1,091 research outputs found

    Some Interesting Properties of Field theories with an Infinite Number of Fields

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    We give an indication that gravity coupled to an infinite number of fields might be a renormalizable theory. A toy model with an infinite number of interacting fermions in four-dimentional space-time is analyzed. The model is finite at any order in perturbation theory. However, perturbation theory is valid only for external momenta smaller than λ−12\lambda ^{-\frac{1}{2}} , where λ\lambda is the coupling constant.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Gravity from self-interaction redux

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    I correct some recent misunderstandings about, and amplify some details of, an old explicit non-geometrical derivation of GR.Comment: Final, amplified, published version; GRG (2009

    Necessary Dependence of Currents on Fields They Generate

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    It is shown that in local (proper) Lorentz-invariant theories involving axial-vector, or tensor currents (conserved or not), the latter must vanish, if they commute at equal times with the fields they generate. The need for explicit field dependence of currents is demonstrated for gradient-coupled spinless and massive spin-one fields, as well as for electrodynamics with minimal or nonminimal coupling. The field-dependence requirement is distinct from that (already needed for free fields) of "spreading points" to make the current operators well-defined. The relation between the two, however, essentially fixes the form of this dependence. Applications are made to partially conserved currents, ∂_ÎŒ^ÎŒ = αϕ; if j^0 commutes with ϕ, the latter vanishes

    Charged gravitational instantons in five-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell theory

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    We study a solution of the Einstein-Gauus-Bonnet theory in 5 dimensions coupled to a Maxwell field, whose euclidean continuation gives rise to an instanton describing black hole pair production. We also discuss the dual theory with a 3-form field coupled to gravity.Comment: 8 pages, plain Te

    Causal Structure of Vacuum Solutions to Conformal(Weyl) Gravity

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    Using Penrose diagrams the causal structure of the static spherically symmetric vacuum solution to conformal (Weyl) gravity is investigated. A striking aspect of the solution is an unexpected physical singularity at r=0r=0 caused by a linear term in the metric. We explain how to calculate the deflection of light in coordinates where the metric is manifestly conformal to flat i.e. in coordinates where light moves in straight lines.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, title and abstract changed, contents essentially unaltered accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    On the variable-charged black holes embedded into de Sitter space: Hawking's radiation

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    In this paper we study the Hawking evaporation of masses of variable-charged Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Newman, black holes embedded into the de Sitter universe by considering the charge to be function of radial coordinate of the spherically symmetric metric.Comment: LaTex, p. 2

    Brane Cosmology from Heterotic String Theory

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    We consider brane cosmologies within the context of five-dimensional actions with O(a') higher curvature corrections. The actions are compatible with bulk string amplitude calculations from heterotic string theory. We find wrapped solutions that satisfy the field equations in an approximate but acceptable manner given their complexity, where the internal four-dimensional scale factor is naturally inflating, having an exponential De-Sitter form. The temporal dependence of the metric components is non-trivial so that this metric cannot be factored as in a conformally flat case. The effective Planck mass is finite and the brane solutions localize four-dimensional gravity, while the four-dimensional gravitational constant varies with time. The Hubble constant can be freely specified through the initial value of the scalar field, to conform with recent data.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, Accepted for Publication in IJT

    Consistency of Semiclassical Gravity

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    We discuss some subtleties which arise in the semiclassical approximation to quantum gravity. We show that integrability conditions prevent the existence of Tomonaga-Schwinger time functions on the space of three-metrics but admit them on superspace. The concept of semiclassical time is carefully examined. We point out that central charges in the matter sector spoil the consistency of the semiclassical approximation unless the full quantum theory of gravity and matter is anomaly-free. We finally discuss consequences of these considerations for quantum field theory in flat spacetime, but with arbitrary foliations.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX, Report Freiburg THEP-94/2

    On the instability of classical dynamics in theories with higher derivatives

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    The development of instability in the dynamics of theories with higher derivatives is traced in detail in the framework of the Pais-Uhlenbeck fourth oder oscillator. For this aim the external friction force is introduced in the model and the relevant solutions to equations of motion are investigated. As a result, the physical implication of the energy unboundness from below in theories under consideration is revealed.Comment: 9 pages, no figures and no tables, revtex4; a few misprints are correcte

    Implications of the Partial Width Z->bb for Supersymmetry Searches and Model-Building

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    Assuming that the actual values of the top quark mass at FNAL and of the ratio of partial widths Z->bb/Z->hadrons at LEP are within their current one-sigma reported ranges, we present a No-Lose Theorem for superpartner searches at LEP II and an upgraded Tevatron. We impose only two theoretical assumptions: the Lagrangian is that of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with arbitrary soft-breaking terms, and all couplings remain perturbative up to scales of order 10^16 GeV; there are no assumptions about the soft SUSY breaking parameters, proton decay, cosmology, etc. In particular, if the LEP and FNAL values hold up and supersymmetry is responsible for the discrepancy with the SM prediction of the partial width of Z->bb, then we must have charginos and/or top squarks observable at the upgraded machines. Furthermore, little deviation from the SM is predicted within "super-unified" SUSY. Finally, it appears to be extremely difficult to find any unified MSSM model, regardless of the form of soft SUSY breaking, that can explain the partial width for large tan(beta); in particular, no model with top-bottom-tau Yukawa coupling unification appears to be consistent with the experiments.Comment: 15 pages, University of Michigan preprint UM-TH-94-23. LaTeX file with 4 uuencoded figures sent separately. Compressed PS file (114Kb) available by anonymous FTP from in /pub/preprints/UM-TH-94-23.ps.
