechanism at the origin of such a scale dependent diffusion coefficient remains unclear. The present article proposes a simple physical phenomenology for the time evolution of the mean square relative separation in turbulent flows, based on a scale dependent ballistic scenario rather than a scale dependent diffusive. This phenomenology accurately retrieves most of the known features of relative dispersion ; among others : (i) it is quantitatively consistent with recent numerical simulations and experiments (both for the short term Batchelor regime and the long term Richardson regime, and for all initial separations at inertial scales), (ii) it gives a simple physical explanation of the origin of the super diffusive t^3 Richardson regime which naturally builts itself as an iterative process of elementary short-term-scale-dependent ballistic steps, (iii) it shows that the Richardson constant is directly related to the Kolmogorov constant (and eventually to a ballistic persistence parameter) and (iv) in a further extension of the phenomenology, taking into account third order corrections, it robustly describes the temporal asymmetry between forward and backward dispersion, with an explicit connection to the cascade of energy flux across scales

    Preferential concentration of inertial sub-kolmogorov particles. The roles of mass loading of particles, Stokes and Reynolds numbers

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    Turbulent flows laden with inertial particles present multiple open questions and are a subject of great interest in current research. Due to their higher density compared to the carrier fluid, inertial particles tend to form high concentration regions, i.e. clusters, and low concentration regions, i.e. voids, due to the interaction with the turbulence. In this work, we present an experimental investigation of the clustering phenomenon of heavy sub-Kolmogorov particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows. Three control parameters have been varied over significant ranges: Reλ∈[170−450]Re_{\lambda} \in [170 - 450], St∈[0.1−5]St\in [0.1 - 5] and volume fraction ϕv∈[2×10−6−2×10−5]\phi_v\in [2\times 10^{-6} - 2\times 10^{-5}]. The scaling of clustering characteristics, such as the distribution of Vorono\"i areas and the dimensions of cluster and void regions, with the three parameters are discussed. In particular, for the polydispersed size distributions considered here, clustering is found to be enhanced strongly (quasi-linearly) by ReλRe_{\lambda} and noticeably (with a square-root dependency) with ϕv\phi_v, while the cluster and void sizes, scaled with the Kolmogorov lengthscale η\eta, are driven primarily by ReλRe_{\lambda}. Cluster length ⟨Ac⟩\sqrt{\langle A_c \rangle} scales up to ≈100η\approx 100 {\eta}, measured at the highest ReλRe_{\lambda}, while void length ⟨Av⟩\sqrt{\langle A_v \rangle} scaled also with η\eta is typically two times larger (≈200η\approx 200 {\eta}). The lack of sensitivity of the above characteristics to the Stokes number lends support to the "sweep-stick" particle accumulation scenario. The non-negligible influence of the volume fraction, however, is not considered by that model and can be connected with collective effects

    Do finite size neutrally buoyant particles cluster?

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    We investigate the preferential concentration of particles which are neutrally buoyant but with a diameter significantly larger than the dissipation scale of the carrier flow. Such particles are known not to behave as flow tracers (Qureshi et al., Phys. Re. Lett. 2007) but whether they do cluster or not remains an open question. For this purpose, we take advantage of a new turbulence generating apparatus, the Lagrangian Exploration Module which produces homogeneous and isotropic turbulence in a closed water flow. The flow is seeded with neutrally buoyant particles with diameter 700\mum, corresponding to 4.4 to 17 times the turbulent dissipation scale when the rotation frequency of the impellers driving the flow goes from 2 Hz to 12 Hz, and spanning a range of Stokes numbers from 1.6 to 24.2. The spatial structuration of these inclusions is then investigated by a Voronoi tesselation analysis, as recently proposed by Monchaux et al. (Phys. Fluids 2010), from images of particle concentration field taken in a laser sheet at the center of the flow. No matter the rotating frequency and subsequently the Reynolds and Stokes numbers, the particles are found not to cluster. The Stokes number by itself is therefore shown to be an insufficient indicator of the clustering trend in particles laden flows

    Large spheres motion in a non homogeneous turbulent flow

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    We investigate the dynamics of very large particles freely advected in a turbulent von Karman flow. Contrary to other experiments for which the particle dynamics is generally studied near the geometrical center of the flow, we track the particles in the whole experiment volume. We observe a strong influence of the mean structure of the flow that generates an unexpected large-scale sampling effect for the larger particles studied; contrary to neutrally buoyant particles of smaller yet finite sizes that exhibit no preferential concentration in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence (Fiabane et al., Phys. Rev. E 86(3), 2012). We find that particles whose diameter approaches the flow integral length scale explore the von Karman flow non-uniformly, with a higher probability to move in the vicinity of two tori situated near the poloidal neutral lines. This preferential sampling is quite robust with respect to changes of any varied parameters: Reynolds number, particle density and particle surface roughness

    Acceleration statistics of finite-sized particles in turbulent flow: the role of Faxen forces

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    The dynamics of particles in turbulence when the particle-size is larger than the dissipative scale of the carrier flow is studied. Recent experiments have highlighted signatures of particles finiteness on their statistical properties, namely a decrease of their acceleration variance, an increase of correlation times -at increasing the particles size- and an independence of the probability density function of the acceleration once normalized to their variance. These effects are not captured by point particle models. By means of a detailed comparison between numerical simulations and experimental data, we show that a more accurate model is obtained once Faxen corrections are included.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Tracking the dynamics of translation and absolute orientation of a sphere in a turbulent flow

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    We study the 6-dimensional dynamics -- position and orientation -- of a large sphere advected by a turbulent flow. The movement of the sphere is recorded with 2 high-speed cameras. Its orientation is tracked using a novel, efficient algorithm; it is based on the identification of possible orientation `candidates' at each time step, with the dynamics later obtained from maximization of a likelihood function. Analysis of the resulting linear and angular velocities and accelerations reveal a surprising intermittency for an object whose size lies in the integral range, close to the integral scale of the underlying turbulent flow

    Rotational intermittency and turbulence induced lift experienced by large particles in a turbulent flow

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    The motion of a large, neutrally buoyant, particle, freely advected by a turbulent flow is determined experimentally. We demonstrate that both the translational and angular accelerations exhibit very wide probability distributions, a manifestation of intermittency. The orientation of the angular velocity with respect to the trajectory, as well as the translational acceleration conditioned on the spinning velocity provide evidence of a lift force acting on the particle.Comment: 4 page, 4 figure