16 research outputs found

    How are you coping?:Stress, coping, burnout, and aggression in forensic mental healthcare workers

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    IntroductionPerceived stress at work has been linked to several adverse outcomes in workers, including increased risk of burnout and aggression (e.g., anger and irritability). However, much remains unknown about factors that might mitigate the negative influences of perceived stress on workers' well-being. This study focusses on coping as a possible protective factor against perceived stress and its consequences in forensic mental healthcare workers. We aimed to identify which higher-order coping factors were present in this worker sample and to investigate whether these coping factors modify the associations between perceived stress and burnout or aggression.MethodsFor this observational survey study, 116 forensic mental healthcare workers completed questionnaires assessing changes in work situation since the start of COVID-19, perceived stress, coping, burnout symptoms, and aggression.ResultsResults from principal component analysis indicated that four higher-order coping factors could be distinguished: social support and emotional coping, positive cognitive restructuring, problem-focused coping, and passive coping. Higher perceived stress levels were associated with higher levels of both burnout and aggression in workers. Problem-focused coping was associated with less burnout symptoms in workers. Furthermore, positive cognitive restructuring was associated with less aggression in workers.DiscussionIn conclusion, problem-focused coping and positive cognitive restructuring may protect workers against burnout symptoms and aggression and these results may inform future studies on preventive interventions aimed at promoting worker's well-being

    The Importance of Systematically Reporting and Reflecting on eHealth Development:Participatory Development Process of a Virtual Reality Application for Forensic Mental Health Care

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    Background: The use of electronic health (eHealth) technologies in practice often is lower than expected, mostly because there is no optimal fit among a technology, the characteristics of prospective users, and their context. To improve this fit, a thorough systematic development process is recommended. However, more knowledge about suitable development methods is necessary to create a tool kit that guides researchers in choosing development methods that are appropriate for their context and users. In addition, there is a need for reflection on the existing frameworks for eHealth development to be able to constantly improve them. Objective: The two main objectives of this case study were to present and reflect on the (1) methods used in the development process of a virtual reality application for forensic mental health care and (2) development model that was used: the CeHRes Roadmap (the Centre for eHealth Research Roadmap). Methods: In the development process, multiple methods were used to operationalize the first 2 phases of the CeHRes Roadmap: the contextual inquiry and value specification. To summarize the most relevant information for the goals of this study, the following information was extracted per method: (1) research goal, (2) explanation of the method used, (3) main results, (4) main conclusions, and (5) lessons learned about the method. Results: Information on 10 methods used is presented in a structured manner. These 10 methods were stakeholder identification, project team composition, focus groups, literature study, semistructured interviews, idea generation with scenarios, Web-based questionnaire, value specification, idea generation with prototyping, and a second round of interviews. The lessons learned showed that although each method added new insights to the development process, not every method appeared to be the most appropriate for each research goal. Conclusions: Reflection on the methods used pointed out that brief methods with concrete examples or scenarios fit the forensic psychiatric patients the best, among other things, because of difficulties with abstract reasoning and low motivation to invest much time in participating in research. Formulating clear research questions based on a model's underlying principles and composing a multidisciplinary project team with prospective end users appeared to be important in this study. The research questions supported the project team in keeping the complex development processes structured and prevented tunnel vision. With regard to the CeHRes Roadmap, continuous stakeholder involvement and formative evaluations were evaluated as strong points. A suggestion to further improve the Roadmap is to explicitly integrate the use of domain-specific theories and models. To create a tool kit with a broad range of methods for eHealth development and further improve development models, studies that report and reflect on development processes in a consistent and structured manner are needed

    Integrating People, Context, and Technology in the Implementation of a Web-Based Intervention in Forensic Mental Health Care:Mixed-Methods Study

