31 research outputs found

    Planning in Decentralized POMDPs with Predictive Policy Representations

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    We discuss the problem of policy representation in stochastic and partially observable systems, and address the case where the policy is a hidden parameter of the planning problem. We propose an adaptation of the Predictive State Representations (PSRs) to this problem by introducing tests (sequences of actions and observations) on policies. The new model, called the Predictive Policy Representations (PPRs), is potentially more compact than the other representations, such as decision trees or Finite-State Controllers (FSCs). In this paper, we show how PPRs can be used to improve the performances of a point-based algorithm for DEC-POMDP

    A Predictive Model for Imitation Learning in Partially Observable Environments

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    Learning by imitation has shown to be a powerful paradigm for automated learning in autonomous robots. This paper presents a general framework of learning by imitation for stochastic and partially observable systems. The model is a Predictive Policy Representation (PPR) whose goal is to represent the teacher‘s policies without any reference to states. The model is fully described in terms of actions and observations only. We show how this model can efficiently learn the personal behavior and preferences of an assistive robot user

    JMLR: W&CP

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    We consider the problem of imitation learning where the examples, demonstrated by an expert, cover only a small part of a large state space. Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) provides an efficient tool for generalizing the demonstration, based on the assumption that the expert is optimally acting in a Markov Decision Process (MDP). Most of the past work on IRL requires that a (near)-optimal policy can be computed for different reward functions. However, this requirement can hardly be satisfied in systems with a large, or continuous, state space. In this paper, we propose a model-free IRL algorithm, where the relative entropy between the empirical distribution of the state-action trajectories under a uniform policy and their distribution under the learned policy is minimized by stochastic gradient descent. We compare this new approach to well-known IRL algorithms using approximate MDP models. Empirical results on simulated car racing, gridworld and ball-in-a-cup problems show that our approach is able to learn good policies from a small number of demonstrations

    Policy Transfer in Apprenticeship Learning

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    Competition and Coordination in Stochastic Games

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    Agent competition and coordination are two classical and most important tasks in multiagent systems. In recent years, there was a number of learning algorithms proposed to resolve such type of problems. Among them, there is an important class of algorithms, called adaptive learning algorithms, that were shown to be able to converge in self-play to a solution in a wide variety of the repeated matrix games. Although certain algorithms of this class, such as Infinitesimal Gradient Ascent (IGA), Policy Hill-Climbing (PHC) and Adaptive Play Q-learning (APQ), have been catholically studied in the recent literature, a question of how these algorithms perform versus each other in general form stochastic games is remaining little-studied. In this work we are trying to answer this question. To do that, we analyse these algorithms in detail and give a comparative analysis of their behavior on a set of competition and coordination stochastic games. Also, we introduce a new multiagent learning algorithm, called ModIGA. This is an extension of the IGA algorithm, which is able to estimate the strategy of its opponents in the cases when they do not explicitly play mixed strategies (e.g., APQ) and which can be applied to the games with more than two actions

    Les Représentations Prédictives des États et des Politiques

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    Nous proposons dans cet article une nouvelle approche pour représenter les politiques (stratégies) dans les environnements stochastiques et partiellement observables. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux systèmes multi-agents, où chaque agent connaît uniquement ses propres politiques, et doit choisir la meilleure parmi elles selon son état de croyance sur les politiques du reste des agents. Notre modèle utilise moins de paramètres que les méthodes de représentation usuelles, telles que les arbres de décision ou les contrôleurs d’états finis stochastiques, permettant ainsi une accélération des algorithmes de planification. Nous montrons aussi comment ce modèle peut être utilisé efficacement dans le cas de la planification multiagents coopérative et sans communication, les résultats empiriques sont comparés avec le modèle DEC-POMDP (Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process)

    Model-free Inverse Reinforcement Learning

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    Apprenticeship Learning with Few Examples

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    We consider the problem of imitation learning when the examples, provided by an expert human, are scarce. Apprenticeship Learning via Inverse Reinforcement Learning provides an efficient tool for generalizing the examples, based on the assumption that the expert’s policy maximizes a value function, which is a linear combination of state and action features. Most apprenticeship learning algorithms use only simple empirical averages of the features in the demonstrations as a statistics of the expert’s policy. However, this method is efficient only when the number of examples is sufficiently large to cover most of the states, or the dynamics of the system is nearly deterministic. In this article, we show that the quality of the learned policies is sensitive to the error in estimating the averages of the features when the dynamics of the system is stochastic. To reduce this error, we introduce two new approaches for bootstrapping the demonstrations by assuming that the expert is near-optimal and the dynamics of the system is known. In the first approach, the expert’s examples are used to learn a reward function and to generate furthermore examples from the corresponding optimal policy. The second approach uses a transfer technique, known as graph homomorphism, in order to generalize the expert’s actions to unvisited regions of the state space. Empirical results on simulated robot navigation problems show that our approach is able to learn sufficiently good policies from a significantly small number of examples