664 research outputs found

    Conditional Haar measures on classical compact groups

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    We give a probabilistic proof of the Weyl integration formula on U(n), the unitary group with dimension nn. This relies on a suitable definition of Haar measures conditioned to the existence of a stable subspace with any given dimension pp. The developed method leads to the following result: for this conditional measure, writing ZU(p)Z_U^{(p)} for the first nonzero derivative of the characteristic polynomial at 1, ZU(p)p!=law=1np(1X),\frac{Z_U^{(p)}}{p!}\stackrel{\mathrm{law}}{=}\prod_{\ell =1}^{n-p}(1-X_{\ell}), the XX_{\ell}'s being explicit independent random variables. This implies a central limit theorem for logZU(p)\log Z_U^{(p)} and asymptotics for the density of ZU(p)Z_U^{(p)} near 0. Similar limit theorems are given for the orthogonal and symplectic groups, relying on results of Killip and Nenciu.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOP443 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Strong Szego asymptotics and zeros of the zeta function

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    Assuming the Riemann hypothesis, we prove the weak convergence of linear statistics of the zeros of L-functions towards a Gaussian field, with covariance structure corresponding to the \HH^{1/2}-norm of the test functions. For this purpose, we obtain an approximate form of the explicit formula, relying on Selberg's smoothed expression for ζ/ζ\zeta'/\zeta and the Helffer-Sj\"ostrand functional calculus. Our main result is an analogue of the strong Szeg{\H o} theorem, known for Toeplitz operators and random matrix theory

    Extreme gaps between eigenvalues of random matrices

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    This paper studies the extreme gaps between eigenvalues of random matrices. We give the joint limiting law of the smallest gaps for Haar-distributed unitary matrices and matrices from the Gaussian unitary ensemble. In particular, the kth smallest gap, normalized by a factor n4/3n^{-4/3}, has a limiting density proportional to x3k1ex3x^{3k-1}e^{-x^3}. Concerning the largest gaps, normalized by n/lognn/\sqrt{\log n}, they converge in Lp{\mathrm{L}}^p to a constant for all p>0p>0. These results are compared with the extreme gaps between zeros of the Riemann zeta function.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP710 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Circular Jacobi Ensembles and deformed Verblunsky coefficients

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    Using the spectral theory of unitary operators and the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, we propose a simple matrix model for the following circular analogue of the Jacobi ensemble: c_{\delta,\beta}^{(n)} \prod_{1\leq k with δ>1/2\Re \delta > -1/2. If ee is a cyclic vector for a unitary n×nn\times n matrix UU, the spectral measure of the pair (U,e)(U,e) is well parameterized by its Verblunsky coefficients (α0,...,αn1)(\alpha_0, ..., \alpha_{n-1}). We introduce here a deformation (γ0,>...,γn1)(\gamma_0, >..., \gamma_{n-1}) of these coefficients so that the associated Hessenberg matrix (called GGT) can be decomposed into a product r(γ0)...r(γn1)r(\gamma_0)... r(\gamma_{n-1}) of elementary reflections parameterized by these coefficients. If γ0,...,γn1\gamma_0, ..., \gamma_{n-1} are independent random variables with some remarkable distributions, then the eigenvalues of the GGT matrix follow the circular Jacobi distribution above. These deformed Verblunsky coefficients also allow to prove that, in the regime δ=δ(n)\delta = \delta(n) with \delta(n)/n \to \dd, the spectral measure and the empirical spectral distribution weakly converge to an explicit nontrivial probability measure supported by an arc of the unit circle. We also prove the large deviations for the empirical spectral distribution.Comment: New section on large deviations for the empirical spectral distribution, Corrected value for the limiting free energ