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    BACKGROUND: While eMental health interventions can have many potential benefits for mental health care, implementation outcomes are often disappointing. In order to improve these outcomes, there is a need for a better understanding of complex, dynamic interactions between a broad range of implementation-related factors. These interactions and processes should be studied holistically, paying attention to factors related to context, technology, and people. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this mixed-method study was to holistically evaluate the implementation strategies and outcomes of an eMental health intervention in an organization for forensic mental health care. METHODS: First, desk research was performed on 18 documents on the implementation process. Second, the intervention's use by 721 patients and 172 therapists was analyzed via log data. Third, semistructured interviews were conducted with all 18 therapists of one outpatient clinic to identify broad factors that influence implementation outcomes. The interviews were analyzed via a combination of deductive analysis using the nonadoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, and sustainability framework and inductive, open coding. RESULTS: The timeline generated via desk research showed that implementation strategies focused on technical skills training of therapists. Log data analyses demonstrated that 1019 modules were started, and 18.65% (721/3865) of patients of the forensic hospital started at least one module. Of these patients, 18.0% (130/721) completed at least one module. Of the therapists using the module, 54.1% (93/172 sent at least one feedback message to a patient. The median number of feedback messages sent per therapist was 1, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 460. Interviews showed that therapists did not always introduce the intervention to patients and using the intervention was not part of their daily routine. Also, therapists indicated patients often did not have the required conscientiousness and literacy levels. Furthermore, they had mixed opinions about the design of the intervention. Important organization-related factors were the need for more support and better integration in organizational structures. Finally, therapists stated that despite its current low use, the intervention had the potential to improve the quality of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Synthesis of different types of data showed that implementation outcomes were mostly disappointing. Implementation strategies focused on technical training of therapists, while little attention was paid to changes in the organization, design of the technology, and patient awareness. A more holistic approach toward implementation strategies-with more attention to the organization, patients, technology, and training therapists-might have resulted in better implementation outcomes. Overall, adaptivity appears to be an important concept in eHealth implementation: a technology should be easily adaptable to an individual patient, therapists should be trained to deal flexibly with an eMental health intervention in their treatment, and organizations should adapt their implementation strategies and structures to embed a new eHealth intervention

    Identifying the Added Value of Virtual Reality for Treatment in Forensic Mental Health: A Scenario-Based, Qualitative Approach

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    Background: Although literature and practice underline the potential of virtual reality (VR) for forensic mental healthcare, studies that explore why and in what way VR can be of added value for treatment of forensic psychiatric patients is lacking.Goals: This study aimed to identify (1) points of improvements in existing forensic mental health treatment of in- and outpatients, (2) possible ways of using VR that can improve current treatment, and (3) positive and negative aspects of the use of VR for the current treatment according to patients and therapists.Methods: Two scenario-based methods were used. First, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight therapists and three patients to elicit scenarios from them. Based on these results, six scenarios about possibilities for using VR in treatment were created and presented to 89 therapists and 19 patients in an online questionnaire. The qualitative data from both methods were coded independently by two researchers, using the method of constant comparison.Results: In the interviews, six main codes with accompanying sub codes emerged. Ideas for improvement of treatment were grouped around the unique characteristics of the forensic setting, characteristics of the complex patient population, and characteristics of the type of treatment. For possibilities of VR, main codes were skills training with interaction, observation of situations or stimuli without interaction, and creating insight for others into the patient. The questionnaire resulted in a broad range of insights into potential positive and negative aspects of VR related to the current treatment, the patient, the content of a VR application, and practical matters.Conclusion: VR offers a broad range of possibilities for forensic mental health. Examples are offering training of behavioral and cognitive skills in a realistic context to bridge the gap between a therapy room and the real world, increasing treatment motivation, being able to adapt a VR application to individual patients, and providing therapists with new insights into a patient. These findings can be used to ground the development of new VR applications. Nevertheless, we should remain critical of when in the treatment process and for whom VR could be of added value

    Sensory processing and alcohol use in adults with autism spectrum disorder

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    The association between substance use and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is complex. Although sensory processing difficulties are highly prevalent in individuals with ASD, data on the association between sensory processing and substance use in ASD are limited. This study aimed to investigate the association between sensory processing patterns and alcohol use in adults with ASD. Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed on questionnaire data (Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile and Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Consumption) of 101 adults with ASD. Sensory processing difficulties are associated with alcohol use in adults with ASD. Differences in sensory processing between alcohol-based subgroups vary per specific sensory processing pattern: drinkers reported 6.5 to 8 points higher levels of low registration [χ 2(2) = 12.408, p = .002, 99 % CI (.002.002)], non-hazardous drinkers reported 9 points higher levels of sensory sensitivity [χ 2(2) = 6.868, p = .031, 99 % CI (.031, .032)], and hazardous drinkers reported 7.5 points higher levels of sensory seeking [χ 2(2) = 6.698, p = .034, 99 % CI (.034, .035)], all in comparison with non-drinkers on scales ranging from 15 to 75. Our proof-of-concept study indicates that vulnerability in some individuals with ASD for substance use disorders might be explained by sensory processing difficulties. Whether alcohol is used as 'self-medication' or is associated with other neurobiological vulnerabilities needs further investigation in larger follow-up studies. </p

    Violent women:A multicentre study into gender differences in forensic psychiatric patients

