2,783 research outputs found

    Magnetoresistance and Hall effect in e-doped superconducting SrLaCuO thin films

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    We have epitaxially grown c-axis oriented SrxLa1-xCuO2 thin films by rf sputtering on KTaO3 substrates with x = 0.12. The as-grown deposits are insulating and a series of superconducting films with various Tc(R=0) up to 26 K have been obtained by in-situ oxygen reduction. Transport measurements in the ab plane of these samples have been undertaken. We report original results on the temperature dependence of the Hall effect and on the anisotropic magnetoresistance (T > Tc). We discuss the magnitude of upper critical fields and anisotropy, the Hall effect, which presents changes of sign indicative of the existence of two types of carriers, the normal state magnetoresistance, negative in parallel magnetic field, a possible signature of spin scattering. These properties are compared to those of hole-doped cuprates, such as BiSr(La)CuO with comparable Tc.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Proceedings of LT25, Journal of Physics : Conference Serie

    Penetration depth of electron-doped-infinite-layer Sr0.88_{0.88}La0.12_{0.12}CuO2+x_{2+x} thin films

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    The in-plane penetration depth of Sr0.88_{0.88}La0.12_{0.12}CuO2+x_{2+x} thin films at various doping obtained from oxygen reduction has been measured, using AC susceptibility measurements. For the higher doping samples, the superfluid density deviates strongly from the s-wave behavior, suggesting, in analogy with other electron-doped cuprates, a contribution from a nodal hole pocket, or a small gap on the Fermi surface such as an anisotropic s-wave order parameter. The low value of the superfluid densities, likely due to a strong doping-induced disorder, places the superconducting transition of our samples in the phase-fluctuation regime

    Non-stationary Rayleigh-Taylor instability in supernovae ejecta

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    The Rayleigh-Taylor instability plays an important role in the dynamics of several astronomical objects, in particular, in supernovae (SN) evolution. In this paper we develop an analytical approach to study the stability analysis of spherical expansion of the SN ejecta by using a special transformation in the co-moving coordinate frame. We first study a non-stationary spherical expansion of a gas shell under the pressure of a central source. Then we analyze its stability with respect to a no radial, non spherically symmetric perturbation of the of the shell. We consider the case where the polytropic constant of the SN shell is γ=5/3\gamma=5/3 and we examine the evolution of a arbitrary shell perturbation. The dispersion relation is derived. The growth rate of the perturbation is found and its temporal and spatial evolution is discussed. The stability domain depends on the ejecta shell thickness, its acceleration, and the perturbation wavelength.Comment: 16 page

    Specific heat of MgB_2 after irradiation

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    We studied the effect of disorder on the superconducting properties of polycrystalline MgB_2 by specific-heat measurements. In the pristine state, these measurements give a bulk confirmation of the presence of two superconducting gaps with 2 Delta 0 / k_B T_c = 1.3 and 3.9 with nearly equal weights. The scattering introduced by irradiation suppresses T_c and tends to average the two gaps although less than predicted by theory. We also found that by a suitable irradiation process by fast neutrons, a substantial bulk increase of dH_{c2}/dT at T_c can be obtained without sacrificing more than a few degrees in T_c. The upper critical field of the sample after irradiation exceeds 28 T at T goes to 0 K.Comment: 11 pages text, 6 figures, accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Doping dependent evolution of magnetism and superconductivity in Eu1-xKxFe2As2 (x = 0-1) and temperature dependence of lower critical field Hc1

