3 research outputs found

    Formation musculosquelettique par les physiothérapeutes: une approche innovante pour enseigner les techniques d’évaluation musculosquelettique aux étudiants en médecine

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    Implication Statement We developed physiotherapist-led interprofessional (IP) workshops for medical students each dedicated to a specific anatomical region. The workshops alternated between theoretical presentations from a physiotherapist about basic musculoskeletal (MSK) assessment techniques and hands-on practice in small groups with feedback from Master’s-level physiotherapy students (MPT). The workshops created an optimal IP learning environment where medical students can learn MSK assessment techniques and MPTs can apply their knowledge and clinical skills. Academic institutions with physiotherapy and medical programs seeking to develop IP learning activities should foster opportunities for IP collaboration between physiotherapy and undergraduate medical education.Énoncé des implications de la recherche Nous avons créé, à l’intention des étudiants en médecine, des ateliers interprofessionnels (IP) dirigés par un physiothérapeute, chacun axé sur une région anatomique spécifique, , . Des ateliers théoriques sur les méthodes d’évaluation de base de l’appareil musculo-squelettique (MS) sont donnés en alternance avec des travaux pratiques en petits groupes, lors desquels des étudiants à la maîtrise en physiothérapie (M. Pht.) offrent une rétroaction aux participants. Les ateliers fournissent un environnement optimal pour l’apprentissage IP qui permet aux étudiants en médecine de se familiariser avec les méthodes d’évaluation de l’appareil MS, et aux étudiants M. Pht. d’appliquer leurs connaissances et leurs habiletés cliniques. Les établissements d’éducation offrant des programmes de physiothérapie et de médecine de premier cycle qui cherchent à mettre en place des activités d’apprentissage IP devraient favoriser la collaboration entre ces deux programmes

    Rare Disease Interest Group (rareDIG) at McGill University: A Medical Education Pilot Project

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    One in 12 Canadians have a rare disease, yet medical education continues to espouse Dr. Woodward’s aphorism “when you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebras.” This produces physician attitudes which are deleterious to the care of people with rare diseases. The McGill University Rare Disease Interest Group (rareDIG) has created programming which sensitizes medical students to the extent and reality of rare diseases.rareDIG helps them to develop attitudes and approaches which shorten the diagnostic odyssey and improve care of people with rare diseases. Success stems from drawing attention to the realities of rare disease through direct patient interaction, creating a strong social media presence, and building collaborations with rare disease advocacy groups and networks. Our inaugural Rare Disease Day event was attended by over 100 attendees including medical students, patients and their families, and a variety of health professionals.Other successes include a Patient Perspective Series addressing the holistic approach to rare disease, shadowing opportunities, “n = rare” journal clubs, and a “Humans of Rare Disease” advocacy project. Medical students represent an important cohort to target with rare disease awareness campaigns that has largely been overlooked by current advocacy efforts. By exposing medical students early in their education to the realities of rare diseases, student-run interest groups can improve medical students’ understanding and perception of rare diseases and ultimately improve patient care in the future. rareDIG strives to continue achieving its objectives in rare disease education and aide other medical schools in creating their own rare disease student groups.

    Physiotherapist-led musculoskeletal education: an innovative approach to teach medical students musculoskeletal assessment techniques

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    Implication Statement: We developed physiotherapist-led interprofessional (IP) workshops for medical students each dedicated to a specific anatomical region. The workshops alternated between theoretical presentations from a physiotherapist about basic musculoskeletal (MSK) assessment techniques and hands-on practice in small groups with feedback from Master’s-level physiotherapy students (MPT). The workshops created an optimal IP learning environment where medical students can learn MSK assessment techniques and MPTs can apply their knowledge and clinical skills. Academic institutions with physiotherapy and medical programs seeking to develop IP learning activities should foster opportunities for IP collaboration between physiotherapy and undergraduate medical education.Énoncé des implications de la recherche : Nous avons créé, à l’intention des étudiants en médecine, des ateliers interprofessionnels (IP) dirigés par un physiothérapeute, chacun axé sur une région anatomique spécifique . Des ateliers théoriques sur les méthodes d’évaluation de base de l’appareil musculo-squelettique (MS) sont donnés en alternance avec des travaux pratiques en petits groupes, lors desquels des étudiants à la maîtrise en physiothérapie (M. Pht.) offrent une rétroaction aux participants. Les ateliers fournissent un environnement optimal pour l’apprentissage IP qui permet aux étudiants en médecine de se familiariser avec les méthodes d’évaluation de l’appareil MS, et aux étudiants M. Pht. d’appliquer leurs connaissances et leurs habiletés cliniques. Les établissements d’éducation offrant des programmes de physiothérapie et de médecine de premier cycle qui cherchent à mettre en place des activités d’apprentissage IP devraient favoriser la collaboration entre ces deux programmes