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    To gain insight into the relatively small, but increasing group of women in forensic psychiatry, a retrospective multicentre study was started gathering information from the files of 275 female patients of four Dutch forensic psychiatric hospitals on characteristics and violence risk factors. Overall, a picture emerged of severely traumatized women with complex psychopathology with multiple previous treatment failures and many incidents during treatment. The present study investigates specific psychiatric and criminal characteristics of female patients by comparing their data to those of 275 male forensic psychiatric patients. Various prominent differences were found, for example, women had more complex histories of victimization, were more often diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, were more likely to commit homicide and arson and less likely to commit sexual offenses, and were more often involved in inpatient aggression than their male counterparts. Several recommendations for gender-responsive treatment and directions for future research are provided

    eHealth in Treatment of Offenders in Forensic Mental Health: A Review of the Current State

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    BackgroundTreatment of offenders in forensic mental health is complex. Often, these in- or outpatients have low treatment motivation, suffer from multiple disorders, and have poor literacy skills. eHealth may be able to improve treatment outcomes because of its potential to increase motivation and engagement, and it can overcome the predominant one-size-fits-all approach by being tailored to individual patients.ObjectiveTo examine its potential, this systematic review studies the way that eHealth has been used and studied in forensic mental health and identifies accompanying advantages and disadvantages for both patients and treatment, including effectiveness.MethodsA systematic search in Scopus, PsycINFO, and Web of Science was performed up until December 2017. Studies were included if they focused on technological interventions to improve the treatment of forensic psychiatric patients.ResultsThe search resulted in 50 studies in which eHealth was used for treatment purposes. Multiple types of studies and technologies were identified, such as virtual reality, web-based interventions, and videoconferencing. The results confirmed the benefits of technology, for example, the acquisition of unique information about offenders, effectiveness, and tailoring to specific characteristics, but indicated that these are not fully taken advantage of.DiscussionTo overcome the barriers and obtain the benefits, eHealth has to have a good fit with patients and the forensic psychiatric context. It has to be seamlessly integrated in existing care and should not be added as an isolated element. To bridge the gap between the current situation and eHealth’s potential, further research on development, implementation, and evaluation should be conducted

    A Mobile Self-control Training App to Improve Self-control and Physical Activity in People With Severe Mental Illness: Protocol for 2 Single-Case Experimental Designs

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    BACKGROUND: Lack of physical activity is a common issue with detrimental consequences for the health of people with severe mental illness (SMI). Existing physical activity interventions show suboptimal effects as they require substantial cognitive skills, including goal setting and writing, whereas cognitive deficits are common in this population. To bolster the effectiveness of physical activity interventions, self-control training (SCT), in which users practice the ability to override unwanted thoughts and behaviors, can be used in addition. Recent research has demonstrated the initial effectiveness of a mobile SCT app, but this has not been studied in psychiatric clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate to what extent adding a mobile SCT app designed for and with people with SMI to a mobile lifestyle intervention aimed at increasing physical activity increases physical activity and self-control levels. METHODS: A mixed methods approach incorporating 2 single-case experimental designs (SCEDs) and qualitative interviews was used to evaluate and optimize SCT. Overall, 12 participants with SMI will be recruited from 2 organizations offering outpatient and inpatient care to people with SMI. Each experiment will include 6 patients. SCED I is a concurrent multiple-baseline design across participants that explores initial effectiveness and optimal intervention duration. Using accelerometry and experience sampling questionnaires, participants' physical activity and self-control will be monitored for ≥5 days from baseline, followed by the sequential introduction of Google Fit, the physical activity intervention, for 7 days and the addition of SCIPP: Self-Control Intervention App for 28 days. SCED II is an introduction/withdrawal design in which optimized SCT will be introduced and withdrawn to validate the findings from SCED I. In both experiments, the daily average of total activity counts per hour and the state level of self-control will serve as the primary and secondary outcome measures. Data will be analyzed using visual analysis and piecewise linear regression models. RESULTS: The study was designated as not subject to the Dutch Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act by the Medical Research Ethical Committee Oost-Nederland and approved by the Ethics Committee/domain Humanities and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Behavioural, Management, and Social Sciences at the University of Twente. Participant recruitment started in January 2022, and we expect to publish the results in early 2023. CONCLUSIONS: The mobile SCT app is expected to be feasible and effective. It is self-paced and scalable and can increase patient motivation, making it a suitable intervention for people with SMI. SCED is a relatively novel yet promising method for gaining insights into whether and how mobile apps work that can handle heterogeneous samples and makes it possible to involve a diverse population with SMI without having to include a large number of participants. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): PRR1-10.2196/37727