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    We have synthesized the polycrystalline samples of Eu1-xKxFe2As2 (x = 0-1) and carried out systematic characterization using x-ray diffraction, ac & dc magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity measurements. We have seen a clear signature of the coexistence of superconducting transition (Tc = 5.5 K) with SDW ordering in our under doped sample viz. x = 0.15. The spin density wave transition observed in EuFe2As2 get completely suppressed at x = 0.3 and superconductivity arises below 20 K. Superconducting transition temperature Tc increases with increase in K content and a maximum Tc = 33 K is reached for x = 0.5, beyond which it decreases again. The doping dependent T(x) phase diagram is extracted from the magnetic and electrical transport data. It is found that magnetic ordering of Eu-moments coexists with superconductivity up to x = 0.6. The isothermal magnetization data taken at 2 K for the doped samples suggest 2+ valence states of Eu ions. We also present the temperature dependence of the lower critical field Hc1 of superconducting polycrystalline samples. The value of Hc1(0) obtained for x = 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 after taking the demagnetization factor into account is 248, 385, and 250 Oe, respectively. The London penetration depth {\lambda}(T) calculated from the lower critical field does not show exponential behaviour at low temperature, as would be expected for a fully gapped clean s-wave superconductor. In contrast, it shows a T2 power-law feature down to T = 0.4 Tc, as observed in Ba1-xKxFe2As2 and BaFe2-xCoxAs2.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    High-Tech Kit—The set of advanced activities from the MOSEM project

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    One of the most tangible outcomes of the MOSEM (Minds-On experimental equipment kits in Superconductivity and ElectroMagnetism for the continuing vocational training of upper secondary school physics teachers—LLPLdV-TOI-2007-NO/165.009) project is the set of advanced experiments—High-Tech Kit (HTK). The Kit contains the experiments, prototyped and tested among the project partners’ schools and teacher training institutions. The activities are combined with e-modules comprising videos, animations, and modeling as well as with new support material for teachers and teacher seminars. The paper briefly shows some of the HTK materials as appropriate use of real and virtual multimedia in physics teaching and learning. The authors discuss the process of setting up same of the experiments and illustrate activities with the results of measurements obtained within

    Transition Spectra for a BCS Superconductor with Multiple Gaps: Model Calculations for MgB_2

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    We analyze the qualitative features in the transition spectra of a model superconductor with multiple energy gaps, using a simple extension of the Mattis-Bardeen expression for probes with case I and case II coherence factors. At temperature T = 0, the far infrared absorption edge is, as expected, determined by the smallest gap. However, the large thermal background may mask this edge at finite temperatures and instead the secondary absorption edges found at Delta_i+Delta_j may become most prominent. At finite T, if certain interband matrix elements are large, there may also be absorption peaks at the gap difference frequencies | Delta_i-Delta_j | . We discuss the effect of sample quality on the measured spectra and the possible relation of these predictions to the recent infrared absorption measurement on MgB_2

    Thermal conductivity of MgB2_{2} in the superconducting state

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    We present thermal conductivity measurements on very pure and dense bulk samples, as indicated by residual resistivity values as low as 0.5 mW cm and thermal conductivity values higher than 200 W/mK. In the normal state we found that the Wiedemann Franz law, in its generalized form, works well suggesting that phonons do not contribute to the heat transport. The thermal conductivity in the superconducting state has been analysed by using a two-gap model. Thank to the large gap anisotropy we were able to evaluate quantitatively intraband scattering relaxation times of π\pi and σ\sigma bands, which depend on the disorder in different way; namely, as the disorder increases, it reduces more effectively the relaxation times of π\pi than of σ\sigma bands, as suggested by a recent calculation [1].Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Independent determination of the two gaps by directional point-contact spectroscopy in MgB_2 single crystals

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    Directional point-contact spectroscopy measurements were performed for the first time in state-of-the-art MgB_2 single crystals. The selective suppression of the superconductivity in the "pi" band by means of a suitable magnetic field allowed separating the partial contribution of each band to the total point-contact conductance. By fitting the partial conductance curves sigma_sigma(V) and sigma_pi(V), we got an independent determination of the two gaps, Delta_sigma and Delta_pi, with a strong reduction of the experimental uncertainty. Their temperature dependence was found to agree well with the predictions of the two-band models for MgB_2.Comment: 6 pages, 4 eps figures. References added, abstract rewritten, text slightly changed. Proceedings of the BOROMAG Conference, June 17-19, Genoa, Ital
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