337 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) has traditionally been considered an autoimmune inflammatory disorder leading to demyelination and clinical debilitation as evidenced by our current standard anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive treatment regimens. While these approaches do control the frequency of clinical relapses, they do not prevent the progressive functional decline that plagues many people with MS. Many avenues of research indicate that a neurodegenerative process may also play a significant role in MS from the early stages of disease, and one of the current hypotheses identifies mitochondrial dysfunction as a key contributing mechanism. We have hypothesized that pathological permeability transition pore (PTP) opening mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and calcium dysregulation is central to mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration in MS. This focused review highlights recent evidence supporting this hypothesis, with particular emphasis on our in vitro and in vivo work with the mitochondria-targeted redox enzyme p66ShcA

    New oral disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis

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    Several promising, oral disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis are currently being evaluated in clinical trials. The arrival of effective oral agents for multiple sclerosis will be a major advance in the global effort to alter the natural history of this chronic disease

    Factors Influencing Migration, Occupational Choice, and Educational Aspirations of Rural Youth

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    Vaporwave: tempo e espaço na arte digital

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    A internet alterou a maneira como os indivíduos se relacionam com o passado, presente e futuro. Por ser um marco na era informacional, analisar as expressões artísticas advindas desse lugar tornou-se uma das possibilidades para entender a sociedade no momento atual. Com essa intenção, abordaremos o Vaporwave, movimento artístico online que, através de sons e imagens cotidianos evoca a nostalgia, sentimento que parece guiar o imaginário cultural da contemporaneidade. Por sua vez, o mallsoft, vertente do Vaporwave, levanta reflexões sobre o capitalismo tardio, através da reprodução de sons ambientes, como muzaks e sons de passos e conversas entreouvidas, sonoridades típicas de templos do consumo. Conceitos fundamentais, como a modernidade líquida (Zygmunt Bauman) e o pastiche (Fredric Jameson) serão aprofundados, além da sociedade em rede para o sociólogo Manuel Castells, o não-lugar para o antropólogo Marc Augé e a heterotopia para o filósofo Michel Foucault

    Relationships Between Purpose in Life and Longitudinal Variables in a College Environment

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    Raul córdula: 30 anos de pintura - de olho no mundo a sublime re-construção do olhar

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    This study which is both descriptive and explanatory aims at a critical view of the work of Raul Córdula, a fine artist born in Brazilian state of Paraíba. Specially marked by a combination of geometrical as well as gesture signs, Córdula's work has given shape to an unique world of figures and forms in the domain of fine arts. The methodology employed includes critical notes on the artistic trend named "Nova Objetividade", the formal abstraction prevailing in the fine arts of the 60's, besides transcripts of personal interviews with Raul Córdula conducted by the Authoress. By relating archaic signs, as those found in the inscriptions of Pedra do Ingá, to both geometrical and abstract ones, Córaula's technical devices and concious artistry confront the onlooker with an intriguing affinity between the ancient and the new. This Dissertation seeks to demonstrate the relevance of Córdula's artistic work, and also suggests that such work is a distinctive feature of fine arts in Brazil.Estudo descritivo, explicativo e crítico da obra plástica de Raul Córdula, artista plástico paraibano, cuja pintura dá forma a um universo único de signos geométricos e gestuais, expresso em figuras. A metodologia utilizada reúne notas críticas acerca do movimento artístico "Nova Objetividade", a abstração informal dos anos 60 e entrevistas, realizadas pela Autora com o artista. A obra de Raul Córdula relaciona signos arcaicos, tais como os encontrados nas inscrições da Pedra do Ingá, a signos geométricos e abstratos, propondo ao observador uma intrigante afinidade entre o antigo e o moderno. Esta Dissertação de Mestrado pretende demonstrar a relevância da obra de Raul Córdula, ao considerá-la um marco da arte brasileira