2 research outputs found

    Integrating 3D Printing Technologies into Architectural Education as Design Tools

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    3D printing technology offers the chance to produce very small-scale, complex forms that could help to improve educational materials for architectural design. In this age of technological advances, architectural education needs to integrate modern teaching methods that could enhance students’ visual perception. This research thus examined the impact of computational design modeling and 3D printing technology on the spatial cognition of architecture students. It starts with the premise that the use of the 3D printed models will support design logic and improve the deep understanding of spatial perception among students. Thirty architecture students were asked about a designed project realized for the purpose of this study. They were presented both a project designed via computer modeling software and a printed model of the same project. The outcomes indicate that the use of 3D printing gave better results in the development of students’ spatial abilities. The findings also confirm that adopting this technology in the development of teaching tools will enhance students’ spatial perception and extend beyond the seamless materialization of the digital model which can continuously inform design ideation through emerging perception qualities

    Fırst Tıme Users' Perceptıon Dependıng On The Spatıal Qualıty At The Entrance Halls Of Unıversıty Buıldıngs

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    Bir ortamın mekânsal niteliği şüphesiz ki kullanıcıların görsel algısını ve memnuniyetini olumlu ya da olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu araştırma, üniversite yapısı giriş hollerinde, mekânı ilk kez kullanan öğrencilerin mekânsal niteliğe bağlı olarak görsel algısı üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Giriş holü, üniversite binasını ilk kez deneyimleyen öğrencilerin stres yaşamamaları açısından, ilk izlenim olarak tanıdık, samimi ve sıcak hissetmeleri gereken bir ortam olmalıdır. Tez çalışması, yurt içi ve yurt dışı üniversitelerde farklı karakterlere sahip giriş hollerine odaklanmaktadır. Mimari kimliğin, üniversitenin/fakültenin içeriğine bağlı olarak farklılaştığı düşünülmektedir. Eğitim ortamlarındaki mekânsal nitelik üzerine yapılan literatür araştırması yanısıra, bazı örneklerin giriş holleri yerinde deneyimlenilmiş, bazıları ise deneysel çalışma gerçekleştirilerek (TOBB Üniversitesi ve İpek Üniversitesi) ilk kullanıcı yorumları ile değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar; İpek Üniversitesi'nde kontrollü ışıklandırma sisteminin yanı sıra, uygun renk ve dokudaki ev gibi ve samimi iç mekânların, mekânı ilk kez kullananlar tarafından pozitif yorumlandığını, fakat TOBB Üniversitesi mühendislik öğrencileri tarafından mekanik ve metalik görünümün tercih edilebileceğini göstermiştir.Spatial quality of an environment undoubtedly affects the users' visual perception and their wellbeing either positively or negatively. This research focuses on the visual perception of the first time users at university entrance halls with different spatial qualities. The entrance hall is one of the primary university building's environments where first time users should feel familiar, friendly and cozy as a first impression. The thesis focuses on entrance halls with different characteristics in domestic and foreign universities. As believed architectural identity differs depending on the content of the university / faculty. In addition to the literature survey on the spatial characteristics of educational settings, some of the examples have been experienced in place and some of them have been evaluated by first user comments (TOBB University and İpek University) by conducting an experimental study. Results clarified that controlled lighting system, as well as small and house like, cozy interiors with appropriate color and texture have been interpreted positively by the first time users of İpek University, however TOBB University engineering students could have preferred mechanical and metallic look